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MUTU SOYGHURT DITINJAU DARI JENIS GULA DAN PERSENTASE GELATIN (Review of Quality Soyghurt Based Sugar Type and Percentage of Gelatin) Lullung, Alfrida; Yumas, Medan; Abriana, Andi
Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Industri Vol 25, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Baristand Industri Banda Aceh

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Penelitian mutu soyghurt ditinjau dari jenis gula dan persentase gelatin telahdilakukan. Proses pembuatan soyghurt diawali dengan pembuatan susu kedelai denganvariasi penambahan jenis gula dan konsentrasi gelatin, kemudian dilanjutkan denganproses fermentasi menggunakan starter Streptococcus thermophillus dan Lactobacillusbulgaricus. Variabel pengamatan adalah derajat keasaman (pH), total padatan terlarut,kadar protein, total asam, dan uji organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasoyghurt dari hasil fermentasi susu kedelai dengan penambahan sukrosa 7% dan gelatin5% (perlakuan A1B2) yang memenuhi SNI 01 – 2891 – 1992 dan yang paling di sukaioleh panelis dengan tingkat kesukaan terhadap rasa (5,0), aroma (3,3), warna (4,1) dantekstur (4,9).
Organoleptic Quality of Corn Flour (Zea mays l.) by Oven Method Abriana, Andi; Tenri Fitriyah, Andi; Laga, Suriana; Sumiati, Sumiati
jurnal1 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1, JUNE 2020
Publisher : Hasanuddin University Food Science and Technology Study Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/canrea.v3i1.234


Diversification of processed corn into flour increases corn value. Corn flour is a fine grain from dried corn. This study was carried out to determine the organoleptic quality of corn flour (texture, color, and aroma) through the drying process by the oven method. The best moisture test of dried corn flour was at 80°C, with 7.5% of moisture content, and 3 hours of the drying process. The organoleptic test showed a different score of aroma, color, and texture at various temperatures. Based on panelist assessments showed that 3.71 of aroma score (rather like), 3.86 of color score (rather like), and 2.86 of texture (like moderately) at 60°C; 3.71 of aroma, color, and texture score (like) at 70°C; 4.14 of aroma score (like), 3.71 of color score (rather like), and 4.86 of texture score (like very much) at 80°C. The best result from organoleptic evaluation test was corn flour by drying at 80 ° C with 4.24 of average score and included preferred category.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ecosystem Vol. 19 No. 1 (2019): ECOSYSTEM VOL 19 NO. 1 Januari - April 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Universitas Bosowa

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Broccoli vegetables are one of the vegetables included in the cabbage tribe produced in Baroko Subdistrict, Enrekang Regency, which has high economic value with good quality production, so post-harvest handling needs to be done so that it remains qualified according to consumer demand. This study aims to determine how to handle post-harvest broccoli vegetables and the quality of broccoli in the garden and after transportation. The usefulness of this study is that it can provide a deeper understanding of the handling of post-harvest broccoli vegetables. Farmers can also use the results of this study to add insight into the post-harvest process, and as information material for broccoli vegetable farmers and subsequent research. The postharvest handling stage of broccoli consists of harvesting, collecting, sorting, cleaning, grouping, packaging, and transportation; the color of broccoli vegetables in the garden remains greenish and at the supermarket broccoli changes color because of the flowers from broccoli having black spots; and the diameter of 10-12 cm broccoli vegetables transported to supermarkets (Makassar), while broccoli vegetables with diameters below 10-12 cm are sold in traditional markets.
PENGARUH PENGULANGAN PENGGORENGAN TERHADAP KANDUNGAN ASAM LEMAK BEBAS DAN VISKOSITAS MINYAK HASIL PENGGORENGAN: Effect of Repeated Frying Against Free Fatty Acid Content and Viscosity Oil Frying Repeatedly Sutanto, Saiman; Rahman, Rahmawati; Abriana, Andi
Jurnal Ilmiah Ecosystem Vol. 16 No. 3 (2016): Ecosystem Vol 16 No 3, Oktober-Desember 2016
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Universitas Bosowa

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Changes that occur chemically and physically on cooking oil used to fry during which in turn will affect the quality of the product is fried. The chemical changes that occur such as free fatty acid, thiobarbituric acid, peroxide; whereas physical changes such as: color, smoke point, viscosity, smell and taste. The resulting chemical changes, namely an increase in free fatty acids and physically namely oil colors become darker, the increase in viscosity and a decrease in smoke point. This study aims to determine the free fatty acid content and viscosity of the oil that has been used repeatedly. The results of this study are expected to produce information about the quality of frying oil that has been used repeatedly, so that it can be seen up to frying how many times the result of frying oil can still be used. Repetition frying can lead to increased free fatty acids in the oil frying and getting repeatedly used the free fatty acid content further increased. Repetition of frying oil used more and the quality has gone downhill since free fatty acid content is higher. The content of free fatty acids in the oil was frying chicken giving a very real difference to the result of frying oil bananas. Repetition pan many times can increase the viscosity of the oil. The viscosity of the oil was frying bananas providea very real difference to the chicken frying oil
Minyak Jagung Sebagai Bahan Tambahan Selai Coklat Kacang Tanah Arachis Hypogaea Fatmawati, Fatmawati; Halik, Abdul; Abriana, Andi; Laga, Suriana; Andriani, Adinda
Jurnal Ilmiah Ecosystem Vol. 23 No. 2 (2023): Ecosystem Vol. 23 No 2, Mei - Agustus Tahun 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35965/eco.v23i2.2760


Selai merupakan produk pangan yang bertekstur kental atau semi padat. Selai coklat kacang tanah ini kaya akan protein dan kalium yang mampu membantu mengurangi resiko tekanan darah tinggi, jantung dan juga menjaga kesehatan usus dan pencernaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan minyak jagung terhadap kualitas selai coklat kacang tanah.  Metode penelitian eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan empat taraf penambahan minyak jagung (5; 6; 7; 8)% dan tiga kali ulangan. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan keragaman (ANOVA) dan uji lanjutan BNT, menggunakan alat SPSS. Hasil penelitian diperoleh penambahan minyak jagung terhadap selai coklat kacang tanah, tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar lemak, dan padatan terlarut. Perlakuan terbaik dari penambahan minyak jagung, jika ditinjau dari kadar air adalah penambahan 6% minyak jagung hasilnya 0,63% kadar air, dan  Kadar lemak  43,71%, serta total padatan terlarut 26,43oBrix.  Hasil yang diperoleh jika dirujuk dengan SNI selai kacang tanah atau mentega kacang, maka produk selai yang dihasilkan untuk total padatan terlarut belum memenuhi syarat mutu yang tercantum dalam Standar Nasional Indonesia, akan tetapi jika hasil penelitian dirujuk kepada standar mutu selai buah maka hasil ini memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia. Jam is a food product that has a thick or semi-solid texture. Chocolate peanut butter is rich in protein and potassium which can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and also maintain intestinal and digestive health. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of corn oil on the quality of peanut chocolate jam. The experimental research method used a completely randomized design (CRD), with four levels of addition of corn oil (5; 6; 7; 8)% and three replications. Observational data were analyzed with variance (ANOVA) and LSD follow-up test, using the SPSS tool. The results showed that the addition of corn oil to peanut chocolate jam did not significantly affect the water content, fat content, and dissolved solids. The best treatment for adding corn oil, in terms of water content, is the addition of 6% corn oil, the result is 0.63% water content, and 43.71% fat content, and 26.43oBrix total dissolved solids. The results obtained if referred to the SNI for peanut butter or peanut butter, then the resulting jam product for total dissolved solids does not meet the quality requirements listed in the Indonesian National Standard, however if the research results are referred to the fruit jam quality standard then these results meet the Indonesian National Standard