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Analisis Kinerja Organisasi Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard Pada Kelurahan Kabor Kabupaten Sikka Paulus Juru; Vinsensius Ama Muda; Yustina Olivia Da Silva; Maria Silvana Mariabel Carcia; Maria Yuliana
Jurnal Media Wahana Ekonomika Vol 19, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Media Wahana Ekonomika, April 2022
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/jmwe.v19i1.8008


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kinerja organisasi Kelurahan Kabor ditinjau dari perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan, perspektif proses operasi internal, perspektif  pelanggan dan perspektif keuangan. Sampel dalam  penelitian ini dibagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu masyarakat Kelurahan Kabor sebanyak 150 orang yang digunakan untuk mengukur perspektif pelanggan. Berikut adalah pegawai Kelurahan Kabor sebanyak 13 orang yang digunakan untuk mengukur perspektif proses bisnis internal, perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan dan perspektif keuangan. Data dikumpulkan melalui quisioner dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskritif. Temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa rata-rata skor total penilaian Kinerja Organisasi Kelurahan Kabor berdasarkan empat perspektif adalah 72.59%. Berdasarkan kriteria presentase tanggapan responden dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kinerja Organisasi Kelurahan Kabor termasuk dalam kategori baik. Selanjutnya rincian dari penilaian Kinerja Organisasi  dengan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard adalah: 1) Persentase tanggapan responden untuk perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan adalah 71.15%  sehingga dikategorikan baik; 2) Persentase tanggapan responden untuk perspektif proses operasi internal adalah 73.08%  sehingga dikategorikan baik; 3) Persentase tanggapan responden untuk perspektif pelanggan adalah 75.55% sehingga dikategorikan baik; dan Persentase tanggapan responden untuk perspektif perspektif keuangan adalah 70.58%  sehingga dikategorikan baik. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran, Pertumbuhan, Pelanggan, Keuangan ABSTRACT This research aims to find out the picture of the performance of the Kabor Village organization is reviewed from a learning and growth perspective, an internal operating process perspective, a customer perspective and a financial perspective. The sample in this study was divided into two groups, namely the Kabor Village community of 150 people who were used to measure customer perspectives. Here are 13 kabor employees who are used to measure internal business process perspectives, learning and growth perspectives and financial perspectives. Data is collected through quisioners and analyzed using deskritive analysis. The study findings showed that the average score of the total performance assessment of the Kabor Village Organization based on four perspectives was 72.59%. Based on the criteria of the percentage of respondents' responses, it can be concluded that the Performance of Kabor Village Organization falls into the category of good. Further details of the Assessment of Organizational Performance with balanced scorecard approach are: 1) The percentage of respondent responses to learning and growth perspectives is 71.15% so it is categorized as good; 2) The percentage of respondent responses to the perspective of internal operating processes is 73.08% so it is categorized as good; 3) The percentage of respondent responses to customer perspective is 75.55% so it is categorized as good; And the percentage of respondent responses to the financial perspective perspective is 70.58% so it is categorized as good. Keywords: Learning, Growth, Customer, Finance
Pengaruh Sikap Kerja dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Semangat Kerja Pegawai di Kantor Camat Wulanggitang Kabupaten Flores Timur Vinsensius Ama Muda; Maria Silvana Mariabel Carcia; Maksima Sima Muda
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 7 No 7 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (246.396 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5707241


This study aims to describe the effect of work attitudes on work morale, the influence of work environment on work morale, analyze the influence of work attitudes and work environment on employee morale, either partially or simultaneously. The population in this study were the employees of the Wulanggitang sub-district office, East Flores Regency, totaling 31 people. Because the population is limited, this research was conducted by census or saturated sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive methods and inferential statistics, namely multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing is done through the F test and t test. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that the variables of Employee Work Attitude, Work Environment and Work Spirit were categorized as good. The statistical results of the F test show that simultaneously all the independent variables are independent. significant effect on Employee Morale. The results of the t-test statistics show that partially the variables of Work Attitude and Work Environment have a positive and insignificant effect on Employee Morale. The results of the determination analysis showed that the two independent variables in this study were able to explain the variations in the ups and downs of the Work Spirit of the Wulanggitang Sub-District Office Employees, East Flores Regency by 22.8%.
Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Dan Beban Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Badan Perencanaan Dan Penelitian Kabupaten Sikka Maria Handayani Yunita Wale; Maria Silvana Mariabel Carcia; Yustina Olivia Da Silva
Jurnal CUAN Universitas Nusa Nipa Maumere Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Kewirausahaan dan Manajemen Bisnis
Publisher : Program Studi Kewirausahaan Universitas Nusa Nipa Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59603/cuan.v1i2.26


This study aims to (1) To find out how the description of employee performance, work discipline and workload. (2) To determine the effect of work discipline and workload on employee performance either partially or simultaneously. The population in this study were 56 employees who worked at the Sikka Regency Planning and Research and Development Office. The sample used was the saturated sample technique so that the total sample size of less than 100 was used entirely by the researcher, namely 56 employees. The results of the descriptive statistical analysis show that employee performance, work discipline, and workload are categorized as good. The statistical results of the t-test show that partially the work discipline variable has a significant effect on employee performance. The statistical results of the F test show that work discipline and workload simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance. The determination result is 0.715 which means that the contribution of work discipline and workload variables to employee performance is 51.2%.
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Fisik Dan Tim Kerja Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Pada CV Agung Mandiri Motor Romana Agnesia Asti Langga; Maria Silvana Mariabel Carcia; Walter Obon
Jurnal CUAN Universitas Nusa Nipa Maumere Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Kewirausahaan dan Manajemen Bisnis
Publisher : Program Studi Kewirausahaan Universitas Nusa Nipa Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59603/cuan.v1i2.29


This study aimed to: (1) determine the description of the physical work environment and work team on work performance (2) analyze the physical work environment and work team on work performance both partially and simultaneously. The population in this study was 30 employee participants at Cv Agung Mandiri Motor Maumere. Since the population was limited, this research was conducted by census or saturated sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. namely multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing was done through the F-test and 1- test. The results of descriptive analysis showed that the variables of Work Achievement, Physical Work Environment, and Work Team were categorized as good. The results of the t-test statistics showed that partially the Work Environment variable had a positive and insignificant effect on Work Performance while the Work Team had a positive and significant effect on Work Performance. The statistical results of the F test showed that simultaneously all independent variables had a significant effect on Work Performance. The results of the determination analysis indicated that the two independent variables in this study were able to explain the variation in the rise and fall of Work Performance by 50%.
Pengaruh Perilaku Kerja Dan Konflik Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Aparatur Desa Di Kecamatan Kewapante Kabupaten Sikka (Pada Desa Ian Tena, Desa Wairkoja, Desa Seusina Dan Desa Namangkewa) Maria Aprilia; Maria Silvana Mariabel Carcia; Yosef Tonce
Jurnal CUAN Universitas Nusa Nipa Maumere Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Maret: Jurnal Kewirausahaan dan Manajemen Bisnis
Publisher : Program Studi Kewirausahaan Universitas Nusa Nipa Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59603/cuan.v1i2.30


The background of this research aims: 1). To find out the work performance of apparatus in four villages 2). To analyze the effect of work behavior and work conflict on the performance of village officials. The population in this study were village apparatus in Kewapante District (In Ian Tena Village, Wairkoja Village, Seusina Village and Namangkewa Village), totaling 32 people. The population is limited, so this research was carried out by means of a census or saturated sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive methods and differential statistics, namely multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing is done through the t test and f test. The results of the descriptive analysis show that the three variables are categorized as not good. The results of the t test statistics show that partially the work behavior variable has a positive and significant effect on the performance of the apparatus. The results of the t test statistics show that partially the work conflict variable has a negative and significant effect. The results of the f test statistics show that simultaneously the variables of work behavior and work conflict have a significant effect on work performance. The results of the determination analysis show that the two variables are able to explain the variation in the ups and downs of the performance of the village apparatus in Kewapante District (In Ian Tena Village, Wairkoja Village, Seusina Village and Namangkewa Village) of 28.5%.
Pengaruh Kecerdasam Intelektual Dan Sikap Kerja Terhadap Kineja Karyawan PT. PLN (PERSERO) UP3 Flores Bagian Timur Kabupaten Sikka Noviliana Wende; Maria Silvana Mariabel Carcia; Magdalena Silawati Samosir
Jurnal CUAN Universitas Nusa Nipa Maumere Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Maret: Jurnal Kewirausahaan dan Manajemen Bisnis
Publisher : Program Studi Kewirausahaan Universitas Nusa Nipa Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59603/cuan.v1i1.32


The background of this research is the achievement of performance that has not reached the specified target. This study aims to: (1) determine the description of employee performance, Intellectual Intelligence and Work Attitudes; (2) analyzing the effect of Intellectual Intelligence and Work Attitude on employee performance either partially or simultaneously. The population in this study were 50 employees of PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Flores, East of Sikka Regency. Because the population is limited, this research was carried out by means of a census or saturated sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive methods and inferential statistics, namely multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing is done through the F test and t test. The results of the descriptive analysis show that the performance variables of Intellectual Intelligence and Work Attitudes are categorized as quite good. The results of the t-test statistics show that partially the Intellectual Intelligence and Work Attitude variables have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The statistical results of the F test show that simultaneously the Intellectual Intelligence and Work Attitude variables have a significant effect on employee performance. The results of the analysis of determination show that the two independent variables in this study are able to explain the variations in the ups and downs of the performance of employees of PT. PLN (Persero) UP3 Flores, eastern part of Sikka Regency by 58.6%
Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Ina Gelekat Kabupaten Flores Timur Melania Bare Hurint; Yosefina Andia Dekrita; Maria Silvana Mariabel Carcia
Jurnal CUAN Universitas Nusa Nipa Maumere Vol 1 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Kewirausahaan dan Manajemen Bisnis
Publisher : Program Studi Kewirausahaan Universitas Nusa Nipa Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59603/cuan.v1i3.36


This research aimed to determine and assess the financial performance of Ina Gelekat Regional Water Supply in East Flores Regency in 2018-2022 besed on financial ratio measurement tools that refer to the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 47 of 1999. The type of data was quantitative data. Data collection methods were casrried out by literauture review, direct observation, and interview. Data analysis techniques used financial performance analysis with ten financial ratios based on the Decree of the Minister of home Affairs Number 47 of 1999, regarding guidelines for assessing the financial performance of the Municipal Water Works of East Flores Regency in 2018-2022 following the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 47 of 1999. The results showed that in 2018 it produceced the “ Excellent” category with a financial performance value of 51.33, in 2019 it produced the “Excellent” category with a financial performance value of 51.33, in 2020 it produced the “ Excellent” category with a financial performance value of 56.67, in 2021 it produced the “ Exellent” cetegory with a financial performance value of 63.33, and in 2022 it produced “ Exellent” category with a financial performance value of 61.67.
Analisis Common Size Untuk Menilai Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Tahun 2018-2022 Maria Septiani Elisa Sugo; Yosefina Andia Dekrita; Maria Silvana Mariabel Carcia
Mutiara : Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): Oktober: Mutiara : Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/mutiara.v1i5.480


This research aimed to (1) discover financial performance by using common size analysis at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for 2018-2022 in terms of the balance report, (2) understand how the financial performance is using common size analysis at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for 2018-2022 in terms of profit and loss. This research type was descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The method employed in this research was common size analysis. The data used in this research was secondary data frome PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia financial report documents from 2018-2022. The research findings of the financial performance assesed from the balance sheet for the asset component with the less-healthy categorization, the liability component with the less-healthy categorization, and the equity component with the unhealthy categorization. For financial, in terms of the income statement, it revealed that the income statement was in the unhealthy category.
Analisa Perbandingan Neraca Untuk Mengukur Kinerja Keuangan Di Kopdit Tuke Ler Cabang Hewokloang Elisabeth Osi Nofrita Dua Hanes; Yosefina Andia Dekrita; Maria Silvana Mariabel Carcia
Mutiara : Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): Oktober: Mutiara : Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/mutiara.v1i5.481


This research aimed to determine the financial performance at Tuke Ler Hewokloang Credit Union using the horizontal (dynamic) analysis method; namely percentages and ratios. The sample in this research was the balance sheet report of Tuke Ler Hewokloang Credit Union for 2017-2021. The type of data was quantitative data. Data collection was carried out through documentation and interview methods. The data sources used primary and secondary data, primary data in the form of the credit union's history and secondary data in the form of balance sheet reports of Tuke Ler Hewokloang Credit Union. The results showed that the financial performance of Tuke Ler Hewokloang Credit Union in the 2017-2021 period used the percentage and ratio method was comparison based on the rupiah, percentage and ratio showed that total current assets, fixed assets, total assets, equity and capital, and total debt in 2017-2021 tended to increase. It means that the financial performance of Tuke Ler Hewokloang Credit Union on the elements of current assets, fixed assets, total assets, equity capital, and total debt were in good condition and total liabilities in 2017-2021 tended to decrease. It means that the financial performance of Tuke Ler Hewokloang Credit Union on the element of total equity capital was in poor condition.