Saiful Nurhidayat, Saiful
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The Risk Factors Osteopenia on Adolescent Purwanti, Lina Ema; Prasetyo, Enggar; Nurhidayat, Saiful
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Journal of Ners and Midwifery
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.576 KB) | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v2i1.ART.p038-042


Introduction: Osteopenia is a condition which means the bone mineral density (BMD/BoneMineral Density) is lower than the normal peak BMD but not low enough to be classified as osteoporosis.Risk factors that can lead to osteopenia are smoking, drinking softdrinks, less activity, dieting,rarely affected sun and drinking alcohol. This study aimed to identify the risk factors of asteopenia onadolesences. Method: The study design used descriptive. The sample used was a high school studentMagetan total of 100 respondents were collected by random sampling. Data were collected withquestionniare and analyzed with procentage. Result: From the results of a study of 100 respondents wasobtained from less activity factors 5 respondents (5%), rarely exposed to sunlight obtained 32 respondents(32%), dieting factor obtained 34 respondents (34%) smoke got 49 respondents (49%), drinkalcohol obtained 18 respondents (18%),and drink softdrink obtained 40 respondents (40%) at risk forosteopenia. Discussion: From the results it can be concluded that smoking is the highest risk factor inthe incidence of osteopenia among adolescent. Nicotine contained in cigarettes can reduce absobsicalcium in the bones and cause a decrease in bone density. For any subsequent researchers are expectedto conduct research about the relationship of smoking with risk factors for adolescent osteopenia .
Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon - April 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (101.379 KB)


Abstract : Hypertension or high blood pressure is an abnormal increase in blood pressure in the arteries continuously over a period. The dangers of hypertension can lead to damage to various organs including kidneys, brain, heart, eye, causing vascular resistance and stroke. Hypertension takes care of the old and continuously. One effective way to lower blood pressure is to obediently take medicine so that it takes the role of families in monitoring patients taking the medication. With the participation of the family are expected to hypertension sufferers can be controlled. This study aims to determine the familys role in monitoring the adherence of hypertensive patients. The study was conducted in rural communities Slahung Ponorogo, a representative sample of 53 respondents taken by purposive sampling. Quantitative design with cross sectional design of the study the familys role in monitoring the adherence of hypertensive patients. Instruments in this study using questionnaires and observation sheets. The results of 53 respondents obtained the majority of the 29 respondents (55%) has the role of both families and 24 respondents (45%) families have a bad role in monitoring medication adherence. Age and education contribute to determining the role family. Intermediate (41-60 years old) and college education contribute to determining the role well. Conversely > 61 years of elementary education and contribute in a bad role.Keywords : the role of the family, medication adherence, hypertension. Abstrak : Hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi adalah suatu peningkatan abnormal tekanan darah dalam pembuluh darah arteri secara terus-menerus lebih dari suatu periode. Bahaya hipertensi dapat memicu rusaknya berbagai organ tubuh diantaranya: ginjal, otak, jantung, mata, menyebabkan resistensi pembuluh darah dan stroke. Penyakit hipertensi membutuhkan perawatan yang lama dan terus menerus. Salah satu cara yang efektif untuk menurunkan tekanan darah adalah dengan patuh minum obat sehingga dibutuhkan peran keluarga dalam memantau minum obat penderita. Dengan adanya peran serta keluarga diharapkan penyakit hipertensi penderita dapat terkontrol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran keluarga dalam memantau kepatuhan minum obat penderita hipertensi. Penelitian dilakukan pada masyarakat desa Slahung Ponorogo,sampel representatif sejumlah 53 responden diambil secara Purposive Sampling. Desain kuantitatif dengan rancangan Cross sectional yang mempelajari peran keluarga dalam memantau kepatuhan minum obat penderita hipertensi. Instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian dari 53 responden didapatkan sebagian besar 29 responden (55 %) keluarga mempunyai peran baik dan 24 responden (45 %) keluarga mempunyai peran buruk dalam memantau kepatuhan minum obat. Faktor usia dan pendidikan berkontribusi dalam menentukan peran keluarga. Usia madya (41-60 tahun) dan jenjang pendidikan perguruan tinggi berkontribusi dalam menentukan peran baik. Sebaliknya > 61 tahun dan jenjang pendidikan SD berkontribusi dalam peran buruk.Kata Kunci : peran keluarga, kepatuhan minum obat, penyakit hipertensi.
Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon Vol 2, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.609 KB)


Abstrak : Hipertensi dipengaruhi oleh faktor risiko ganda, baik yang bersifat endogen seperti usia, jenis kelamin dan genetik, maupun yang bersifat eksogen, seperti kelebihan berat badan, konsumsi garam, rokok dan kopi. Perilaku keluarga sangat diperlukan dalam mengontrol faktor risiko penyakit hipertensi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran perilaku keluarga dalam mengontrol faktor resiko penyakit hipertensi dan untuk menganalisis perilaku keluarga yang dominan dalam mengontrol faktor risiko penyakit hipertensi pada masyarakat desa. Penelitian dilakukan pada masyarakat desa Slahung Kabupaten Ponorogo, sampel 100 responden secara purposive sampling. Desain kuantitatif dengan rancangan cross sectional, instrumen menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Analisis menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perilaku keluarga dalam mengontrol faktor risiko penyakit hipertensi pada masyarakat desa di Ponorogo terbanyak adalah perilaku buruk yaitu 51 responden (51%).  Model perilaku keluarga yang dominan dalam mengontrol faktor risiko penyakit hipertensi pada masyarakat pedesaan di Kabupaten Ponorogo adalah mengontrol pola hidup sehat, yaitu keluarga menyediakan waktu olahraga secara teratur, menjaga suasana rumah yang tentram dan nyaman, menyelesaikan masalah di keluarga secara baik, tidak merokok dan kontrol kesehatan secara teratur.  Kata Kunci : perilaku keluarga, faktor risiko, penyakit hipertensi
Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon - April 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.606 KB)


Abstract : A person is said to be a smoker if he has smoked at least 100 cigarettes. A person smoking more than a pack of cigarettes a day becomes 2 times more prone to hypertension than those who do not smoke.. Dangers of hypertension trigger the destruction of organs including: kidney, brain, heart, eyes, cause blood vessel resistance and stroke.The purpose of this study is to get a picture of the frequency of smoking, knowing the incidence of hypertension and analyzing the smoking frequency relationship with the incidence hypertension in the community. The study was conducted on the community of RT 03/01 Mangunsuman Siman Ponorogo, a sample of 30 respondents using Purposive Sampling. Quantitative design with a cross sectional design to study the frequency of smoking and the incidence of hypertension. Instruments use questionnaires and observation sheets. Univariate analysis uses frequency distribution and bivariate analysis with chi square test with α = 0.05. To analyze the strength of the relationship with the coefficients contengency. Result of research of smoking frequency mostly (63,3%) or 19 people medium category. The incidence of hypertension 40% or 12 respondents had moderate hypertension. There is a relationship between the frequency of smoking with the incidence of hypertension RT 03/01 Mangunsuman Siman Ponorogo with the closeness of the relationship mild. It is expected the community RT 03/01 Mangunsuman Siman Ponorogo to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked each day in stages so that blood pressure can be lowered or controlled. Keywords : frequency of smoking, hypertension disease. Abstrak : Seseorang dikatakan perokok jika telah menghisap minimal 100 batang rokok. Seseorang menghisap rokok lebih dari satu pak rokok sehari menjadi 2 kali lebih rentan terhadap hipertensi dari pada mereka yang tidak merokok. Bahaya hipertensi memicu rusaknya organ tubuh diantaranya : ginjal, otak, jantung, mata, menyebabkan resistensi pembuluh darah dan stroke. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan gambaran tentang frekuensi merokok, mengetahui kejadian hipertensi dan menganalisis hubungan frekuensi merokok dengan kejadian hipertensi pada masyarakat. Penelitian dilakukan pada masyarakat RT 03/01 Mangunsuman Siman Ponorogo, sampel sejumlah 30 responden menggunakan purposive sampling. Desain kuantitatif dengan rancangan Cross Sectional untuk mempelajari frekuensi merokok dan kejadian hipertensi.Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Analisis univariat menggunakan distribusi frekuensi  dan analisis  bivariat dengan uji chi square  dengan α=0,05. Untuk menganalisis kekuatan hubungan dengan KK. Hasil penelitian frekuensi merokok sebagian besar (63,3%) atau 19 orang kategori sedang. Kejadian hipertensi 40% atau 12 responden mengalami hipertensi sedang. Terdapat hubungan antara frekuensi merokok dengan kejadian hipertensi Masyarakat RT 03/01 Mangunsuman Siman Ponorogo dengan keeratan hubungan ringan. Diharapkan masyarakat RT 03/01 Mangunsuman Siman Ponorogo untuk mengurangi jumlah rokok yang dihisap setiap hari secara bertahap agar tekanan darah dapat diturunkan atau terkontrol.  Kata Kunci : frekuensi merokok, penyakit hipertensi
Faktor Risiko Osteopenia pada Remaja Purwanti, Lina Ema; Prasetyo, Enggar; Nurhidayat, Saiful
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.576 KB) | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v2i1.ART.p038-042


Introduction: Osteopenia is a condition which means the bone mineral density (BMD/Bone Mineral Density) is lower than the normal peak BMD but not low enough to be classified as osteoporosis. Risk factors that can lead to osteopenia are smoking, drinking softdrinks, less activity, dieting, rarely affected sun and drinking alcohol. This study aimed to identify the risk factors of asteopenia on adolesences. Method: The study design used descriptive. The sample used was a high school student Magetan total of 100 respondents were collected by random sampling. Data were collected with questionniare and analyzed with procentage. Result: From the results of a study of 100 respondents was obtained from less activity factors 5 respondents (5%), rarely exposed to sunlight obtained 32 respondents (32%), dieting factor obtained 34 respondents (34%) smoke got 49 respondents (49%), drink alcohol obtained 18 respondents (18%),and drink softdrink obtained 40 respondents (40%) at risk for osteopenia. Discussion: From the results it can be concluded that smoking is the highest risk factor in the incidence of osteopenia among adolescent. Nicotine contained in cigarettes can reduce absobsi calcium in the bones and cause a decrease in bone density. For any subsequent researchers are expected to conduct research about the relationship of smoking with risk factors for adolescent osteopenia .
Faktor Risiko Osteopenia pada Remaja Purwanti, Lina Ema; Prasetyo, Enggar; Nurhidayat, Saiful
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v2i1.ART.p038-042


Introduction: Osteopenia is a condition which means the bone mineral density (BMD/Bone Mineral Density) is lower than the normal peak BMD but not low enough to be classified as osteoporosis. Risk factors that can lead to osteopenia are smoking, drinking softdrinks, less activity, dieting, rarely affected sun and drinking alcohol. This study aimed to identify the risk factors of asteopenia on adolesences. Method: The study design used descriptive. The sample used was a high school student Magetan total of 100 respondents were collected by random sampling. Data were collected with questionniare and analyzed with procentage. Result: From the results of a study of 100 respondents was obtained from less activity factors 5 respondents (5%), rarely exposed to sunlight obtained 32 respondents (32%), dieting factor obtained 34 respondents (34%) smoke got 49 respondents (49%), drink alcohol obtained 18 respondents (18%),and drink softdrink obtained 40 respondents (40%) at risk for osteopenia. Discussion: From the results it can be concluded that smoking is the highest risk factor in the incidence of osteopenia among adolescent. Nicotine contained in cigarettes can reduce absobsi calcium in the bones and cause a decrease in bone density. For any subsequent researchers are expected to conduct research about the relationship of smoking with risk factors for adolescent osteopenia .