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Pengembangan Desa Wisata Dusun Bendo Melalui Peningkatan Keterampilan Seni Membatik Warga Fitriah M. Suud; Al Farahil A’la; Dessy Rachmawatie; Indah Nursalma Islamawati
Jurnal Pengabdian UntukMu NegeRI Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Pengabdian Untuk Mu negeRI
Publisher : LPPM UMRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37859/jpumri.v7i1.3614


Bendo merupakan suatu Dusun yang berada di kelurahan Trimurti yang berada di Kecamatan Srandakan, Bantul Yogyakarta. Disini alam terlihat indah dan sejuk, pepohonan rindang ditambah sehingga menjadikan desa ini menjadi destinasi wisata di Sarndakan. Dengan memperhatikan kondisi alam Dukuh Bendo dan dari hasil observasi awal pertama dan kedua pengabdi mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan kegiatan membatik ecoprint. Hal ini disebabkan karena ada kelompok ibu-ibu yang antusias untuk belajar ecoprint dan selama ini belum ada pelatihan. Tujuan pengabdian ini ikut menunjang mewujudkan cita-cita masyakarat untuk memelihara potensi alam dengan sejarahnya yang terkenal. Sementara tujuan utama dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan keterampilan membatik kepada warga khususnya ibu-ibu serta untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi keluarga. Acara pelatihan ini dilakukan dengan mengambil tempat di wilayah wisata desa. Metode yang dilaksanakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah ceramah, sosialisasi, pelatihan, pendampingan dan evaluasi. Hasil pengabdian adalah keterampilan seluruh proses dari pembuatan batik ecoprint bagi peserta pengabdian.
The Cultural Da'wah Method of Rapai Geleng During The Golden Ege: An Analytical Approach to Islamic Religious Education in Aceh Al Fazzatil A'la; Al Farahil A’la
Journal of Islamic Education and Ethics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): July 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jiee.v1i2.20


Islamic religious education is an important part of developing spirituality and religious understanding for individual Muslims. The approach to Islamic religious education has experienced significant development through the application of cultural da'wah methods. The Cultural Da'wah method is a combination of da'wah models that include elements of culture, religion, art, motion and sound. In the culture and customs of the Acehnese people, the Rapai gelling dance is one of the cultural da'wah media used to convey Islamic da'wah. This study aims to analyze and explore the approach of Islamic religious education through the cultural da'wah method of Rapai Geleng during the Golden Age of An-Nur PAUD students in Seuneulop Village, Southwest Aceh. The research method used in this study is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data were collected through participatory observation, interviews, and analysis of related documents. The results showed that the approach of Islamic religious education through cultural da'wah methods during the Golden Age at PAUD An-Nur Seuneulop Village had a positive impact on children's religious understanding and character development. The method of cultural da'wah is able to create a fun, creative, and local culture-based learning environment, which effectively increases interest in learning and understanding Islam. In addition, this study also reveals that this approach has advantages in combining religious values with local culture, thus enriching the understanding of Islam holistically. An-Nur ECCE teachers have an important role in implementing this approach by utilizing various media and activities that are appropriate to the local cultural context. The results of this research make an important contribution to the development of Islamic religious education approaches through cultural da'wah methods during the Golden Age.