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Pelatihan dan pendampingan Kader Kesehatan dalam Manajemen Hipertensi berbasis Islami Aidah Fitriani; Eny Sutria; Ani Auli Ilmi; Rasdiyanah Rasdiyanah; Rasmawati Rasmawati
Journal of Community Engagement in Health Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30994/jceh.v5i1.314


Kader kesehatan merupakan bagian dari pelayanan kesehatan yang berasal dari, oleh dan untuk masyarakat memiliki peran untuk membantu kelancaran pemberian pelayanan kesehatan di masyarakat. Peran kader tersebut membutuhkan pelatihan serta pendampingan petugas kesehatan sehingga dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap kader kesehatan dalam melayani masyarakat yang mengalami masalah atau gangguan kesehatan khususnya penyakit hipertensi yang dominan dialami oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk pelatihan dan pendampingan kader kesehatan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan kader kesehatan terhadap masalah hipertensi. hasil pelatihan dan pendampingan menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada kader kesehatan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap kader kesehatan terhadap masalah hipertensi dimana terjadi peningkatan nilai rata-rata dari 6 kader kesehatan dengan nilai rata-rata sebelum pemberian pelatihan pada kader kesehatan yaitu 8 mengalami peningkatan menjadi 9.5 dan terjadi peningkatan nilai rata-rata skor sikap kader kesehatan sebelum pemberian pelatihan yaitu 35 mengalami peningkatan menjadi 38.3. Berdasarkan hasil diatas, petugas kesehatan perlu memberikan bekal pengetahuan pada kader kesehatan melalui pemberian pelatihan kepada kader kesehatan yang dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan petugas kesehatan sehingga dapat memberdayakan kader kesehatan sebagai salah satu upaya peningkatan kualitas hidup.
Health Literacy Level Regarding Covid-19 Vaccination for Health and Non-Health Students At UIN Alauddin Makassar 2022 Eva Yustilawati; Nurul Fadhilah Gani; Aidah Fitriani; Eka Hadrayani
Comprehensive Health Care Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Comprehensive Health Care
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37362/jch.v7i2.996


Background: Covid-19 vaccination is carried out to accelerate the handling of Covid-19. Individuals must have good health literacy in seeking information and making vaccination decisions, not only medical officers, but all communities and students. It is necessary to evaluate the level of health literacy to the Health and Non-Health students. Methods: This research is a quantitative comparative study, cross sectional design. There were 500 participants with 299 Health students and 210 Non-Health students. Data were collected through questionnaires using the HLQ questionnaire (Health Literacy Quisioner). Data were analyzed with the Kruskal Wallis test. Results: Based on statistical analysis, the level of health literacy of UIN Alauddin Makassar students is in good category with a mean score of 3-4. There is a difference about health literacy understanding between Health and Non-Health students (p-value 0.001). Domains is needed to be improved in terms of finding appropriate health services and communication with health workers. Conclusion: There is a difference about health literacy understanding between Health and Non-Health students of UIN Alauddin Makassar and it is necessary to carry out strategies to improve the health literacy.
Lowering Blood Pressure Through Family Assistance on the Implementation of Self-Management of Hypertension Elderly Rasmawati Rasmawati; Eny Sutria; Ani Auli Ilmi; Rasdiyanah Rasdiyanah; Aidah Fitriani; Muhammad Saleh Ridwan
Jurnal Gawat Darurat Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Gawat Darurat: Desember 2022
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kendal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32583/jgd.v4i2.666


Hypertension is one health problem that continues to increase in the elderly age group. The increasing prevalence of hypertension from year to year requires treatment efforts, one of which is through hypertension care management. Treatment of hypertension by the family involves knowledge and skills, so there is a need for assistance from health workers to caregivers who care for the elderly with hypertension. This study aimed to provide an understanding of the family and direct application to care for the elderly with hypertension. The research is a case study involving six families and elderly clients with hypertension. Respondents are elderly who have hypertension and still live with their families as caregivers. Interventions are carried out in the form of assistance to families in implementing control of taking hypertension medication, stress management, physical exercise, and regulation of eating patterns. Results: all of the elderly experienced a decrease in blood pressure on the 3rd weekend. Family assistance in the implementation of self-management of the elderly effectively reduced the blood pressure of the hypertensive elderly. Health center staff are expected to be able to increase motivation and family participation in assisting the elderly with hypertension.