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Perancangan Group Technology Layout Di PT. DPS Surabaya Dengan Metode Simulasi Dan Taguchi Saraswati, Rahaju; Azhar, Ali; Mudjahidin, M; Kunhadi, Dedy
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 12, No 2 (2011): Agustus
Publisher : Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1628.766 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/JTIUMM.Vol12.No2.104-109


PT Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya (DPS) is one of several strategic BUMN in marine field. With BUMN restructurisation and efficiency program from Government, PT DPS is liable to improve its production system efficiency. Many problems that faced by PT DPS to improve its production system efficiency are : (1)There is waste work shop such as work in process, waiting time, and flow time at fabrication process in PT DPS, (2) Because waste work shop is still big, shop production process efficiency has not reached maximally yet, (3)Layout and facilities of PT DPS today is already suitable with concept of Product Oriented Work Breakdown Structure (PBWS), but it is limited at simple construction form. At this research, there is ship production process design with Process Lane Construction and Zone Outfitting method or it is known with Group Technology Layout (Manufacturing Cell System) term in order to solve inefficiency problem at ship production process in PT DPS. Design process is performed by integrating Simulation method, Taguchi, Response Surface Methodology, and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Simulation method is used to model designed manufacturing cell system, meanwhile Taguchi method and Response Surface Methodology are used for experiment and optimization at manufacturing system simulation model. In order to measure the performanceof designed manufacturing cell system, multivariate measurement method is used, that is by measuring work in process, waiting time, and flow time with smaller the better criteria. Multi response becomes single response by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. From research result with Taguchi Method and Response Surface Methodology know that in fabrication stage optimal layout is second tipe, optimal set up time is 40 minutes, optimal lot size is 16 tons, optimal loading interval is 400 minutes, optimal demand stability is 92.5 %, in subassembly stage optimal layout is first tipe, optimal set up time is 40 minutes, optimal lotsize is 10 tons, optimal loading interval is 400 minutes, optimal demand stability is 92.5 %, in assembly stage optimal layout is first tipe, optimal set up time is 40 minutes, optimal lotsize is 6tons, optimal loading interval is 400 minutes, optimal demand stability is 92.5 %, in erection stage optimal layout is second tipe, optimal set up time is 40 minutes, optimal lot size is 6 tons, optimal loading interval is 480 minutes, optimal demand stability is 92.5 %.
Perancangan Group Technology Layout Di PT. DPS Surabaya Dengan Metode Simulasi Dan Taguchi Rahaju Saraswati; Ali Azhar; M Mudjahidin; Dedy Kunhadi
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 12 No. 2 (2011): Agustus
Publisher : Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1628.766 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/JTIUMM.Vol12.No2.104-109


PT Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya (DPS) is one of several strategic BUMN in marine field. With BUMN restructurisation and efficiency program from Government, PT DPS is liable to improve its production system efficiency. Many problems that faced by PT DPS to improve its production system efficiency are : (1)There is waste work shop such as work in process, waiting time, and flow time at fabrication process in PT DPS, (2) Because waste work shop is still big, shop production process efficiency has not reached maximally yet, (3)Layout and facilities of PT DPS today is already suitable with concept of Product Oriented Work Breakdown Structure (PBWS), but it is limited at simple construction form. At this research, there is ship production process design with Process Lane Construction and Zone Outfitting method or it is known with Group Technology Layout (Manufacturing Cell System) term in order to solve inefficiency problem at ship production process in PT DPS. Design process is performed by integrating Simulation method, Taguchi, Response Surface Methodology, and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Simulation method is used to model designed manufacturing cell system, meanwhile Taguchi method and Response Surface Methodology are used for experiment and optimization at manufacturing system simulation model. In order to measure the performanceof designed manufacturing cell system, multivariate measurement method is used, that is by measuring work in process, waiting time, and flow time with smaller the better criteria. Multi response becomes single response by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. From research result with Taguchi Method and Response Surface Methodology know that in fabrication stage optimal layout is second tipe, optimal set up time is 40 minutes, optimal lot size is 16 tons, optimal loading interval is 400 minutes, optimal demand stability is 92.5 %, in subassembly stage optimal layout is first tipe, optimal set up time is 40 minutes, optimal lotsize is 10 tons, optimal loading interval is 400 minutes, optimal demand stability is 92.5 %, in assembly stage optimal layout is first tipe, optimal set up time is 40 minutes, optimal lotsize is 6tons, optimal loading interval is 400 minutes, optimal demand stability is 92.5 %, in erection stage optimal layout is second tipe, optimal set up time is 40 minutes, optimal lot size is 6 tons, optimal loading interval is 480 minutes, optimal demand stability is 92.5 %.
Gender-based Value Chain Mapping and Development of the Tempe Business Model in Tenggilis Kauman Surabaya Rahaju Saraswati; Nyoman Puspa Asri
Jurnal Sadewa : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, pembelajaran dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Agustus : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, pembelajaran dan Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/sadewa.v1i3.32


Abstract. The method used in this research is Value Chain Mapping, Gender Sensitivity Value Chain Mapping, and Canvas Business Model. Value Chain Mapping is used to map activities ranging from upstream to downstream from a tempe industry value chain in Tenggilis Surabaya. Gender Sensitivity Value Mapping is used to map and analyze the role of gender in the tempe industry value chain. Whereas the Canvas Business Model is used to redesign the tempe industry business model in Tenggilis Surabaya based on value, gender, and competitive advantage. The results of this study are Value Chain Mapping and Tempe Business Model for the home-based tempe industry. The role of women housewives in the tempe industry value chain in Tenggilis Kauman is almost 50%. For the tempe production system and marketing management for the SME scale, such as the tempe industry in Tenggilis tempe village, the maturity level has reached the optimal level, level 5. For external suppliers, the maturity level is still low at level 2 or still in the development stage. For market orientation, competitors and product development are already at a competitive level. Revenue Streams from the tempe business process in Kampung Tempe is the sale of tempe and its processed products, as well as a tourist visit. Keywords: gender role, tempe industry, tempe business model, value chain mapping Abstrac. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Value Chain Mapping, Gender Sensitivity Value Chain Mapping, dan Canvas Business Model. Value Chain Mapping digunakan untuk memetakan kegiatan mulai dari hulu hingga hilir dari suatu rantai nilai industri tempe di Tenggilis Surabaya. Gender Sensitivity Value Chain Mapping digunakan untuk memetakan dan menganalisis peran gender dalam rantai nilai industri tempe. Sedangkan Canvas Business Model digunakan untuk mendesain ulang model bisnis industri tempe di Tenggilis Surabaya berdasarkan nilai, jenis kelamin, dan keunggulan bersaing. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Pemetaan Rantai Nilai dan Model Bisnis Tempe untuk industri tempe rumahan. Peran ibu rumah tangga dalam rantai nilai industri tempe di Tenggilis Kauman hampir mencapai 50%. Untuk sistem produksi tempe dan manajemen pemasaran skala UKM seperti industri tempe di Kampung Tempe Tenggilis tingkat kematangan sudah mencapai tingkat optimal yaitu tingkat 5. Untuk pemasok eksternal tingkat kematangan masih rendah pada tingkat 2 atau masih dalam tahap pengembangan. Untuk orientasi pasar, pesaing dan pengembangan produk sudah berada pada tingkat kompetitif. Aliran pendapatan dari proses bisnis tempe di Kampung Tempe adalah penjualan tempe dan hasil olahannya, serta kunjungan wisatawan. Kata kunci: peran industri tempe, gender, model bisnis tempe, pemetaan rantai nilai