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The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society Vol 28, No 3 (2020): The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society
Publisher : Accounting Department,

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ijabs.2020.28.3.1


Purpose  — This research tries to introduce one of the critical thoughts typical of Indonesia, namely Tan Malaka's view, which can be used in socio-environmental accounting studies.Design/methodology/approach  — This research uses a narrative literature review method, this article then compiles the Tan Malaka critical methodology pattern that focuses on the role of the government as a regulator, supervisor, and executor of socio-environmental issues to present an accountability framework for social-environmental issues to present an accountability framework for social-environmental issues.Findings  — This result of this research shows that the development of paradigmatic studies in the field of accounting opens up great opportunities to complement, refine and even present concepts to new accounting models that are in line with the demands of the times, as in this article shown, which borrows Tan Malaka's thoughts. This thought has a role as a methodological basis for presenting the concept of social-environmental accountability typical of Indonesia, which is strongly influenced by the active political movements of the elements of society.Practical Implications  — This research encourages the presence of socio-environmental accounting studies without forgetting the context of locality and the dynamic people's political aspirations.Originality/value  — In particular, the framework of this research is composed of the aspiration of people affected by socio-environmental problems that do the political movement, together with NGOs, to protest the socio-environmental issues.Keywords Socio-Environmental, Accounting, Critical, Methodology, Tan MalakaPaper Type Research Paper.
Accountability in the Internet Era: A Lesson from Local Governments in Indonesia Habib Muhammad Shahib; Firman Rato Risky
Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review Vol 1 No 1, June 2017
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.82 KB) | DOI: 10.26487/hebr.v1i1.940


Nowadays, Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest internet user growth. In line with it, the local governments in Indonesia use their official website to report the government’s activities as an accountability form to the society. Thus, this study conducted for knowing the accountability characteristics and the factors that affect the level of internet accountability reports in the local government websites.Using content analysis based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) index in government agencies and OLS statistical approach on the 34 provinces’ official websites, this study finds, in general, the provinces’ websites have reported 63% of the total numbers that suggested by GRI. Furthermore, there are two main factors, i.e. the number of population and districts/cities, which positively affect the level of accountability reports in provinces’ website. However, no empirical evidence shows the press pressure affects the broad of website reporting in the Indonesia provinces context.Overall, this research indicates that the Indonesia local governments, in this case, provincial governments have focused on delivering their accountability to the society. Moreover, this is a good sign for the democracy growth in Indonesia. Furthermore, the Indonesia local governments may have to give more portions on their official website for answering the headline news from the mass media, specifically for the environmental and social themes. Therefore, it will further strengthen the governance-sustainability and democracy in Indonesia local government environment.
Violation regulation of financial services authority (FSA), financial performance, and corporate social responsibility disclosure Habib Muhammad Shahib; Soni Agus Irwandi
Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura Vol 19, No 1 (2016): April - July 2016
Publisher : STIE Perbanas Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14414/jebav.v19i1.533


So far, there has been a bureaucracy reform and implementation of new regulations for good governance capital markets. However, policy violations are still frequent. For example, cases of violation of financial regulations leading to fraudulent financial reporting occurred in several companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study aims to examine the empirical facts related to the legitimacy theory with-in the scope of violation of financial regulation, financial performance and social responsibility disclosure of non-financial companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data were obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. There were 24 non-financial violator-companies of financial regulation chosen as the sample. These data, in relation to the research hypotheses, were analyzed by using a path analysis test. The result showed there were no significant effect of the violations of financial regulations on financial performance and the level of corporate social responsibility disclosure. Therefore, this study confirms legitimacy theory in different forms.
Revolusi Pendidikan Etika Akuntan Indonesia: Membuktikan Spirit Pendidikan Tan Malaka Habib Muhammad Shahib
Accounthink Vol 1 No 02 (2016)
Publisher : UNSIKA (Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (316.111 KB) | DOI: 10.35706/acc.v1i02.536


The Ethics issue is one of the accountant global problems, including the accountant in Indonesia. Allegedly, the basic problem of why ethics issues always happened is based on the accountant education process. This paper is trying to examine an alternative education model based on Tan Malaka’s educational perspective that have a basis in the real situations of Indonesians and stand with the Indonesians’ interests. Hopefully, by using Tan Malaka’s educational perspective, it can deliver a new model of ethics education in accounting field and the ethical accountants in the future. Especially, the accountants that stand with the nation and Indonesians interests.  
EKUITAS (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan) Vol 2 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya(STIESIA) Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.057 KB) | DOI: 10.24034/j25485024.y2018.v2.i1.3439


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh pelanggaran peraturan perbankan terhadap kinerja keuangan bank di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari BI dan OJK, serta laporan keuangan bank yang terkait bank pelanggar peraturan perbankan di Indonesia dengan rentang tahun 2010-2013. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan partially least squere. Ditemukan fakta empiris bahwa pelanggaran peraturan perbankan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan perbankan, sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian lebih jauh atas efektifitas peraturan keuangan yang mengikat bank-bank di Indonesia dari segi teori dan konteks sosial ekonomi Indonesia. Namun demikian, penelitian ini menemukan fakta, ukuran bank pelanggar peraturan keuangan (SIZE) memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan secara langsung terhadap abnormalitas ROA dan ROE yang sering menjadi proksi dalam mengukur masalah pelanggaran peraturan keuangan, sehingga dapat dikaji lebih jauh sebagai salah satu tanda terjadinya pelanggaran peraturan keuangan di perbankan. Akhirnya, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberi masukan kepada pengembangan literatur akuntansi khususnya yang terkait dengan konteks perbankan dan memberikan pertimbangan kepada pihak berwenang atas  kebijakan dan pengontrolan bisnis melalui pengujian keefektifan peraturan perbankanyang hingga kini berlaku di Indonesia.
PENGARUH PERTUMBUHAN PERUSAHAAN DAN PROFITABILITAS TERHADAP STRUKTUR MODAL: (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2016-2020) Nurbayani Nurbayani; Jamilah Jamilah; Habib Muhammad Shahib; Teri Teri
Al-Buhuts Vol. 18 No. 2 (2022): Al-Buhuts
Publisher : Institute Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30603/ab.v18i2.3232


This study aims to determine the effect of company growth (Asset Growth) and profitability (ROA) either partially or simultaneously on the capital structure (DER) of the Consumer Goods Industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The independent variable in this study is Company Growth (X1) and Profitability (X2), while the dependent variable is Capital Structure (Y). This type of research is a causal research and the data used is secondary data obtained from documentation techniques. This study examines consumer goods industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2020. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that partially company growth (Asset Growth) has a positive and significant effect on capital structure (DER), and profitability (ROA) has a negative and significant effect on capital structure (DER). Meanwhile, simultaneously company growth (Asset Growth) and profitability (ROA) have a positive and significant effect on capital structure (DER).
Nilai Budaya Lamaholot dalam Penentuan Harga Jual Kain Tenun Ikat: Studi pada Kelompok Perempuan Penenun “Tene Tuen” di Nusa Tenggara Timur Yasmi Nurdin; Gita Elsa Savira; Habib Muhammad Shahib; Irfan Palippui; Muhammad Ridwan Hasanuddin
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Finansial Indonesia Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Finansial Indonesia
Publisher : Prodi Akuntansi FE Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.061 KB) | DOI: 10.31629/jiafi.v6i2.4892


This study aims to reveal the practice of determining the selling price of woven cloth in a women's weaver group called "Tene Tuen". This research was conducted from July to August 2021 through interviews with leaders of the women weaver group. This study used the qualitative method with a descriptive approach as a research method and collected data by using interviews, direct observation, and documentation. This study found that the concept of formulating the selling price set by the (sellers) informants was not only formed by material values but also contained cultural and justice values with a holistic philosophy. In the end, the selling price determined by the tene tuen group seeks to create prosperity and justice for all parties.