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Media Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 1 (2019): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.828 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v17i1.5951


Concrete is one of the construction materials of combination between cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water mixed into one solid mass. The work of concrete making can be added a mineral additive as well as chemical additive (admixture) for the interest in construction work. In some cases construction work is desirable for concrete to produce optimum strength during the early age of the concrete so that the timing of concreting work can be shortened. The strength of concrete at the early age can be increased with added mineral (additive) and chemical (admixture) materials. This research made a mixture of concrete with 7 variations of mixture with total specimen 54 sample of cylindrical size with diameter 15 cm and height 30 cm. Tests conducted in the form of testing workability and compressive strength of concrete at the age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. Through this study obtained the right composition to make concrete with a high early age of compressive strength.
SINERGI Vol 24, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/sinergi.2020.3.007


Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) is concrete with high fluidity so that it can flow and fill the spaces in the mold without the compaction process. This study discusses the effect of the adding of kaolin and polypropylene fibers in order to increase the flowability, compressive strength, flexural strength, and tensile strength in self-compacting concrete. The additional material of kaolin was 5%, 10%, and 15% of the cement weight. The polypropylene fibers were 1%, 1.5%, and 2%. The flowability test, which was used, was Table flow, V-Funnel, and L-Box. Compressive strength testing was conducted when the concrete was 7, 14, and 28 days old. The flexural test was performed with a measurement of 150 x 150 x 600 mm as many as 18 specimens tested at the age of 28 days. The results showed that the addition of kaolin and polypropylene fibers met the flowability specifications of self-compacting concrete. The addition of polypropylene can increase the flexural strength and tensile strength of the concrete beam, but cannot increase the compressive strength of self-compacting concrete.
Studi Numerik Pengaruh Ukuran Penampang, Rasio Tulangan Lentur dan Jarak Tulangan Geser Terhadap Kekakuan Balok Beton Bertulang Menggunakan Program Respone 2000 Prayuda, Hakas; Saleh, Fadillawaty; Istiawan, Istiawan
Semesta Teknika Vol 21, No 1 (2018): MEI 2018
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.211207


One of the reinforced concrete beam behavior can be seen from the value of deflection, maximum load, and the relationship between moment with curvature and stiffness of the beam. Respone 2000 program is an approach program with numerical method that can be used to analyze the reinforced concrete beam. The results of this program include the value of deflection, maximum load, moment and curvature. This study aims to obtain numerical results in the form of stiffness of the beam, deflection value, maximum load, moment and curvature until the crack pattern occurs. This research was done by making 32 sample beam with variation of cross section of beam, flexural reinforcement ratio and shear reinforcement distance. The result of the analysis shows that the length of the span has a big effect on the deflection value, the maximum load and the stiffness but not the nominal moment. The results of the reinforcement ratio in this study greatly affect the deflection value, the masimum load, the nominal moment and the stiffness of the beam, while the shear reinforcement distance affects the beam behavior but only on some specimens.
Evaluasi Pengelolaan, Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran pada Gedung di Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Saugani, Muh Sofyan; Saleh, Fadillawaty; Prayuda, Hakas; Tiyani, Lilis; Al Zakina, Bella Lutfiani
Semesta Teknika Vol 23, No 2 (2020): NOVEMBER 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.v23i2.11917


Sistem proteksi kebakaran pada bangunan gedung haruslah dikelola, supervisi dan control dengan baik untuk menghindari bencana yang membahayakan. Pemenuhan dan penyesuaian sistem proteksi kebakaran terhadap syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku diperlukan untuk mengelola, memantau, dan mengendalikan sistem dengan baik. Gedung kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) berpotensi mengalami kebakaran, karena terdapat material yang mudah terbakar dan komponen penyebab kebakaran, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengkajian terhadap sistem proteksi kebakaran yaitu pada pengelolaan, pengawasan, dan pengendalian sistem proteksi kebakaran di gedung. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menindaklanjuti hal tersebut. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian pendekatan kuantitatif data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil penilaian gedung dan wawancara pemilik/pengelola gedung. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah tingkat keandalan pengelolaan, pengawasan, dan pengendalian sistem proteksi pada Gedung E6, E7, Pascasarjana dan F3 di UMY. Analisis yang dilakukan memberikan persentase masing-masing 59,52%, (E6 dan E7), 58,03% (Pascasarjana), dan 56,80% (F3) dalam hal pengelolaan dan tingkat keandalannya kurang, sedangkan dari segi pengawasan dan identifikasi masing-masing gedung mendapat persentase yang sama sebesar 69,07% dan tingkat reliabilitas cukup. Hasil ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat keandalan sistem proteksi kebakaran masih banyak yang berada dibawah 60% sehingga dikategorikan kurang baik.Fire protection systems in buildings must be managed, supervised, and controlled properly to avoid the risk of disaster. Fulfillment and adjustment to the fire protection system against applicable terms and conditions is required to manage, monitor, and control the system properly. The campus building of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) has the potential to experience fire, because it there are combustible materials and fire-causing components, so it is necessary to do an assessment on fire protection system that is on the management, supervision, and control of fire protection system in the building. This research is done to follow up the matter. Research type used in this research is with quantitative approach, research data obtained from result of building assessment and interview owner/manager of building. The results obtained from this research are the level of reliability of management, supervision, and control of protection system in Building E6, E7, Postgraduates and F3 at UMY. The analysis performed gives the percentage respectively 59.52% (E6 and E7), 58.03% (Postgraduates), and 56.80% (F3) in terms of management and the reliability level is deficient, while in terms of supervision and identification of each building gets the same percentage of 69.07% and the reliability level is sufficient. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the level of reliability on fire protection management still below 60% or in poor condition.  
Studi Numerik Pengaruh Ukuran Penampang, Rasio Tulangan Lentur dan Jarak Tulangan Geser Terhadap Kekakuan Balok Beton Bertulang Menggunakan Program Respone 2000 Prayuda, Hakas; Saleh, Fadillawaty; Istiawan, Istiawan
Semesta Teknika Vol 21, No 1 (2018): MEI 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.211207


One of the reinforced concrete beam behavior can be seen from the value of deflection, maximum load, and the relationship between moment with curvature and stiffness of the beam. Respone 2000 program is an approach program with numerical method that can be used to analyze the reinforced concrete beam. The results of this program include the value of deflection, maximum load, moment and curvature. This study aims to obtain numerical results in the form of stiffness of the beam, deflection value, maximum load, moment and curvature until the crack pattern occurs. This research was done by making 32 sample beam with variation of cross section of beam, flexural reinforcement ratio and shear reinforcement distance. The result of the analysis shows that the length of the span has a big effect on the deflection value, the maximum load and the stiffness but not the nominal moment. The results of the reinforcement ratio in this study greatly affect the deflection value, the masimum load, the nominal moment and the stiffness of the beam, while the shear reinforcement distance affects the beam behavior but only on some specimens.
Evaluasi Pengelolaan, Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran pada Gedung di Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Saugani, Muh Sofyan; Saleh, Fadillawaty; Prayuda, Hakas; Tiyani, Lilis; Al Zakina, Bella Lutfiani
Semesta Teknika Vol 23, No 2 (2020): NOVEMBER 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.v23i2.11917


Sistem proteksi kebakaran pada bangunan gedung haruslah dikelola, supervisi dan control dengan baik untuk menghindari bencana yang membahayakan. Pemenuhan dan penyesuaian sistem proteksi kebakaran terhadap syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku diperlukan untuk mengelola, memantau, dan mengendalikan sistem dengan baik. Gedung kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) berpotensi mengalami kebakaran, karena terdapat material yang mudah terbakar dan komponen penyebab kebakaran, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengkajian terhadap sistem proteksi kebakaran yaitu pada pengelolaan, pengawasan, dan pengendalian sistem proteksi kebakaran di gedung. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menindaklanjuti hal tersebut. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian pendekatan kuantitatif data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil penilaian gedung dan wawancara pemilik/pengelola gedung. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah tingkat keandalan pengelolaan, pengawasan, dan pengendalian sistem proteksi pada Gedung E6, E7, Pascasarjana dan F3 di UMY. Analisis yang dilakukan memberikan persentase masing-masing 59,52%, (E6 dan E7), 58,03% (Pascasarjana), dan 56,80% (F3) dalam hal pengelolaan dan tingkat keandalannya kurang, sedangkan dari segi pengawasan dan identifikasi masing-masing gedung mendapat persentase yang sama sebesar 69,07% dan tingkat reliabilitas cukup. Hasil ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat keandalan sistem proteksi kebakaran masih banyak yang berada dibawah 60% sehingga dikategorikan kurang baik.Fire protection systems in buildings must be managed, supervised, and controlled properly to avoid the risk of disaster. Fulfillment and adjustment to the fire protection system against applicable terms and conditions is required to manage, monitor, and control the system properly. The campus building of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) has the potential to experience fire, because it there are combustible materials and fire-causing components, so it is necessary to do an assessment on fire protection system that is on the management, supervision, and control of fire protection system in the building. This research is done to follow up the matter. Research type used in this research is with quantitative approach, research data obtained from result of building assessment and interview owner/manager of building. The results obtained from this research are the level of reliability of management, supervision, and control of protection system in Building E6, E7, Postgraduates and F3 at UMY. The analysis performed gives the percentage respectively 59.52% (E6 and E7), 58.03% (Postgraduates), and 56.80% (F3) in terms of management and the reliability level is deficient, while in terms of supervision and identification of each building gets the same percentage of 69.07% and the reliability level is sufficient. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the level of reliability on fire protection management still below 60% or in poor condition. Â