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Data Warehouse Analisa Prestasi Akademik Siswa di SMP Roudlotul Jadid Lumajang Dayati, Yusi Dwi; Choiron, Achmad; Kacung, Slamet
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (474.969 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/ojsinf.v1i1.218


Data Warehouse Analisa Prestasi Akademik Siswa di SMP Roudlotul Jadid Lumajang Dayati, Yusi Dwi; Choiron, Achmad; Kacung, Slamet
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/inform.v1i1.207


The absence of a system that can provide fast analysis system is a hallmark of the assessment process is based on the transactional database, such as that which is now used in SMP Roudlotul Lumajang Jadid. This is due to the presence of the transactional data is not intended to be used in Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) that provides functions to analyze the data in order to improve the responsiveness and flexibility of the current system used in the school institution. Then the final project was creation of applications for analyzing OLAP junior high student academic achievement. The final task was done in order to obtain the system requirements, design, implement and test the performance of OLAP applications for analysis so as to provide benefits and correct the problem at school. Problem analysis is done by the system needs analysis, design and implementation, including design datawarehouse and OLAP design. In junior high student achievement analysis Roudlotul Jadid Lumajang can know that the level of mastery students has increased in the 2nd half, for the average value of the class and teacher attendance increase is most dominant in the 2nd half than 1st half. Keyword: OLAP, Data Warehouse, Akademik, Data Mining
Sistem Cerdas untuk Mendeteksi Dini Penyakit Jantung Dengan Decision Tree Kacung, Slamet
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.547 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/inform.v1i2.851


Jurnal Abadimas Adi Buana Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/abadimas.v3.i2.a2164


Sistem Informasi Monitoring Kegiatan dan Keuangan Desa (SIMKD) merupakan sistem yangdapat didasarkan pada teknologi cloud computing. Dengan SIMKD maka pemerintah desa tidakperlu direpotkan dengan penyediaan infrastruktur sistem seperti server, aplikasi dan perawatansistem. Harapan dengan adanya sistem Sistem Informasi Monitoring Kegiatan Dan KeuanganDesa ini adalah pemerintah desa dapat mandiri dalam pengelolaan informasi dan administrasiyang dilakukan. Pembangunan Sistem Informasi Monitoring Kegiatan Dan Keuangan Desa iniditujukan khusus untuk mendapatkan model pengelolaan informasi dan administrasi yangdilakukan pemerintahan desa guna meningkatkan pelayanan sesuai dengan visi dan misiKabupaten Sampang dalam semangat otonomi daerah. Pengabdian ini memiliki tujuan kemitraanantara pemerintah desa dengan dunia pendidikan untuk memberikan kontribusi mendasar padapelayanan publik. Tujuan Pengabdian ini untuk pengembangan Prototipe model kebijakanpembangunan Sistem Informasi Monitoring Kegiatan Dan Keuangan Desa dapat berhasilbilamana ditunjang oleh kemampuan perangkat desa yang memadai. Kenyatannya, hal ini masihkurang di kalangan perangkat desa di lingkungan Desa Madulang Kecamatan Omben KabupatenSampang. Dengan adanya pendampingan pembuatan aplikasi Sistem Informasi MonitoringKegiatan Dan Keuangan Desa diharapkan aparatur desa mampu memberikan pelayanan berbasisIT. Hasil dari pengabdian ini berupa Blueprint Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Monitoring Kegiatan danKeuangan Desa Madulang dapat dijadikan sebagai gambaran perangkat desa dan masyarakatdalam menyusun kegiatan dan keuangan desa seperti pemasaran produk UMKM, transparasipenggunaan anggaran buat masyarakat, sehingga kegiatan tidak hanya infrastruktur danperbaikan jalan yang selama ini dilakukan dalam penggunaan anggaran desa
Data Warehouse Analisa Prestasi Akademik Siswa di SMP Roudlotul Jadid Lumajang Dayati, Yusi Dwi; Choiron, Achmad; Kacung, Slamet
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/inform.v1i1.207


The absence of a system that can provide fast analysis system is a hallmark of the assessment process is based on the transactional database, such as that which is now used in SMP Roudlotul Lumajang Jadid. This is due to the presence of the transactional data is not intended to be used in Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) that provides functions to analyze the data in order to improve the responsiveness and flexibility of the current system used in the school institution. Then the final project was creation of applications for analyzing OLAP junior high student academic achievement. The final task was done in order to obtain the system requirements, design, implement and test the performance of OLAP applications for analysis so as to provide benefits and correct the problem at school. Problem analysis is done by the system needs analysis, design and implementation, including design datawarehouse and OLAP design. In junior high student achievement analysis Roudlotul Jadid Lumajang can know that the level of mastery students has increased in the 2nd half, for the average value of the class and teacher attendance increase is most dominant in the 2nd half than 1st half. Keyword: OLAP, Data Warehouse, Akademik, Data Mining
Data Warehouse Analisa Prestasi Akademik Siswa di SMP Roudlotul Jadid Lumajang Dayati, Yusi Dwi; Choiron, Achmad; Kacung, Slamet
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (474.969 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/inform.v1i1.218


The absence of a system that can provide fast analysis system is a hallmark of the assessment process is based on the transactional database, such as that which is now used in SMP Roudlotul Lumajang Jadid. This is due to the presence of the transactional data is not intended to be used in Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) that provides functions to analyze the data in order to improve the responsiveness and flexibility of the current system used in the school institution. Then the final project was creation of applications for analyzing OLAP junior high student academic achievement. The final task was done in order to obtain the system requirements, design, implement and test the performance of OLAP applications for analysis so as to provide benefits and correct the problem at school. Problem analysis is done by the system needs analysis, design and implementation, including design datawarehouse and OLAP design. In junior high student achievement analysis Roudlotul Jadid Lumajang can know that the level of mastery students has increased in the 2nd half, for the average value of the class and teacher attendance increase is most dominant in the 2nd half than 1st half. Keyword: OLAP, Data Warehouse, Akademik, Data Mining
Sistem Cerdas untuk Mendeteksi Dini Penyakit Jantung Dengan Decision Tree Kacung, Slamet
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.547 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/inform.v1i2.851


Abstract - Heart attack is the deadliest disease in the world including Indonesia. According to the report the heart Foundation Indonesia showed that the death toll reached more than 27 of 100 people due to heart disease. Early detection of heart disease is very needed considering the many people who suffer from heart disease on average already advanced stage. Intelligent system of early detection of heart disease is a method to know the symptoms that need to be alerted immediately so that heart disease could be known as early as possible. The methods used in this study using Decision Tree Classifier, the datasheet used are taken from the UCI Machine Learning Repository consisting of thirteen 270 instance, attribute input and 1 target attribute.The results of this research will result in a decision tree that can help the community and or used as a reference for a doctor in diagnosing early heart disease. The second is this research can also predict a person can be diagnosed with heart disease or not by giving the input a few symptoms that are already established, the research results cannot replace an existing heart examination but at least it can help society in General nor the doctor.