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Kelayakan dan Praktikalitas Media Pembelajaran Thunkable Berbasis Android pada Materi Ketahanan Pangan Industri dan Energi Kelas XI IIS SMAN 1 Painan Heru Kartika Sandra; Momon Dt. Tanamir; Nila Afryansih
Horizon Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1065.61 KB) | DOI: 10.22202/horizon.v2i1.5499


This study aims to determine and analyze the feasibility and practicality of Android-based thunkable learning media on industrial food security and energy materials for class XI IIS SMAN 1 Painan. The type of research used in this research is research and development (Research and Development). With a 4D model that includes 4 stages, namely: Define, Design, Development, Desiminate. The subjects in this study were students of class XI IIS as many as 64 students. The results of the study found that: 1.)Thunkable learning media based on Android is declared very feasible after analyzing data processing using Microsoft Excel so that the total score is 277 with a mean level of 4.85 and a percentage rate of 97% with “Very Eligible” category. 2.) Thunkable learning media based on Android is declared practical after processing the research data obtained from the questionnaire, and a practical test is carried out so that a total score of 2.204 is obtained with a mean level of 4.45 and a percentage of 89% in the "Very Practical" category.  Keywords: Appropriateness, Practicality, Android.
Kajian Spasial Rute Transportasi Angkutan Kota Dan Mobilitas Penduduk Menuju Pusat-Pusat Pelayanan Di Kota Padang Fira Sonia; Elvi Zuriyani; Nila Afryansih
Science and Education Journal (SICEDU) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Volume 1 No 2 2022
Publisher : Faculty Of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/sicedu.v1i2.37


The purpose of this study is to collect, process and analyze data and discuss angkot routes, patterns of population mobility to service centers and the potential for population movement in the city of Padang based on the population of the sample. This research method is a quantitative descriptive research. Because it examines the routes of public transportation and how the movement of people in the city of Padang to service centers and the potential for population movement. The population of this study is all public transportation routes in the city of Padang. The sample of this research is two routes, the angkot route code 201 and route code 419 with the longest route and the number of sub-districts that the angkot passes. The data analysis technique uses (GIS) and Newton's formula for spatial interaction. The results of the study are: 1). Angkot routes in the city of Padang have 87 routes/routes of various colors with a total of 2,604 vehicles. 2). The mobility of the population to the service center in the city of Padang using public transportation is divided into three stages, stage 1 the majority of passengers are students, stage 2 is the majority of passengers from the general public who are not students, stage 3 is the majority of passengers to the general public with the aim of going to the economic service center and the mobility of the population is commuter with a pattern of movement. spread out and return within a day. 3). Residents who have the potential for large movements are sub-districts that pass public transportation with route code 419 compared to the potential population in areas passed by public transportation with route code 201
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Mit App Inventor Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Geografi Fitri Rahma Widia; Momon Dt Tanamir; Nila Afryansih
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 4 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 4 Mei-Agustus 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v5i4.4101


This study aims to find out and analyze the development, feasibility and practicality of developing learning media mit app inventor learning media in increasing students' understanding of geography subjects. The type of research used in this study is research and development (Research and Development). The 4D model includes 4 stages, namely: Define, Design, Development, Desiminate. The subjects in this study were students of class XI IPS 1 and class XI IPS 3 who took part in the geography learning process at SMAN 1 Linggo Sari Baganti for the 2023/2024 academic year, namely 58 students. The results of the study found that: 1) The development of learning media for this inventor includesvalidation from experts, namely media experts, education experts, language experts and IT experts so that media validation data is obtained and then processed with the Interaclass Coefficient Correlation (ICC) formula assisted by processing using an application SPSS version 22 for Windows, the result is 0.868. if the value is more than 0.5, it can be concluded that the validation level is adequate. 2) Inventor's mit app learning media was declared very feasible after analyzing data processing using Microsoft Excel so that a total score of 277 was obtained with a mean level of 4.85 and a percentage level of 97% with the title "Very Good". 3.) Inventor's mit app learning media was declared practical after processing research data obtained from questionnaires, and practicality tests were carried out so that a total score of 2204 was obtained with a mean level of 4.45 and a percentage of 89% in the "Very Practical" category.
Analisis Sosio-Spasial Pandemi COVID-19 Di Kota Padang Sari Rahmi; Arie Zella Putra Ulni; Nila Afryansih
Jurnal Multidisiplin Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Multidisiplin Indonesia
Publisher : Riviera Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58344/jmi.v1i2.68


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data, mengolah, menganalisis dan membahas Analisis Sosial Spasial Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Padang dilihat dari: 1) penyebaran covid-19 di Kota Padang. 2) Bagaimana cara penyebaran covid-19 di Kota Padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder, informan dalam penelitian ini ditentukan dengan menggunakan snowball sampling. Informan kunci dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Padang. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi mendalam. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data dan penyajian data serta penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil temuan dan pembahasan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: Difusi Covid-19 Termasuk Jenis Perluasan dan Difusi Kontak, penyebaran Covid-19 pertama di Kota Padang yang terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19 berada di Kabupaten Padang Timur dan Kecamatan Lubuk Begalung. Perbandingan penyebaran Covid-19 awal tahun 2020-2021 tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2020 di Kecamatan Padang Timur dengan total 8.482 kasus terinfeksi. Ada beberapa cara penyebaran Covid-19 di Kota Padang pada tahun 2020-2021, di antaranya melakukan kontak langsung dengan yang terinfeksi virus Covid-19, terkontaminasi benda yang telah terinfeksi virus Covid-19, dan bepergian. jarak jauh.