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Pemetaan Parameter Oseanografi Kawasan Budidaya Rumput Laut di Perairan Kadia Liya Kabupaten Wakatobi Alim Setiawan; Ihsan; Edyar Simon
AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN ) Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55340/aqmj.v8i2.1120


Kadia Liya is one of the seaweed-producing areas in Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Seaweed farming activities in this area continue to grow. The development of aquaculture activities continues to grow because it is influenced by fairly good water conditions. Remote sensing mapping technology is the best alternative for monitoring the condition of oceanographic parameters on a regional scale. This study aims to map oceanographic parameters including salinity, dissolved oxygen, and acidity in the Kadia Liya seaweed cultivation area, Wakatobi Regency, sampling has been carried out at 20 station points spread across the cultivation area. The satellite imagery used is the Sentinel-2A satellite imagery. The method used in data processing is the interpolation method used, namely Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) using the ArcGIS 10.8 application. The results of observations of water conditions include salinity with a range between 30.3 - 37.1 per mile (‰), dissolved oxygen (DO) which is 4.7 mg / l - 9.5 mg / l, and acidity (pH) which is 6.0 - 8.5. In general, the condition of oceanographic parameters such as salinity, dissolved oxygen, and acidity at the research site is still relatively suitable for seaweed cultivation activities.
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - April 2024
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v8i2.19480


The trap used by the Lantebung community to catch crabs is a type of folding trap that is triangular with a frame made of iron and can be folded.  The problem with using this trap is that it often catches small crabs (the carapace width <6cm) with very low economic value and mostly thrown away. The high intensity of the small crab utilization will threaten the crab’s sustainability. It is, therefore, necessary to transfer technology to obtain an environmentally friendly folding trap by providing an escape gap for small crab size.  This PKM aimed to apply a friendly use folding trap technology for fishermen in Lantebung Village. The benefits of applying this friendly use folding trap technology a positive changes habitual from fishermen, an increase in income for fishermen’s families, and a sustainable management of crab resources in nature. The Community Service Activities (PKM) were carried out actively through counseling and demonstrations by fully involving the target audiences starting from counseling, implementation, and assistance in the field. The results of the PKM activity showed that there has been a change in behavior and an increase in knowledge of the target audiences, especially the suitable catch size for the crab.     The trap evaluation results showed that the traps with escape gaps (B1) caught fewer juvenile crabs when compared to those without escape gaps. Therefore, the B1 traps can be used properly, and by the achievement of crab size targets.  ---  Bubu yang digunakan masyarakat Lantebung untuk menangkap rajungan adalah jenis bubu lipat yang berbentuk segitiga dengan rangka terbuat dari besi dan dapat dilipat Permasalahan dalam pemanfaatan alat tangkap bubu ini sering menangkap juga kepiting rajungan berukuran kecil (lebar karapaks <6cm)) yang belum memiliki nilai ekonomis dan dibuang begitu saja. Intensitas pemanfaatan rajungan yang tinggi akan mengancam kelestarian kepiting rajungan, untuk itu diperlukan transfer teknologi untuk mendapatkan alat bubu lipat yang ramah lingkungan dengan memberikan celah pelolosan. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah untuk menerapkan teknologi alat tangkap bubu lipat yang ramah lingkungan bagi nelayan di Desa Lantebung. Manfaat dari penerapan teknologi alat tangkap bubu lipat ramah lingkungan ini adalah agar terjadi perubahan prilaku nelayan, dapat meningkatkan pendapatan nelayan bubu, pengelolaan sumberdaya rajungan di alam berkelanjutan Kegiatan PKM dilaksanakan secara aktif melalui penyuluhan dan demonstrasi dengan melibatkan secara penuh khalayak sasaran mulai dari penyuluhan , implementasi dan pendampingan di lapangan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan telah terjadi perubahan prilaku dan peningkatan pengetahuan terutama ukuran rajungan layak tangkap.. Hasil evaluasi alat bubu diperoleh bahwa bubu dengan celah pelolosan (B1) lebih sedikit menangkap rajungan juvenile bila dibandingkan dengan tanpa celah pelolosan Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa bubu B1 ini dapat digunakan  dengan baik dan sesuai dengan target capaian.