Muhammad Yusril Nasheh
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

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KKM Tematik 1 Untirta: Kegiatan Sosial Donor Darah di Desa Tirtayasa Kabupaten Serang Banten Restu Wigati; Woelandari Fathonah; Muhammad Yusril Nasheh; Nufus Sulthonah
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v5i2.7910


Darah merupakan komponen yang sangat penting sebagai alat distribusi, transportasi dan sirkulasi yang menjadi bagian di dalam tubuh manusia. Dibutuhkan sekitar 5,5 juta kantong darah setiap tahun sedangkan kebutuhan darah nasional baru terpenuhi 85 persen. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa KKM Untirta melalui penyuluhan dan pelaksanaan donor darah memberikan edukasi sekaligus kesadaran masyarakat untuk melakukan donor darah. Pentingnya donor darah secara rutin dapat membantu UTD-PMI Kabupaten Serang menjalankan tugasnya sebagai penyedia darah bagi rumah sakit yang kekurangan stok darah sehingga mampu dengan cepat menangani pasien yang membutuhkan darah. Metode yang digunakan yaitu melalui kegiatan penyuluhan dan pelaksanaan donor darah yang dilakukan oleh Unit Transfusi Darah Kabupaten Serang. Hasil kegiatan sosial penyuluhan dan donor darah dilaksanakan tanggal 25 Januari 2023 dihadiri 35 peserta, 17 orang bersedia sebagai pendonor yang berasal dari masyarakat Desa Tirtayasa Kabupaten Serang dan mahasiswa KKM kelompok 101 Untirta. Sebanyak 29,41 persen dari pendonor berhasil diambil darahnya. Beberapa faktor yang dapat menyebabkan usaha transfusi darah menjadi gagal diantaranya kurangnya tensi dan hemoglobin dalam tubuh. Blood is an essential component of distribution, transportation, and circulation which is part of the human body. About 5.5 million blood bags are needed yearly, while the national blood need is only 85 percent met. The purpose of community service activities by KKM Untirta students through counseling and implementation of blood donors is to provide education and public awareness to donate blood. The importance of routine blood donors can help UTD-PMI Serang Regency carry out its duties as a blood provider for hospitals that lack blood stock so that they can quickly treat patients who need blood. The method used is through outreach activities, and the implementation of blood donors carried out by the Serang District Blood Transfusion Unit. The results of social counseling and blood donation activities were carried out on January 25, 2023, attended by 35 participants, 17 people willing to become donors who came from the Tirtayasa Village community, Serang Regency, and KKM students from the 101 Untirta group. As many as 29.41 percent of the donors had their blood drawn. Several factors can cause blood transfusion attempts to fail, including a lack of blood pressure and hemoglobin in the body.
The Influence of Natural Bayah Zeolite on the Pyrolysis Process of Liquid Fuel Based on HDPE and PP Plastic Waste Heri Heriyanto; Endang Suhendi; Muhammad Yusril Nasheh; Muhammad Fathi Rizqillah; Wardalia Wardalia; Hendrini Pujiastuti
World Chemical Engineering Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62870/wcej.v8i1.26617


Pyrolysis is a decomposition reaction method involving the heating of a material with little or no oxygen. The objectives of this research are to utilize plastic waste for the production of liquid fuel and determine the optimal conditions for maximizing liquid fuel yield. The pyrolysis method was used at a temperature of 350°C for 300 minutes with High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Polypropylene (PP) plastic as raw materials in composition variations of 7:3, 5:5, and 3:7, and the Bayah natural zeolite catalyst was activated and varied in amounts of 0%, 3%, and 5%. The analysis included yield tests, density tests, viscosity tests, calorific value tests, and the composition analysis of the liquid product yield.The results of this research indicated that the highest liquid product yield was obtained with a composition of 30% HDPE, 70% PP, and 0% catalyst, achieving a yield of 66.4%. It was concluded that the activated Bayah natural zeolite catalyst was not sufficiently effective in the pyrolysis process at a temperature of 300°C. The highest density and viscosity values were obtained with a composition of 70% HDPE, 30% PP, and 0% catalyst, which were 0.764 g/cm³ and 0.789 cP, respectively. The highest calorific value was obtained with a 50% HDPE and 50% PP composition, reaching 10,978.8 Cal/g. The composition analysis of the liquid product yield for a 70% HDPE and 30% PP composition resulted in 42% gasoline and 58% kerosene. For a 30% HDPE and 70% PP composition, the yield was 30% gasoline, 62% kerosene, and 8% diesel.