Bayu Suta Wardianto
UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

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Lingua Rima: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 12, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/lgrm.v12i2.8643


Gender dan karya sastra memang tidak dapat dipisahkan satu sama lain. Khususnya prosa (cerpen dan novel) tokoh perempuan khususnya merupakan aspek penting dalam alur yang terjadi dalam prosa. Kajian gender dan karya sastra merupakan bentuk khusus dari feminisme sastra. Penelitian ini berupaya mengurai tentang pergolakan gender yang terjadi dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Bukan Permaisuri Karya Ni Komang Ariani khususnya dari aspek subordinasi. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian deksriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini yaitu kutipan kalimat yang mengandung unsur subordinasi gender yang terdapat pada kumpulan cerpen Bukan Permaisuri karya Ni Komang Ariani. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini merupakan cerpen-cerpen yang terdapat dalam kumpulan cerpen Bukan Permaisuri karya Ni Komang Ariani. Cerpen yang menjadi sumber data antara lain: Perempuan yang Tergila-gila pada Idenya, Sepasang Mata Dinaya yang Terpenjara, dan Nyoman Rindi. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan teknik baca dan catat. Tahapan atau langkah-langkah yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu menerapkan tiga tahapan, yaitu: (1) pengumpulan data, (2) reduksi/ pengklasifikasian data, dan (3) mengurai/ menganalisis dan menyajikan data. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang adanya tiga jenis subordinasi yaitu (1) subordinasi fisik, (2) subordinasi psikologi, dan (3) subordinasi sosial. Ketiga jenis subordinasi tersebut terjadi karena lingkungan internal (keluarga) dan eksternal (sosial masyarakat) menempatkan perempuan sebagai ‘sosok’ yang dianggap inferior dan kurang layak untuk mendapat peran sentral di ruang publik.Kata kunci: subordinasi gender, cerita pendek
Literary Reception in Tere Liye's Novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu (Aesthetic Studies of Experimental Reception) Fareha Rahmatul Zahra; Bayu Suta Wardianto; Fitria Anggraini Diwansyah; Firman Hadiansyah
International Proceedings of Nusantara Raya Vol. 2 (2023): Nowadays: Indonesia and South Korea in Literarture and Culture
Publisher : Lembaga Kajian Nusantara Raya UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

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Literary works are certainly inseparable from reader responses where a comment/response can show the quality of a work. The activity of commenting in the realm of literary studies is referred to as a literary reception. This study describes readers responses based on readers criteria for novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu by Tere Liye , and the aesthetic assessment of the reception to the novel based on Hans Robert Jauz's theory. The research method used is qualitative method, where data is collected using questionnaires distributed through Google Form. The collected data is then analyzed with comparative descriptive techniques. Based on his responses, the criteria were highly assessed, namely the selection of characters in the novel, the idea or theme of the story, new perspectives, emotional involvement, narrative techniques, sadness, and universality. The criteria assessed are moderate, namely attraction, plot,, tempo, understandable, intrinsic elements, imagery, plausible, ironic, conflict, and characters. Finally, the criteria that are considered the lowest, are further interest and language style.
Analysis of Formation of Register Language Word on Selling and Purchase of Phones on Social Media Instagram @pst0re Ferdianti Fitri Asih; Fakhry Lukmanul Hakiem; Bayu Suta Wardianto
International Proceedings of Nusantara Raya Vol. 2 (2023): Nowadays: Indonesia and South Korea in Literarture and Culture
Publisher : Lembaga Kajian Nusantara Raya UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

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This study aims to describe the process of word formation and the function of register language in seller captions and discussions that occur in the comments column on Pst0re's Instagram social media. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique in this research is using the technique of simak libat cakap and the technique of free simak libat cakap. The validity of the research is carried out using investigative techniques by comparing individual opinions with parties who have expertise in accordance with their fields. Data analysis uses the commensurate method technique. This is a method with determining tools related to parts outside the language and with determining tools of the language elements themselves. The result of this research, there are 3 word formation processes (1) affixation (2) reduplication and (3) abbreviation. Then there are 4 functions of register language, including (a) instrumental function, (b) representational function, (c) heuristic function, and (d) interactional function.
Multimodality of Instagram Content in Critical Discourse Analysis Teaching Materials Sukirno; Bayu Suta Wardianto
International Proceedings of Nusantara Raya Vol. 2 (2023): Nowadays: Indonesia and South Korea in Literarture and Culture
Publisher : Lembaga Kajian Nusantara Raya UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

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Multimodality is a detailed effort in unveiling a visual that can be interpreted in the form of text. In critical discourse analysis originating from visualization in the form of images, multimodality helps reveal the visual modes contained in the visual image, with the study of multimodality in critical discourse analysis, symbolic meanings in the form of visual modes can be deciphered. The research seeks to describe the need for discourse analysis by using multimodality studies with research data sources in the form of Instagram content. Furthermore, this study also explained the concept of learning critical discourse analysis by utilizing modality elements in Instagram content. The research uses qualitative descriptive techniques by applying analytical descriptions to research data. In addition, this study uses reflective conceptual techniques to elaborate on the learning concept of critical discourse analysis by utilizing modality elements in Instagram content. The results and discussion in the study describe CDA briefly along with the learning concept of Critical Discourse Analysis in Higher Education by utilizing the multimodality content of Instagram content. Analysis and learning concepts that will be put forward starting from the introduction (containing learning outcomes—an explanation of Critical Discourse Analysis), material (in the form of how to analyze Instagram content with Van Dijk theory), and closing (delivering suggestions in learning).