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The Succession Factor of Family Business: The Perspective of Successor Agus Fernando; Dedi Kurniawan; Dani Lukman Hakim
International Journal of Family Business Practices Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Business, President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33021/ijfbp.v6i1.4496


Family businesses play a significant role in the global economy, accounting for over 61.25 % of the Gross Domestic Product. However, the survival rate beyond the third generation is only less than 10 %, highlighting the importance of successful succession for sustainable business. While previous research has identified various factors contributing to successful succession in family businesses, there has been limited focus on the perspectives of the successors themselves. This study aimed to examine factors related to successor readiness and explore challenges and success factors during the succession process from the viewpoint of family business successors. The research was conducted in Indonesia, involving seventyt successors from small and medium-sized family businesses in such as craft, retail, food and drink, and garment/fashion. The findings revealed the factors that contribute to successor readiness, including experience working in a different company, experience working in a family-owned company, specialized knowledge in the industry, industry-specific knowledge, individual preferences or personal necessities in working for the family business, dedication and loyalty to the company, financial incentives or monetary rewards, harmonious family dynamics, interpersonal relationships among family members, and trust in the successor's competence. Addressing these factors appropriately, both by the predecessors and the successors, will ensure the continuity of the family business into the future.
Agrika Vol 18, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v18i1.5757


ABSTRAKPermasalahan utama terjadinya ancaman krisis pangan di Indonesia adalah menurunnya kesuburan tanah dan berkurangnya luas lahan karena konversi lahan sawah. Penurunan luas sawah berdampak sangat nyata terhadap penurunan produksi padi sebagai bahan makanan utama di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi karakteristik lahan di beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Cirebon untuk dijadikan lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan (LP2B), sesuai amanah Undang-Undang No. 41 Tahun 2009 tentang PLP2B. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dan analisis spasial dengan teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Penelitian ini menggali kondisi fisik dan biokimia tanah, pola penggunaan lahan, serta potensi produktivitas pada lahan obyek pengamatan. Data sosial ekonomi dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan lapangan dan wawancara dengan stakeholders yang terlibat langsung dalam pengelolaan lahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat variasi signifikan dalam penggunaan lahan yang berdampak pada keberlanjutan produksi pangan. Beberapa area menunjukkan adanya alih fungsi lahan dari lahan pertanian ke non-pertanian, sedangkan sebagian besar area lainnya masih berupa lahan pertanian, baik sawah ataupun non-sawah. Berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan, hasil analisa luasan LP2B di lokasi studi yang meliputi 10 Kecamatan sekitar 20448 ha adalah sebagai berikut: Kecamatan Gunungjati 750 ha, Kecamatan Kapetakan 2700 ha, Kecamatan Suranenggala 1500 ha, Kecamatan Jamblang 1029 ha, Kecamatan Arjawinangun 1313 ha, Kecamatan Pangurangan 1640 ha, Kecamatan Ciwaringin 1000 ha, Kecamatan Susukan 3300 ha, Kecamatan Gegesik 5123 ha dan Kecamatan Kaliwedi 2133 ha. Berdasarkan hasil analisa kesesuaian lahan dan kriteria LP2B disimpulkan bahwa semua wilayah kecamatan yang menjadi lokasi studi memenuhi kriteria baik ditinjau dari aspek karakteristik fisik lahan, kecukupan lahan yang tersedia dan aspek sosial. ABSTRACTThe main cause of the threat of food crisis in Indonesia is the decline in soil fertility and reduction in land area due to the conversion of paddy fields to non-rice fields. The decreasing area of rice fields has a very real impact on the declining production of rice as the staple food in Indonesia. This research aims to identify the characteristics of land in several areas (sub-districts) in Cirebon Regency to be used as sustainable food agricultural lands (LP2B), in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 41 in2009 about PLP2B. The method used in this research was survey and spatial analysis using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. This research explored the physical and biochemical conditions of the soil, land use patterns and potential productivity on each land that was the object of observation. Socioeconomic data were collected through field observations and interviews with stakeholders directly involved in land management. The research results show that there were significant variations in land use impacting the sustainability of food production. Some areas showed a change in land use from agricultural to non-agricultural land, while most of the other areas were still agricultural land, either rice fields or non-rice fields. Based on the specified criteria, the results of the analysis of the area of LP2B in the study location were calculated covering 10 sub-districts, approximately 20448 ha with the following details: Gunungjati sub-district 750 ha, Kapetakan sub-district 2700 ha, Suranenggala sub-district 1,500 ha, Jamblang sub-district 1029 ha, Arjawinangun District 1313 ha, Pangurangan District 1640 ha, Ciwaringin District 1000 ha, Susukan District 3300 ha, Gegesik District 5123 ha and Kaliwedi District 2133 ha. Based on the results of the land suitability analysis and LP2B criteria, it can be concluded that all sub-district areas that became the study locations meet the criteria in terms of the physical characteristics of the land, the adequacy of available land, as well as the social aspects.