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Legal Protection of Creditors in Credit Agreements at Swastisari Kupang Credit Union Stefanus Don Rade; Mericiana Yulita Fin Tae; Firgilius Kandro Mego Asman; Kalistus G. Wayong Huler
Journal of Progressive Law and Legal Studies Том 1 № 02 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jplls.v1i02.81


Credit Unions have an important role in improving the economy of the Indonesian people through joint efforts based on family principles, so cooperatives need to develop themselves further and be built to be strong and independent based on cooperative principles. In running its business, the suitable implements credit, a form of effort to process the capital owned from deposits and member donations, to achieve optimal results. A credit agreement is needed to avoid bad credit in the future as evidence of a contract between the creditor and the debtor. This is a reference to legal protection for the debtor. This research was conducted through the empirical juridical method using primary data sources, namely data obtained directly in the field. In terms of providing credit and collateral, there is often negligence by the debtor to the creditor. Hence, the creditor, in this case, the Swastisari Kupang Credit Cooperative, has a very interesting strategy as a reference for recovery, namely by checking loan files, surveys, credit analysis by applying the 5C principle, billing control by checking data periodically to find out the condition or condition of the borrowing member. In addition, the cooperative makes rescheduling, restructuring, and reconditioning to achieve mutual welfare based on the principle of kinship.
Problematika Pembuktian Hak Milik Atas Tanah Di Desa Linamnutu, Kecamatan Amanuban Selatan, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan Mericiana Yulita Fin Tae; Benediktus Peter Lay; Ernesta Uba Wohon
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Yappi Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/birokrasi.v1i3.479


. Land rights are rights that are obtained from a legal relationship between the right holder and the land, including space above the ground and or space under the ground. The understanding of land rights is one of the individual rights to land, namely rights that give authority to the holders of the rights, whether individually or also as a group of people collectively or as a legal entity, to use in the sense of controlling, using and or taking advantage of certain land parcels. Ownership of land must have legal certainty, both customary law and land law or positive law concerning the certainty of land rights as property rights so as not to cause conflict. The method used by the author in collecting data is through surveys, interviews and studies of primary literature (books that talk about soil) and secondary literature (supporting books). Survey is a quantitative research using the same structured questions for everyone, then all the answers obtained by the researcher are recorded, processed, and analyzed.
Urgensi Kerja Sama Tentara Nasional Indonesia Dan Forcas Defese Timor Lorosae Dalam Penanggulangan Perdagangan Ilegal Lintas Batas Antara Indonesia Dan Timor Leste Vinsensius Tamelab; Mericiana Yulita Fin Tae; Yohanes Arman; Yustinus Pedo
Populer: Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa
Publisher : Universitas Maritim AMNI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58192/populer.v2i3.1208


The issue of state borders is not only related to state borders but includes land borders, sea borders and air borders which related to economic problems which have an impact on cross-border illegal trade. One of the national borders that has been attracting attention is the border between Indonesia and East Timor. The problem so far has been the increase in illegal trade, particularly the smuggling of fuel oil (BBM). Considering that the problems that occur in the border area are quite complex, it is necessary to have cooperation between the Indonesian National Armed Forces and the East Timor Defense Force to tackle illegal trade that occurs in the Indonesian border area of Timor Leste. Law No. 4 of 2015, is one of the legal instruments that regulates cooperative relations between Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste, especially in the field of defense and security. The implementation of Law No. 4 of 2015 is by entering into an agreement to form a Joint Border Committee (JBC) institution between Indonesia and East Timor. Forms of cooperation from this committee consists of solid line of communication and coordination between the security forces of the two countries, carrying out joint patrols, improving facilities and infrastructure, efforts to strengthen the integrity of each country, building synergies with local governments in border areas, building cooperation in an effort to help reduce illicit business activities and border crossers through the narrow road which has a positive impact on the national stability of the two countries.