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Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 6 (2023): Cerdika : Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59141/cerdika.v3i06.608


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor penyebab tindak pidana pencabulan anak oleh ayah kandung di wilayah hukum Kepolisian Sektor Kelapa Lima serta mengidentifikasi upaya penanggulangan yang dapat dilakukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan hukum empiris dengan mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara terhadap 2 orang responden/informan. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dan studi pustaka, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor penyebab tindak pidana pencabulan terhadap anak oleh ayah kandung di wilayah hukum Kepolisian Sektor Kelapa Lima meliputi: (1) rendahnya pendidikan yang mengakibatkan kurangnya pemahaman terhadap dampak perbuatan tersebut, (2) lingkungan tempat tinggal yang sepi, (3) penyalahgunaan minuman keras (beralkohol), dan (4) penyalahgunaan teknologi (HandPhone). Dalam penanganan kasus kejahatan pencabulan oleh ayah terhadap anak kandungnya, perlu dilakukan dengan perhatian khusus. Perlakuan yang buruk terhadap anak, terutama anak perempuan, dapat berdampak negatif pada tumbuh kembang mereka. Oleh karena itu, penanganan kasus ini perlu mendapatkan perhatian serius agar mental dan pikiran anak tidak terganggu dan tidak membawa dampak traumatis serta negatif kepada orang lain
Tinjauan Yuridis Sosiologi Terhadap Kasus Balap Liar di Kota Kupang Maria Oktarina Ojastika Dirman; Nikolas Manu; Deddy R.Ch. Manafe
Deposisi: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Hukum Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September : Deposisi: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/deposisi.v1i3.1017


Juvenile delinquency in Kupang City is very diverse, one of which is illegal racing. Teenagers who indulge in this behaviour do not care about the safety and security of themselves or other road users. The purpose of this research is to analyse the juridical sociology review of illegal racing cases in Kupang City. This type of research is empirical juridical research. The type and source of data used are primary data, namely data obtained directly from the research location through direct interviews with respondents. The data is analysed descriptively qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the factors that cause a lot of illegal racing in Kupang City are sociological factors consisting of environmental factors and betting factors. Psychological factors consisting of adolescent personality factors and hobby factors. Efforts made by investigators against the perpetrators of illegal racing in Kupang City are carried out in two ways, namely, preventive efforts and repressive efforts. It is hoped that teenagers have legal awareness and it is hoped that police officers, especially traffic police, will be more assertive in sanctioning teenagers who often commit traffic violations, especially illegal racing violations, so that there is a deterrent effect for the perpetrators.
Tinjauan Yuridis Sosiologi Terhadap Kasus Balap Liar di Kota Kupang Maria Oktarina Ojastika Dirman; Nikolas Manu; Deddy R.Ch. Manafe
Deposisi: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Hukum Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September : Deposisi: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/deposisi.v1i3.1017


Juvenile delinquency in Kupang City is very diverse, one of which is illegal racing. Teenagers who indulge in this behaviour do not care about the safety and security of themselves or other road users. The purpose of this research is to analyse the juridical sociology review of illegal racing cases in Kupang City. This type of research is empirical juridical research. The type and source of data used are primary data, namely data obtained directly from the research location through direct interviews with respondents. The data is analysed descriptively qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the factors that cause a lot of illegal racing in Kupang City are sociological factors consisting of environmental factors and betting factors. Psychological factors consisting of adolescent personality factors and hobby factors. Efforts made by investigators against the perpetrators of illegal racing in Kupang City are carried out in two ways, namely, preventive efforts and repressive efforts. It is hoped that teenagers have legal awareness and it is hoped that police officers, especially traffic police, will be more assertive in sanctioning teenagers who often commit traffic violations, especially illegal racing violations, so that there is a deterrent effect for the perpetrators.