Natasya V. Leuwol
Universitas Victory Sorong

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Pemanfaatan Teknologi Artificial Intelligence (AI) Dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Mengajar Guru di Era Digital Joupy G. Z. Mambu; Dedek Helida Pitra; Aziz Rizki Miftahul Ilmi; Wahyu Nugroho; Natasya V. Leuwol; Andi Muh Akbar Saputra
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.3304


This article aims to review the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in dealing with teachers' teaching challenges in the digital era. The digital age has rapidly changed the educational landscape, affecting the roles and tasks of teachers. They are faced with new challenges, such as managing an abundance of information, adapting teaching styles to individual needs, and providing effective feedback to students. In the face of these challenges, AI technology offers significant potential. This article will outline several ways in which AI technology can be utilized in the context of education. First, AI can assist teachers in managing data and information by using advanced algorithms to analyze and interpret student data. Second, AI technology can support the personalization of learning. Third, AI can be used to provide effective feedback to students. However, there are some challenges that may arise in the utilization of AI technology in the context of education. One of them is the concern about student data privacy and security. In addition, it is also important to consider that AI technology cannot completely replace the role of teachers, but only serves as a powerful tool. In conclusion, the utilization of AI technology can provide significant benefits for teachers in facing challenges in the digital era. By utilizing AI, teachers can manage data more efficiently, provide personalized learning, and provide effective feedback to students. However, it is important to keep in mind the limitations and challenges associated with the use of AI technology in education.
Pelatihan Kompetensi Guru Sekolah Minggu dalam Penerapan Project Based Learning Berbasis Kearifan Lokal di Jemaat Immanuel Boswezen Sorong Sherly Gaspersz; Natasya V. Leuwol; Windy Wonmaly
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 7, No 3 (2024): Volume 7 No 3 2024
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v7i3.12571


ABSTRAK Sekolah Minggu adalah bentuk kelompok pelayanan dalam gereja yang perlu mendapat perhatian serius dari para pekerja gereja. Sekolah Minggu sebagai salah satu jenis pendidikan non formal memuat anggota gereja yang masih muda dan perlu diberi bekal pendidikan Alkitabiah dan pendasaran iman yang sesuai dengan ajaran gereja. Pengajaran ini perlu dilakukan oleh Guru Sekolah Minggu (GSM) yang memiliki bekal pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang cukup dalam melaksanakan panggilan pengajarannya yang tidak hanya berfokus pada aktifitas ceramah, cerita dan diskusi pada setiap pengajarannya. Melainkan perlu adanya penerapan model pembelajaran yang aktif dan inovatif agar tidak terkesan monoton berupa Project Based Learning (PjBL) yang diberikan dalam suatu pelatihan kompetensi GSM dalam mengajar. Tujuan utama dari kegiatan pelatihan ini agar menciptakan suasana pembelajaran yang mendorong anak lebih bisa berkolaborasi aktif, kreatif, dan inovatif dalam pembelajaran dikelas, berpikir kritis serta empati dengan sesama. Metode PjBL ini diajarkan dalam sebuah pendekatan kontekstual yang berbasis kearifan lokal sehingga bisa memperkaya wawasan berpikir terkait pengetahuan local wisdom sebagai bahan edukasi sekaligus melestarikan kearifan lokal masyarakat secara khusus di Tanah Papua. Tahapan yang dilalui dalam kegiatan pelatihan berupa, Observasi terhadap kondisi mitra, pelaksanaan pelatihan dengan berbagi materi Guru Sekolah Minggu Cerdas Berkarakter, Project Based Learning berbasis Kearifan Lokal, serta Diskusi Proyek Pengajaran yang dilakukan pada Anak Sekolah Minggu (ASM) dan Pembuatan Proyek Kearifan Lokal. Kegiatan pelatihan penerapan PjBL ini telah berjalan dengan baik dan mendapatkan perhatian khusus dari GSM dan Badan Pelayan GSM sendiri dalam menciptakan suasana baru untuk mendukung sebuah proses pembelajaran yang produktif, kreatif dan inovatif yang mana memberikan dampak positif kepada ASM dalam rangka pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang berkarakter. Kata Kunci: Pelatihan Kompetensi, Guru Sekolah Minggu, Project Based Learning, Kearifan Lokal  ABSTRACT Sunday School is a form of service group in the church that needs serious attention from church workers. Sunday School as a type of non-formal education includes young church members who need to be provided with Biblical education and basic faith that is by church teachings. This teaching needs to be carried out by Sunday School Teachers (GSM) who have sufficient knowledge and skills to carry out their teaching vocation which does not only focus on lecture activities, stories and discussions in each teaching. However, it is necessary to apply an active and innovative learning model so that it does not seem monotonous in the form of Project Based Learning (PjBL) given in a GSM competency training in teaching. The main aim of this training activity is to create a learning atmosphere that encourages children to collaborate more actively, creatively and innovatively in classroom learning, think critically and empathize with others. The PjBL method is taught in a contextual approach based on local wisdom so that it can enrich thinking insight related to local wisdom knowledge as educational material while preserving the wisdom of local communities specifically in the Land of Papua. The stages undertaken in the training activities include, Observation of partners' conditions, implementation of training by sharing materials for Smart Sunday School Teachers with Character, Project Based Learning based on Local Wisdom, as well as Discussion of Teaching Projects carried out on Sunday School Children (ASM) and Creation of Local Wisdom Projects. This PjBL implementation training activity has gone well and received special attention from GSM and the GSM Service Agency itself in creating a new atmosphere to support a productive, creative and innovative learning process that has a positive impact on ASM in the context of developing human resources with character. Keywords: Competency Training, Sunday School Teachers, Project Based Learning, Local Wisdom