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Journal : IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems)

Controlling the Nutrition Water Level in the Non-Circulating Hydroponics based on the Top Projected Canopy Area Hurriyatul Fitriyah; Agung Setia Budi; Rizal Maulana; Eko Setiawan
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) Vol 16, No 2 (2022): April
Publisher : IndoCEISS in colaboration with Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijccs.70556


Deep Water Culture Hydroponics is suitable for a large-scale plantation as it does not require turn-on the electric pump constantly. Nevertheless, this method needs an electric aerator to give Oxygen to the roots. Kratky’s and Dry Hydroponics are the two methods that suggest an air gap between the raft and the nutrient water level. The gap gives Oxygen to the roots without an aeration pump. Controlling the nutrient water level is required to give a good distance of air gap for Precision Agriculture. The root length estimation used to be done manually by opening the raft, but this research promotes automatic and non-contact estimation using the camera. The images are used to predict the root length based on the Top Projected Canopy Area (TPCA) using various Regression Methods. The test shows that the TPCA gives a high correlation toward the Root Length (>0.9). To control the nutrient water level, this research compares If-Else and the Linear Regression. The error between the actual level that is measured using an Ultrasonic sensor and the setpoint is fed to an Arduino Uno to control the duration of an inlet pump and the outlet pump. The If-Else and the Linear Regression method show good results.
Co-Authors Ade Ronialta Adhitya Bhawiyuga Aditya Hertian Adytia Candra Wibawa Agiya Yoshua Ahmad Fajri Rahman Ahmad Mustafa Kamal Ahmar Fauzan Sira Alfan Rafi'uddin Ardhani Ali Ali Anang Malik La Imu Anisa Awalia Rizky ari kusyanti Arif Nur Agung Laksana Arif Rahmanto Aulia Nabih Rizqullah Batara Dolly Nababan Bayu Bagus Prabowo Bayu Santoso Bisma Surya Mahendra Buntoro Tirto Sugondo Cakra Bhirawa Crisandolin Desman Rumahorbo Dahnial Syauqy Dede Satriawan Dedi Siswanto Dionisius Marcello Divito Dwiarga Sholahuddin Dyas Restu Palupi Edo Bayu Cahyono Eko Setiawan Eko Setiawan Erricson Bernedy Setiawan Ester Nadya Fiorentina Lumban Gaol Fadolly Aryaviocholda Fahmi Ardiansyah Fajar Hamid Embutara Ratuloli Farah Amira Mumtaz Fatwa Ramdani, Fatwa Fauzan Fatra Prathama Fikri Miftah Akmaludin Fitriyah, Hurriyatul Ghifari Adlil Baqi Giservin Tifira Zain Giservin Tifira Zain Hady Hermawan Heri Setiawan Heris Warli Huda Holden Gunawan Irwan Primadana Mulya Jeffry Atur Firdaus Jenrinaldo Tampubolon Jezriel Lukas Lumbantobing Komang Deha Abhimana Kader Moch. Alvin Yasyfa Salsabil Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan Mochammad Zava Abbiyansyah Muchtar Ardhiansyah Muhammad Agni Setyo Prawiro Muhammad Arif Muhammad Fachri Hasibuan Muhammad Hanif Azhar Efendi Muhammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan Muhammad Ihksan Sahib Latif Muhammad Irvine Fidellio Maiza Muhammad Naufal Aziz Huryansyah Muhammad Prabu Mutawakkil Muhammad Syarief Mirdasy Naufal Anis Nazhif Afkar Hanif Noor ilmi Nursandi Frima Saputra Nurul Ikhsan Pabela Purwa Wiyoga Rafif Nurmanda Ghafurutama Ragil Hadi Prasetyo Rahmanda Nur Sidik Rahmat Yanuar Putra Raihan Athallah Aditya Rakhmadhany Primananda Rakhmadhany Primananda Rakhmadhany Primananda Rambel Bastian Simamora Reva Ade Wardana Revelino Adli Rian Ari Hardianyah Richie R. Tokan Rizal Maulana Rizky Ramadhani Rizqi Agung Dwi Nugraha Sabit Ihsan Maulana Sabriansyah Rizqika Akbar Samkhya Aparigraha Sasmita Eko Raharjo Satria Kencana P. Kacaribu Surya Nur Ardiansah Syahrul Ramadhan Utaminingrum, Fitri Varaz Adolfo Wahyu Berlianto Widasari, Edita Rosana Wijaya Kurniawan Wirafadil Nugraha Wisnu Mahendra Wisnumurti Wisnumurti Yazid Ananda Yohana Angelina Sitorus Yulius Adi Pratama Zaky Farsi