Djuanda, Rudy
Faculty Of Dentistry, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia

Published : 9 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Journal : SONDE (Sound of Dentistry)

Perbedaan Kekuatan Geser Perlekatan (Shear Bond Strength) Antara Self – Adhering Flowable Composite dan Flowable Composite dengan Sistem Adhesif Self – Etch pada Dentin Steven Tanjung; Rudy Djuanda; Angela Evelyna
SONDE (Sound of Dentistry) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): SONDE (Sound of Dentistry)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.119 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/sod.v4i1.1767


Restoration is a treatment to restore the structure of missing dental hard tissue due to caries. Flowable composite has good adaptability to the cavity wall so that it is widely used as an intermediate layer. Composite resins require an adhesive system to bond chemically with dental hard tissue. Self - adhering flowable composite combining etching, priming, and adhesive in one flowable package. This study was conducted with the aim to determine the difference in shear bond strength between Self – adhering flowable composite and flowable composite with self – etch adhesive system on dentine. The number of samples used was 38 pieces. After dentin was prepared and fixed, samples was divided into 2 groups, each group consisting of 19 samples. First group was applied with self – adhering flowable composite, second group was applied with flowable composite with self – etch adhesive system. Samples was immersed in pH 6.8 normal saline and stored for 24 hours, then dried and shear bond strength was tested using a universal testing machine. The data obtained were analyzed using independent t – test. The statistical analysis using independent t – test showed that there were significant differences in the shear bond strength between the two groups, p=0,000 (p<0.05). The study concluded that there is difference of shear bond strength between self – adhering flowable composite and flowable composite with self – etch adhesive system on dentine.
Perbedaan Kebersihan Sepertiga Apikal Saluran Akar dari Smear Layer Menggunakan Sistem Aktivasi Ultrasonik dan Sonik Della Puspita; Rudy Djuanda; Angela Evelyna
SONDE (Sound of Dentistry) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): SONDE (Sound of Dentistry)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.792 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/sod.v4i1.1768


Irrigant activation is important for successful endodontic treatment. There are some of activation technique those are manual irrigation with needle irrigation and mechanics irrigation with sonic, and ultrasonic activation. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness between sonic and ultrasonic activation technique as irrigation activation for smear layer removal in apical third of the root canal. Fifteen mandibular premolars were used. NaOCl 2,5% and EDTA 17% was used as an irrigant. Sample were divided into 3 equal group (n=5) according to the final activation technique: group I as a needle irrigation II as a ultrasonic activation, group III sonic activation. Root canals were split longitudinnaly and subjected to scanning electron microscope with 2000x magnification. Data were evaluated using statistics kruskall wallis and mann whitney. The result of this study shows there were statistically significant differences in staistics Mann Whitney on group III were more clean than group II p < 0,05. Sonic technique more effective in removal of smear layer in apical third of the root canal than ultrasonic activation technicque. Important to noted the variant of irrigant and activation.
Perawatan Internal Bleaching Menggunakan Teknik Walking Bleach Pada Gigi Insisif Sentral Kanan Rahang Atas (Case Report) Rudy Djuanda
SONDE (Sound of Dentistry) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): SONDE (Sound of Dentistry)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (459.739 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/sod.v4i2.1935


Tooth discoloration is defined as extrinsic or intrinsic staining based on localization and etiology, appearance, severity and adhesion to the tooth structure. Tooth discoloration is a cosmetic problem and the teeth whitening procedure is more conservative than the restorative method. Tooth discoloration, especially those treated endodontically is a matter of concern for patients and dentists. Among the various bleaching techniques, the technique of "walking bleach" with hydrogen peroxide stands out because of its superior aesthetic results with less side effects. This paper presents a case of tooth discoloration in non-vital teeth that was successfully bleached using the walking bleach method.
Potensi Herbal Antibakteri Cuka Sari Apel terhadap Enterococcus faecalis sebagai Bahan Irigasi Saluran Akar Rudy Djuanda; Varin Aulia Helmika; Fiona Christabella; Natallia Pranata; Vinna Kurniawati Sugiaman
SONDE (Sound of Dentistry) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): SONDE (Sound of Dentistry)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/sod.v4i2.2141


Irigasi saluran akar merupakan tahapan penting dalam menunjang keberhasilan perawatan saluran akar. Mikroorganisme paling resisten dan sering ditemukan pada kasus setelah dilakukan perawatan saluran akar adalah Enterococcus faecalis, dengan prevalensi berkisar 24-77%. Chlorhexidine digluconate dengan konsentrasi 2% digunakan untuk larutan irigasi saluran akar yang efektif, namun tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk melarutkan jaringan nekrotik. Cuka sari apel memiliki kandungan asam organik yaitu asam asetat dapat yang dapat bertindak sebagai antimikroba yang dapat menyebabkan hilangnya integritas sel. Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh antibakteri, daya hambat, kadar hambat minimum, dan kadar bunuh minimum sediaan cuka sari apel terhadap bakteri Enterococcus faecalis dengan Chlorhexidine digluconate 2% sebagai kelompok kontrol terhadap pertumbuhan Enterococcus faecalis. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi suatu dasar pengembangan cuka sari apel sebagai bahan irigasi saluran akar dan dapat mengetahui aktivitas daya hambat optimum dari sediaan cuka sari apel terhadap bakteri Enterococcus faecalis secara in vitro.Desain penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental labotratorik secara in vitro menggunakan metode difusi cakram (Tes Kirby-Bauer) dengan pengamatan zonahambat. Data yang diukur adalah diameter zona hambat dari pertumbuhan bakteri Enterococcus faecalis dengan menggunakan jangka sorong dalam satuan milimeter (mm). Kadar bunuh bakteri pada penelitian ini diadaptasi dari metode yang dikembangkan oleh CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standart Institute, 2014) dengan modifikasi.Diameter zona hambat cuka apel meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi, bahkan pada konsentrasi minimal 25% dapat membunuh bakteriEnterococcus faecalis Potensi antibakteri cuka apel setara dengan Chlorhexidine digluconate 2%.