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Implementasi SCRUM pada Pengembangan Aplikasi Sistem ADI STETSA SMAN 4 Malang: Bidang Adiwiyata Khafit Zaman; Aji Wibawa; Ilham Zaeni; Ivatus Sunaifah
Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi dan Edukasi Teknik Vol. 1 No. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ngeri Malang

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The digitization of SMAN 4 Malang by developing the ADI STETSA system, including adiwiyata, aims to make it easier for adiwiyata staff to process data on adiwiyata activities. As well as making it easier for school residents to find information on adiwiyata activities. The method applied in this research is the SCRUM method. This method contains six stages, namely product backlog, sprint planning, sprint backlog, daily SCRUM, sprint review and sprint retrospective. The sprint planning stage to the sprint retrospective stage is called a sprint, which is done repeatedly. The SCRUM method has advantages in the process of checking and changes that can be made as needed. During the development of the information system, discussions were held with Mrs. Ivatus Sunaivah, as the person in charge of the adiwiyata field at SMAN 4 Malang. The ADI STETSA application was resolved during five sprints. Adiwiyata in the development of the ADI STETSA information system consists of 14 features that are in accordance with the school's request. The information system can be accessed by students, teachers, and employees on a mobile application. Meanwhile, Adiwiyata staff can access it through the web admin. Digitalisasi SMAN 4 Malang dengan mengembangkan sistem ADI STETSA, termasuk bidang adiwiyata, bertujuan untuk mempermudah staf adiwiyata mengolah data kegiatan adiwiyata. Serta memudahkan warga sekolah untuk mengetahui informasi kegiatan adiwiyata. Metode yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah metode SCRUM. Metode ini berisi enam tahapan, yaitu product backlog, sprint planning, sprint backlog, daily SCRUM, sprint review dan sprint retrospective. Tahap sprint planning hingga sprint retrospective disebut sprint, yang dilakukan secara berulang. Metode SCRUM memiliki kelebihan pada proses pengecekan dan perubahan yang dapat dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan. Selama pengembangan sistem informasi, diskusi dilakukan bersama Ibu Ivatus Sunaifah, selaku penanggung jawab bidang adiwiyata SMAN 4 Malang. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi ADI STETSA dengan pengerjaan selama lima sprint. Bidang adiwiyata pada pengembangan sistem informasi ADI STETSA terdiri dari 14 fitur yang telah sesuai dengan permintaan sekolah. Sistem informasi dapat diakses oleh siswa, guru, dan karyawan pada aplikasi mobile. Sedangkan staf adiwiyata dapat mengakses melalui web admin.