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Optimalisasi Pengurus Masjid dalam Upaya Memakmurkan Masjid di Kelurahan Jumapolo Karanganyar Faruq Alhasbi; Joko Subando; Nur Saimona; Ali Rosidi
Altifani : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ushuluddin, Adab, dan Dakwah Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab, dan Dakwah

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Masjid di era Rasulullah berperan penting dalam kejayaan Islam karena menjadi pusat pengembangan untuk memajukan umat muslim. Sayangnya, dewasa ini peran tersebut tidak begitu terasa dan masjid-masjid terkesan hanya berfungsi untuk mengurusi kepentingan transenden ibadah shalat lima waktu saja, termasuk masjid-masjid di Kelurahan Jumapolo. Oleh karena itu, Seminar Masjid dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman manajemen fungsi masjid dan sebagai upaya untuk memakmurkan masjid menjadi sebagaimana fungsinya di zaman Nabi Muhammad. Pengabdian ini menggunakan metode seminar pemberdayaan yang memungkinkan instruktur memberikan gambaran solusi permasalahan, melakukan dialog interaktif, dan memberikan materi pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mitra pengabdian. Pendekatan design thinking dipilih untuk memberikan solusi tepat melalui tahap problem space untuk mengidentifikasi masalah, tantangan, yang dihadapi mitra; dan solution space untuk merancang berbagai solusi atas kondisi yang ada. Seminar terselenggara di Masjid Yamp Jumapolo dan dihadiri oleh para takmir masjid yang ada di Kelurahan Jumapolo sebagai mitra pengabdian. Hasilnya, peningkatan pemahaman takmir masjid, optimalisasi sumber daya sekitar masjid, dan perluasan media dakwah melalui media online mampu membantu para takmir masjid dalam dalam memakmurkan masjid. Dengan kata lain, seminar masjid dapat memberikan pandangan baru kepada mitra pengabdian dalam manajemen masjid untuk memakmurkan masjid.
PELATIHAN DESAIN GRAFIS UNTUK MEMBENTUK IDENTITAS Faruq Alhasbi; Alfian Eko Rochmawan; Intan Ayu Wulandari; Lailla Hidayatul Amin
AL HAZIQ: Journal of Community Service Vol. 01, No. 1 Desember 2022
Publisher : Institut Islam Mamba'ul 'Ulum Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54090/haziq.84


University plays an important role in equipping graduates to adapt to developments that changes society. One of the massive changes is the use of design to build an identity, whether personal branding, promotion, and other business area. Therefore, students need guidance to make designs that are useful in the future. This program is given to students of KM-PGMI IIM Surakarta to provide soft skills in the field of design. This training is carried out with demonstrations by the instructor and hands-on practice with the trainees. The results showed that 93.5% of participants were able to express creative ideas in the form of designs for social media, promotions, and event posters according to the material presented in the training.
Tinjauan Dramaturgi, Pengelolaan Kesan dalam Iklan Partai Politik "PAN PAN PAN" Faruq Alhasbi; Rafi Ilham Hakim; Diva Allya; Ikhsannurdien Alfauzi
Pawarta: Journal of Communication and Da'wah Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Institut Islam Mamba'ul 'Ulum Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54090/pawarta.321


Ahead of the 2024 Election, the virality of party jingles on social media has become interesting phenomenon in Indonesian politics. It caused the Election following by new voters with high use of social media. Therefore, political parties began to compete to attract the attention of these new voters in various ways, one of which was making the party's advertising content viral so that it became known to the community. The Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) became one of the parties that succeeded in boosting electability after the viral jingle called PAN-PAN-PAN. There are some messages and agendas carried trough the song. So, researchers employing the constructivism paradigm to see how the party built political impression through jingles. A qualitative descriptive approach used to explain phenomena based on the perspective of Dramaturgical Theory, namely how impression created on front-stage and how the efforts made by the party behind the viral of PAN-PAN-PAN. As the result, the front stage especially tries to create an impression of being close to the millennial generation to get attention as new voters. Meanwhile, the jingle give the impression of being close to the community. That impressions supported by efforts to invite millennial public figures to join the party. The backstage also formed by the cadres' efforts to actualize the tagline, Bantu Rakyat.