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Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Biaya Pendidikan menggunakan Teknologi Payment Gateway (Studi Kasus: SD Islam Terpadu Nurul Fikri Pati) Qonita Nur Farhana; Issa Arwani; Dwija Wisnu Brata
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 6 No 6 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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SD Islam Terpadu Nurul Fikri Pati is a formal educational institution that applies the Student Centered Learning method where learning activities are focused on developing student character. To make this a success, synergy is needed from all stakeholders, one of which is the relationship between parents/guardians of students and the school in terms of paying for education fees. The process of recording the payment of education fees is considered less efficient and effective because it is recorded manually in the recapitulation book, then transfers the data into excel to make billing and payment reports. Furthermore, there are several problems, such as double payment data and unrecorded payment data. Based on these problems, the authors conducted research on the development of a web-based education fee payment system using the waterfall method. The analysis and design phase uses UML modeling such as use case diagrams, use case scenarios, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, and physical data models. The system was developed using the Laravel framework by utilizing the integration of the payment gateway midtrans which handles payments from users. Functional testing of the system using blackbox testing which gets a percentage of 100% valid. The non-functional testing of the system was carried out using the System Usability Scale (SUS) which obtained a calculation score of 76.67, so the system was categorized as excellent, and entered into grade C which was categorized as acceptable.
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pencatatan Nilai dan Presensi berbasis Website pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kanjuruhan Kabupaten Malang Moh. Izza Auladina Latansya; Issa Arwani; Dwija Wisnu Brata
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 6 No 7 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Kanjuruhan Regional General Hospital, Malang Regency is a regional hospital that has an important role in Malang Regency and the surrounding area. Since 2020, Kanjuruhan Hospital, Malang Regency has officially become a teaching and research hospital referring to the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2020. Kanjuruhan Regional Hospital, Malang Regency is a reference for students who are carrying out educational activities, especially for medical students who are in the medical professional education phase. However, in its implementation, medical professional education activities experienced obstacles, including recording student scores that were still manual, inefficient documentation of student data, and an absenteeism recap process that was not recorded properly, making academic activities run less optimally. Based on the problems that exist, a website-based student score recording and attendance information systems was created that can facilitate academic activities such as recapitulation and recording of grades, and accurate attendance recaps. The student score recording and attendance information systems is built using a waterfall approach. The needs analysis was obtained after conducting interviews and observations at the Education and Research (Diklit) as the person in charge of student academic activities. From the results of the analysis carried out through observation and interviews, 20 functional needs and 2 non-functional needs were obtained. The system implementation process is carried out using the Laravel framework, the MySQL database, as well as the PHP programming language. The score recording and attendance information systems that has been built will then be tested using usability testing to measure the level of user acceptance of features, the flow of activities on the system, and the display of the student score recording and attendance information systems. The results of the usability test show a number of 85.5 which indicates that users can receive information systems and the features in them.
Analisis Sentimen Data Ulasan Pengguna Aplikasi TIX ID di Indonesia pada Google Play Store menggunakan Support Vector Machine Muhammad Razan Nadhif; Dwija Wisnu Brata; Bayu Rahayudi
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 6 No 8 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Review on the Google Play Store is one of the features used to provide an assessment of an application. TIX ID is an online cinema ticket booking service or application company made by PT Nusantara Elang Sejahtera. This application provides services such as ordering movie tickets from your favorite cinema, choosing online movies to buy or rent, and buying vouchers to watch streaming movies online. However, the rating accompanied by various reviews does not mean that the wishes or problems of users are fulfilled and stop evaluating in improving services to users. For this reason, sentiment analysis is needed that can classify reviews as user sentiment. In this study, the scraping stage was carried out for collecting application user review data, followed by the text preprocessing stage to process data by selecting data and turning it into more structured data. The data from text preprocessing were word weighted using the Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) method. Then sentiment classification is carried out using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. The best results obtained with the SVM algorithm for sentiment testing of 2 classes with unbalanced data with positive data 274 and negative data 100 using training data values and test data 90%:10%, total data with 374 data, using parameter value C = 10, cross validation experiment K=10 and use of linear kernel. The results obtained for the average value of 91% accuracy, 94% precision, 83% recall and 86% f-measure. The best results obtained with the SVM algorithm for testing sentiment of 2 classes with balanced data with positive data 150 and negative data 150 using training data values and test data 90%:10%, total data with 300 data, using parameter value C = 0.5, experiment cross validation K=10 and use of linear kernel. The test results on balanced data get the highest accuracy results, namely 94%, precision 94%, recall 94% and f-measure 94% in the Support Vector Machine method with 2 sentiment classification.
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Biro Perjalanan Wisata berbasis Web menggunakan Payment Gateway dan Booking Paket Wisata (Studi Kasus: CV. Maha Cipta Wisata) Adi Maulana Rifa'i; Bayu Rahayudi; Dwija Wisnu Brata
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 6 No 9 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Tourism is a field that has bright business prospects, this can be seen by the increasing number of foreign and domestic tourists visiting many tourist objects in Indonesia. CV. Maha Cipta Wisata is a company engaged in tour & travel. provides various types of tourism packages, industrial visits, family gatherings, hotels, and buses. However, conventional hotel sales and marketing method is by ordering and paying via whatsapp. The transaction creates a loophole, because it can allow errors in uploading payments and must be checked for validation first by the admin. Based on the existing problems, a dynamic web-based tour package booking information system is needed that has payment gateways. It is hoped that with this integration, consumers can choose many payment method options and can increase consumer confidence because facilitator in making payments. Method of developing an information system using prototype is a development that saves time and costs without compromising product quality. While at the implementation stage using Laravel framework. Results of the development of a web-based travel agency information system using payment gateways and booking tour packages (case : CV. Maha Cipta Wisata) can help manage sales such as hotels and tour packages, in addition to the existence of a payment gateway providing various payment methods so that consumers get freedom in choosing payment methods. And black box testing is 100% valid. while compatibility using the sortsite works well.
Perbaikan Antarmuka Sistem Informasi WebGIS Potensi Desa (PODES) Badan Pusat Statistik dengan Metode Human Centered Design Alam Nur Muhammad; Dwija Wisnu Brata; Bondan Sapta Prakoso
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 6 No 10 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is a non-ministerial government agency that is directly responsible to the president and carries out statistical data needs for the government and the public. In developing village potentials based on a survey on the Central Statistics Agency's (BPS) webGIS display design, it was found that there were several problems that needed to be fixed. Problems that have been found such as effectiveness and efficiency in the BPS PODES webGIS design, and color mapping that does not differentiate from one legend to another. Therefore, this research needs to be improved and apply the Human-Centered Design (HCD) approach as a design solution development and use usability testing to determine the value of interface evaluation and user experience. Evaluation of the user interface was carried out twice, namely on the user interface before repairs and after repairs. The first evaluation was carried out for understanding the context of use and validating existing problems. In the first evaluation, which was attended by 5 participants, the average value of effectiveness was 88%, the average efficiency was 0.0251 goals/second and 83.19%, and the satisfaction value based on the SUS score gave a score of 80.125. Meanwhile, for the second evaluation on effectiveness, it got a value of 0.0771 goals/second, for efficiency it got a value of 93% and the SUS score for improving the BPS PODES webGIS interface in the second session was 86.25 and was included in the A+ category (best imaginable) and exceeded the value The SUS percentile is 68 and it shows that the second session of BPS PODES webGIS user interface improvement related to the need for new features already has a high level of satisfaction. New features already have a high level of satisfaction.
Pengembangan Arsitektur Microservices pada Sistem Payment Point Online Banking (PPOB) (Studi Kasus: Kios Deliv) Aziz Fikri Mahmudi; Buce Wisnu Brata; Dwija Wisnu Brata
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 6 No 13 (2022): Publikasi Khusus Tahun 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Dipublikasikan di Technoscienza
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 6 No 11 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Application to lectures is a major aspect that is undertaken while studying. Currently, there are still many lectures that do not provide clear details on what applications are used and where to download them in these courses, especially at FILKOM Universitas Brawijaya. Approximately 90% of students still get information regarding applications used through friends and lecturers manually as well as time goes by. Based on that, the author plans to design a mobile-based application that will carry out an internal software data collection system for FILKOM courses using the Design thinking method. This Design Thinking method was carried out so that research focuses on user experience so that it is suitable for understanding the needs of FILKOM students. For validation, usability testing on 20 respondents obtained an effectiveness aspect value of 91.75%, then for the results of the efficiency aspect of 0.076 goals/second, and the results of the satisfaction aspect of 81,875 which entered grade b, excellent rating, and acceptable category. For testing the UEQ questionnaire with attractiveness results of 1.70 in the good category, results from the perspicuity aspect of 1.41 in the above average category, results from the efficiency aspect of 1.80 in the good category, results from the dependability aspect of 1.69 in the category good, the results from the stimulation aspect are 1.55 in the good category, and the results from the novelty aspect are 0.95 in the above average category. Researchers also collect criticism and suggestions to improve the results of the solution design for the better.
Analisis Sentimen Terhadap Kenaikan Cukai Rokok pada Media Sosial Twitter menggunakan Algoritma Naive Bayes Classifier Denny Manuel Yeremia Sinurat; Dian Eka Ratnawati; Dwija Wisnu Brata
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Social media is a place for people to convey opinions, and also criticism. The social media that is often used by Indonesian people to express their opinions is Twitter. Twitter can be a forum for Indonesian people to express their opinions and aspirations on certain matters, such as policies made by the government. One of the policies that has sparked public discussion on social media Twitter is increasing cigarettes tax by an average of 10% starting in 2023. This policy has drawn pros and cons from the public, therefore an analysis of public sentiment regarding the cigarette tax increase policy can be carried out. This study will analyze public sentiment contained in the tweets of Twitter users about the increase cigarette tax into the classification of positive and negative sentiments. The execution process is implemented in Google Colaboratory with the Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm. Processes in the sentiment analysis which include data collection, manual labeling, text preprocessing, TF-IDF weighting, data balancing with the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), data validation using k-fold cross validation, and test the classification results with the confusion matrix. The best accuracy results of 74% were obtained by using the data balance SMOTE results with a comparison of training data: test data of 90%:10%, text preprocessing, TF-IDF weighting, and use Multinomial Naive Bayes. The highest cross-validation score obtained was 78% with an average of 73%. Based on these results, the Naive Bayes Classifier is quite good as an alternative for sentiment analysis.
Perancangan User Experience Alat Ukur Evaluasi Pengalaman Pengguna Metode Intrinsic Motivation Inventory berbasis Website (Studi Kasus : Diskominfo Ngawi) Annisa Sukmawati; Mahardeka Tri Ananta; Dwija Wisnu Brata
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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User experience is all the effects felt by the user after the user interacts with the system, device, or product. User experience is one of the most important things to consider, both during the design and development process of a product. The goal is to find out how users feel, assess motivation and find out user expectations for the system. Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) is one of the methods used to measure the subjective experience of users who interact with the system. Evaluation in this method prioritizes the level of intrinsic user perceptions of the value/usefulness scale, interest/enjoyment, and the perception of user choice when interacting with the system. To follow up on these problems, researchers provide a design solution in the form of an IMI-based measuring instrument called IMITO. In designing IMITO, researchers chose the User Centered Design (UCD) method, because the method design process focuses on the user's needs and a more in-depth analysis of the target audience. Evaluation of design solutions in accordance with usability testing tested by 12 participants. The results of the usability test on the effectiveness aspect are 98%, the efficiency aspect is 13.44 goals/second and the satisfaction aspect is 75% which is included in grade B. Based on these three aspects, the final usability score is 90.02% which is included in the adjective rating category Excellent, grade A.
Perbandingan Naive Bayes dan K-Nearest Neighbor untuk Analisis Sentimen Aplikasi Gapura UB Berdasarkan Ulasan Pengguna pada Playstore Robiata Tsania Salsabila Aditya Putri; Dian Eka Ratnawati; Dwija Wisnu Brata
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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The Gapura UB application is a mobile apps-based application that makes it easy for students to access services and information related to Universitas Brawijaya such as online presence, viewing class schedules, and accessing KRS and KHS. Behind the convenience offered by the application, it was found that the performance of the application was not optimal, such as the emergence of bugs or errors in the application and the discovery of reviews on the Google Playstore that indicated user dissatisfaction with the performance of the application by containing complaints regarding the application. This research tries to classify Gapura UB application user reviews through Google Playstore by comparing two classification algorithms, namely Naive Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor which aims to find out which algorithm is superior in Gapura UB application user review data. The review data used is 300 data divided into two sentiment classes, namely positive sentiment and negative sentiment. The results showed that the Naive Bayes algorithm has superior performance than the K-Nearest Neighbor with 88.5% accuracy, 88.7% precision, 88.2% recall, and 88.2% f-measure while the K-Nearest Neighbor produces 84.8% accuracy, 85.4% precision, recall 84.6% and 84.1% f-measure obtained from the value of k = 5.