I Gusti Ngurah Seramasara, I Gusti Ngurah
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Hindu Religion And Traditional Performing Arts In The Development Of Tourism In Bali Seramasara, I Gusti Ngurah
Lekesan: Interdisciplinary Journal of Asia Pacific Arts Vol 1 No 2 (2018): October
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.434 KB) | DOI: 10.31091/lekesan.v1i2.524


Religion and traditional performing arts in Bali are two fields that are not separated as cultural identities that make Bali famous in the eyes of the world and admired as being able to create peace and prosperity. Based on consideration of Hinduism and the traditional performing arts, tourists arrive to visit Bali. Therefore this paper aims to analyze the relationship between Hinduism and traditional performing arts and its relation to tourism development, as well as the impact it has on the social phenomena of Balinese society. There is an interest in maintaining the relationship of Hinduism with traditional performing arts as part of a whole religious ceremony with the development of tourism, but there is a very strong stream of commercialization, which can destabilize the relationship between Hinduism and the life of the performing arts. This inequality is a problem that needs to be studied because it is not uncommon for the packaging of sacred art to become a tourist art, thereby reducing the importance of traditional performing arts’ sacredness. The effort to counteract the aforementioned problem will be the main focus that will be studied in this paper. The method used to examine the problems above is qualitative research methods based on the historical paradigm. The historical paradigm understands changes through sources, documents, artifacts, texts on performing arts and observations and interviews in connection with the current conditions. As an analytical tool, the concepts of ideology, communication and acceptance are used. The results of this writing indicate that there is a cultural ideology, namely the classification of performing art and the concept of cultural tourism to counteract the negative influence of tourism on Hindu religious life and Balinese culture.
Kajian Rekonstruksi Tari Legong Raja Cina Di Puri Taman Saba, Blahbatuh, Gianyar Sebuah Proses Kreatif Andra Krisna Susanti, Ni Nyoman; Seramasara, I Gusti Ngurah; Arshiniwati, Ni Made
Kalangwan : Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan Vol 5 No 1 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2524.89 KB) | DOI: 10.31091/kalangwan.v5i1.729


Tari Legong Raja Cina merupakan tari klasik Bali hasil rekonstruksi tahun 2012 yang memiliki tingkat kerumitan gerak dan ekpresi yang sangat kompleks. Tari ini merupakan hasil penuangan gagasan tentang cerita legendaris mengenai kisah asmara Raja Bali (Jaya Pangus) dengan Putri Cina (Kang Cing Wie). Proses rekonstruksi dilakukan oleh I Gusti Ngurah Serama Semadi di Puri Taman Saba, Blahbatuh, Gianyar dan dipentaskan pada ajang Pesta Kesenian Bali (PKB) ke XXXIV tahun 2012. Rekonstruksi tari ini mengandung proses kreatif tinggi dalam menuangkan gerak-gerak tari yang memadukan dua budaya berbeda. Penelitian berjudul Kajian Rekonstruksi Tari Legong Raja Cina di Puri Taman Saba, Blahbatuh, Gianyar Sebuah Proses Kreatif ini dipandang penting untuk dilakukan dengan mengangkat tiga masalah yang dikaji, yaitu (1) Bagaimana proses kreatif rekonstruksi Tari Legong Raja Cina; (2) Bagaimana bentuk Tari Legong Raja Cina hasil dari rekonstruksi; dan (3) Nilai apa saja yang dikandung oleh Tari Legong Raja Cina. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang ditinjau dari kajian seni pertunjukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi partisipsi, wawancara, studi pustaka dan dokumentasi. Teori yang digunakan untuk membedah tiga masalah di atas adalah teori proses kreatif oleh Alma M. Hawkins, teori estetika yang ditulis oleh Djelantik, dan teori struktural fungsional oleh Talcot Parson. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) proses kreatif rekonstruksi Tari Legong Raja Cina dapat dilihat melalui tiga tahapan yaitu tahap eksplorasi, tahap improvisasi dan tahap pembentukan. (2) Tari Legong Raja Cina berbentuk palegongan yang didasari oleh struktur, tema, gerak, pola lantai, tata rias, tata busana, iringan, tempat pementasan dan penampilan. (3) Nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya adalah nilai estetika, nilai akulturasi, nilai kesetiaan, dan nilai percintaan.
Kajian Konsep Komposisi Musik Ulah Egar Karya Agus Teja Sentosa Jacky Ariesta, I Made; Seramasara, I Gusti Ngurah; Suartaya, I Kadek
Kalangwan : Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan Vol 5 No 2 (2019): Desember
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2348.071 KB)


Komposisi musik Ulah Egar adalah komposisi yang diciptakan oleh Agus Teja Sentosa pada tahun 2016. Komposisi musik ini memiliki keunikan tersendiri, karena walaupun menggunakan instrumen seruling untuk membawakan melodi pokok, tetapi tetap bisa menggambarkan rasa semangat dan gembira. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pada komposisi musik ini, menggunakan teknik penggabungan bukan hanya dari segi instrumentasi saja, namun terdapat penggabungan style musik, sehingga dapat memberikan aransemen baru pada komposisi musik ini. Selain itu jarang ditemukan musik instrumental seruling yang menggambarkan rasa bersemangat. Melalui fenomena tersebut, permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana konsep komposisi musik Ulah Egar karya Agus Teja Sentosa. Tujuan umum penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis konsep, sedangkan tujuan khusus yaitu untuk mengetahui konsep, komposisi musik Ulah Egar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan, observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan diskografi. Teori yang digunakan untuk mengupas permasalahan yaitu teori komposisi musik dan teori hibriditas. Kemudian sumber data primer diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, pengamatan, diskografi, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari sumber buku, jurnal, artikel, dan internet. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa komposisi musik Ulah Egar menggunakan konsep hibriditas, karena adanya penggabungan idiom musikal tradisi Bali, tradisi Cina dan idiom musikal barat, yang digabungkan, sehingga dari penggabungan tersebut menghasilkan produk budaya baru, salah satunya adalah bentuk komposisi musik yang hibriditas.
E-Journal of Cultural Studies Vol 9, No 3 (2016): August 2016
Publisher : Cultural Studies Doctorate Program, Postgraduate Program of Udayana University

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Wayang Orang (the stage show usually with the wayang theme) is a performing art of which the characters are played by people. As a specific Sasak performing art, the wayang orang which is performed in Mataram Lombok, used to use what is referred to as Serat Menak as the story source. However, such a performing art was marginalized and was almost getting extinct. Therefore, the Sasak artists and cultural observers, whom were facilitated by UPTD Taman Budaya Lombok, did their best to save such a performing art by reconstructing it. The performing art which was constructed by IPTD Taman Budaya Lombok was the Wayang Orang Darma Kerti, Dusun Batu Pandang. Such a reconstruction was made in the middle of the struggle for an identity of those living in Mataram, Lombok, who belong to different ethnic groups and religions. This present study was intended to understand the matter pertaining to the reconstruction of Wayang Orang Darma Kerti as part of the struggle for the identity of the people living in Mataram, Lombok. The qualitative method and the theories of deconstruction, multiculturalism, and hegemony were used to analyze the problems of the study. The result of the study showed that 1) there was a desire to preserve Wayang Orang as a local identity, meaning that the desire to reconstruct it was inspired by the Islamic religious value and the Wetu Telu Islamic value; 2) it was reconstructed through several stages; they are observation, inventory, and classification; finally, it was decided to reconstruct Wayang Orang performed at Dusun Batu Pandang, East Lombok in which the puppeteers and dancers from Mataram, West Lombok, were involved; the puppeteers were gathered, the themes were composed, the performance was practiced, and the Wayang Orang was performed; 3)  the implication of the reconstruction of the Wayang Orang was that the Sasak ethnic group had an art identity, and religion and culture adapted to each other as the implementation of what is referred to as adatluwirgama, and the local people’s prosperity became better.