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Constitutional Law Society Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Center for Constitutional and Legislative Studies University of Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.161 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/cls.v1i2.25


The strengthening of the national research system after the promulgation of Law Number 11 of 2019 concerning the National System of Science and Technology (UU Sisnas Science and Technology) requires that the research and innovation system be strengthened in the regions. Legal instruments in the form of regional regulations have an urgency to ensure the sustainability of the research and innovation ecosystem and are also strengthened in the regions. Therefore, the content of regional regulations on research needs to be well formulated so that the content material is not only a copy of the National Science and Technology Law but can adapt to regional conditions, needs, and ongoing conditions.
Penguatan Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam Perspektif Demokrasi (Studi Pada BPD Desa Karyamulyasari Kecamatan Candipuro Lampung Selatan) Muhtadli Muhtadli; Rudi Wijaya; Rika Septiana
Mahadi: Indonesia Journal of Law Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Edisi Februari
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/mah.v1i1.8319


Artikel ini membahas tentang dinamika penguatan peran dan fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) dalam perspektif demokrasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan dan perundangan, serta pendekatan historis. Sumber data dalam tulisan ini berasal dari peraturan perundang-undangan Indonesia baik eksisting maupun yang pernah berlaku, literatur ilmiah yang relevan, serta hasil observasi dan wawancara penulis dengan responden dari BPD Desa Karyamulyasari, Kecamatan Candipuro, Lampung Selatan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini yakni pertama, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa bukan merupakan unsur penyelenggara pemerintahan desa namun merupakan mitra Kepala Desa dalam urusan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa, kedua, konstruksi hukum UU Desa menghendaki tiga fungsi BPD dilaksanakan secara simultan dan berimbang, dan ketiga, fungsi pengawasan BPD terhadap kepala desa menjadi lebih dominan daripada fungsi aspirasi dan fungsi legislasi desa. Karenanya, penguatan pada dua fungsi lainnya menjadi penting, selain untuk menjalankan amanat UU Desa juga untuk menjaga demokrasi pada lebel desa.
PENCEGAHAN KEKERASAN SEKSUAL TERHADAP REMAJA DI LINGKUNGAN SEKOLAH DI BANDAR LAMPUNG Eko Raharjo; rika septiana; Rudi Wijaya; Muhammad Iqbal Adani; ridho Sholehurrohman
Laporan Upaya Nyata Inovasi Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 01 (2024)
Publisher : FMIPA Unila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/lunik.v2i01.10


Sexual violence poses a serious threat to the well-being of adolescents, including those in Lampung. Adolescents, as a vulnerable group, often become victims of sexual violence perpetrated by individuals close to them, such as parents or teachers. This article highlights the importance of preventing sexual violence through education and knowledge introduced from an early age. The phenomenon of sexual violence primarily occurs in school environments, families, and other social settings, resulting in physical, emotional, and psychological impacts on the victims. Furthermore, sexual violence creates serious consequences not only for the direct victims but also for the broader community and surrounding environment. The high incidence of sexual violence against children and adolescents, particularly evident in the statistical cases in Bandar Lampung, underscores the urgency of addressing sexual violence cases. Prevention of sexual violence and education on the subject need to be introduced early on, and initiatives to provide understanding and knowledge to students about the need to protect themselves from threats and acts of sexual violence are crucial. The community service team conducted a six-month awareness campaign on preventing sexual violence at SMA YP Unila, involving the student council (OSIS), Paskibraka, and class representatives totaling 40 individuals. The awareness campaign utilized methods such as lectures, sharing and group discussions, and question-and-answer sessions. The results indicated an improvement in students' understanding of sexual violence prevention. Students became aware of the importance of early education and knowledge about sexual violence, recognized signs of sexual violence, understood the serious impacts that can occur, and learned how to handle instances of sexual violence. The students also demonstrated an awareness of the role of education as a means to increase awareness and knowledge