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Upaya Penerapan Nilai Karakter Dalam Dunia Pendidikan Menyongsong Era 5.0 M. Rusdi; Herni Ramayanti; Wia Septia; Abdul Aziz Ridha; Heru Widoyo; Eka Selvi Handayani
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.3305


The era of globalization demands more and more character building so that graduates from various levels can compete with their peers in other parts of the world. Character is something that is unique only to an individual or group, nation, and is the key to individual success. In accordance with the mission of national education, the purpose of character education is to develop skills and build a valuable national character and civilization in the framework of the formation of the nation's life. In today's world of education, it is very important to apply character values to students to be able to welcome the new Era 5.0. Through this study, it is expected to find the application of character values in the world of education to welcome Era 5.0. This research is a qualitative research with a literature study method. The object of study focuses on analyzing books, scientific articles, and other literacy sources related to efforts to apply character values in education to welcome Era 5.0. Data analysis is carried out by examining the process of strengthening character derived from digital literacy. From the study, efforts to apply character values in education can be carried out in schools and universities so that students have good character values in welcoming the 5.0 era
Pemetaan Topik Penelitian Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Kajian Gender: Analisis Bibliometrik tentang Kesetaraan dan Diskriminasi (Human Rights in Gender Studies) Achmad zahruddin; Mursyidin Ar-Rahmany; Lola Malihah; Umi Rahmawati; Herni Ramayanti
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains Vol 2 No 08 (2023): Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/jhhws.v2i08.596


Metode penelitian ini menyajikan analisis bibliometrik yang komprehensif tentang lanskap penelitian hak asasi manusia dalam studi gender, yang secara khusus berfokus pada topik kesetaraan dan diskriminasi. Dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan, analisis, dan visualisasi data, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tema-tema penelitian utama, tren, penulis dan publikasi yang berpengaruh, serta kesenjangan pengetahuan di dalam bidang tersebut. Analisis ini menggunakan perangkat lunak VOSviewer untuk visualisasi jaringan, yang memungkinkan pemetaan kelompok tematik dan interkoneksi. Temuan-temuan ini menawarkan wawasan yang berharga untuk menginformasikan keputusan kebijakan, memandu arah penelitian di masa depan, dan mendorong kolaborasi interdisipliner dalam mengejar kesetaraan gender dan pemajuan hak asasi manusia.
Peran Hukum dalam Mengatasi Serangan Cyber yang Mengancam Keamanan Nasional Herni Ramayanti; Arief Fahmi Lubis
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains Vol 2 No 09 (2023): Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/jhhws.v2i09.672


Dalam lanskap digital Indonesia yang berkembang pesat, persinggungan antara hukum dan keamanan siber menjadi arena penting dalam menjaga keamanan nasional. Penelitian ini mempelajari peran kerangka hukum yang ada dalam melawan ancaman siber, menguji efektivitasnya melalui analisis kuantitatif dan wawasan kualitatif. Para peserta yang beragam secara demografis, termasuk lembaga pemerintah, perusahaan swasta, dan pakar individu, memberikan pemahaman yang bernuansa tentang persepsi, pengalaman, dan tantangan yang terkait dengan lanskap hukum saat ini. Hasil kuantitatif menunjukkan korelasi positif antara efektivitas penegakan hukum yang dirasakan dan tingkat keparahan ancaman siber. Analisis regresi menggarisbawahi dampak signifikan dari penegakan hukum terhadap pengurangan ancaman siber, dengan model komprehensif yang menekankan kontribusi kerja sama internasional dan pembaruan legislatif. Diskusi mengintegrasikan temuan-temuan ini, menawarkan implikasi untuk kebijakan dan praktik, dan kesimpulan selanjutnya menarik wawasan menyeluruh untuk memajukan ketahanan keamanan siber Indonesia.
The Role of Government in Social Welfare: A Bibliometric Analysis of Policy Development, Evaluation, and Social Impacts Achmad Zahruddin; Adit Mohammad Aziz; Herni Ramayanti; Andika Isma; Ratna Dewi
West Science Social and Humanities Studies Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): West Science Social and Humanities Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsshs.v1i03.253


The ecological stability of our world and human well-being are dependent on biodiversity, but in the age of climate change, biodiversity faces hitherto unheard-of difficulties. This study investigates the intricate interactions between the preservation of biodiversity and the effects of climate change in Indonesia's rural Sukabumi District. Using a mixed-methods approach that includes field observations, interviews, surveys, and secondary data analysis, the study looks into the drivers of biodiversity loss as well as the state of biodiversity now and the effects of climate change on regional ecosystems. The findings show the incredible biodiversity of Sukabumi District, including its healthy coral reefs and terrestrial rainforests, as well as the noticeable effects of climate change, such as altered species behavior and coastal erosion. Unsustainable land-use practices and climate-related variables are identified as major contributors to the decline of biodiversity. Community-led conservation efforts provide success stories, but to protect biodiversity and improve climate resilience, strong policy proposals are required. The suggested recommendations place a strong emphasis on multi-stakeholder collaboration, conservation education, climate resilience, sustainable land-use practices, and community engagement. Sukabumi District is highlighted in the report as a microcosm of the problems facing biodiversity conservation worldwide, and it calls for swift and coordinated action to save nature's final line of defense against climate disaster.