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Pengaruh Antosianin terhadap Ketebalan Epitel, Indeks Apoptosis dan Ekspresi p53 Sel Epitel Vagina pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Ovariektomi Ferdina, Cucun Setya; Ratnawati, Retty; Andarini, Sri
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 6, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.128 KB) | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v6i2.ART.p126-133


Menopause merupakan suatu keadaan fisiologis yang pasti dialami oleh semua wanita, pada masa menopause terjadi peningkatan stres oksidatif karena penurunan hormon estrogen (hipoestrogen). Salah satu organ yang mengalami dampak akibat terjadinya hipoestrogen adalah vagina. Pada vagina terjadi atrofi dan penipisan epitel. Antosianin merupakan salah satu antioksidan yang dapat menyelamatkan sel – sel tubuh dari stres oksidatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan pengaruh antosianin terhadap ketebalan epitel, indeks apoptosis dan ekspresi p53 sel epitel vagina pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) ovariektomi. Desain penelitian ini adalah True Experimental laboratory, dengan menggunakan pendekatan posttest only group control design. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan perlakuan pada hewan coba, yaitu tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) betina. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian antosianin terbukti berpengaruh secara signifikan (p-value = 0,000 < α=0,05) dalam menurunkan ekspresi p53 dan indeks apoptosis sel epitel vagina serta meningkatkan ketebalan epitel vagina pada tikus ovariektomi.
Pengaruh Antosianin terhadap Ketebalan Epitel, Indeks Apoptosis dan Ekspresi p53 Sel Epitel Vagina pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Ovariektomi Cucun Setya Ferdina; Retty Ratnawati; Sri Andarini
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 6, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v6i2.ART.p126-133


Menopause merupakan suatu keadaan fisiologis yang pasti dialami oleh semua wanita, pada masa menopause terjadi peningkatan stres oksidatif karena penurunan hormon estrogen (hipoestrogen). Salah satu organ yang mengalami dampak akibat terjadinya hipoestrogen adalah vagina. Pada vagina terjadi atrofi dan penipisan epitel. Antosianin merupakan salah satu antioksidan yang dapat menyelamatkan sel – sel tubuh dari stres oksidatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan pengaruh antosianin terhadap ketebalan epitel, indeks apoptosis dan ekspresi p53 sel epitel vagina pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) ovariektomi. Desain penelitian ini adalah True Experimental laboratory, dengan menggunakan pendekatan posttest only group control design. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan perlakuan pada hewan coba, yaitu tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) betina. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian antosianin terbukti berpengaruh secara signifikan (p-value = 0,000 < α=0,05) dalam menurunkan ekspresi p53 dan indeks apoptosis sel epitel vagina serta meningkatkan ketebalan epitel vagina pada tikus ovariektomi.
Judika (Jurnal Nusantara Medika) Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Volume 3 Nomor 2 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (156.997 KB) | DOI: 10.29407/judika.v3i2.13081


ABSTRACT Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women, with an estimated 570,000 new cases in 2018, which represents 6.6% of all cancers suffered by women. The high number of deaths from cervical cancer in Indonesia is caused by 95% of women not undergoing an early examination, causing a delay in the diagnosis of cervical cancer and decreasing women's life expectancy. This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge of childbearing age woman about visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) with interest in conducting VIA examinations in Campurejo Village of Kediri City. The research design used in this study was cross sectional analytic, the variable of this research are the knowledge of childbearing age woman about VIA and interest in conducting VIA examinations. The sample in this study were 134 women, using a simple random sampling technique. Data collection was obtained through giving questionnaires to respondents, which contained closed questions about the knowledge of women of childbearing age about VIA and the interest of childbearing age woman in conducting IVA examinations. The results of the study were then analyzed by the Spearman correlation test using SPSS. The results of the study showed that the research subjects had good knowledge of VIA and high interest in conducting VIA examinations. Generated r = 0.358 with p-value = 0,000 <α = 0.05. Then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, which means that there is a significant relationship between knowledge about VIA and interest in conducting VIA examinations in Campurejo Village, Kediri City. Keywords: knowledge, interests, cervical cancer, VIA
The Effect Of Night Exercise In Reducing The Stress Level Of Housewives In Nganjuk District Agustin Widyowati; Eko Purwanto; Cucun Setya Ferdina
Journal for Quality in Public Health Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Master of Public Health Program Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30994/jqph.v6i2.462


Monotonous routines for housewives can cause boredom and stress, resulting in negative emotional feelings and impact on disharmony in the household. One way to reduce stress is by exercising. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of night sports on reducing stress levels in housewives. The study used a one group pre-post test design experimental design. The population is all housewives in Sumberkepuh Village, Tanjunganom District, Nganjuk Regency with a sample of 22 respondents, using a purposive sampling technique. The independent variable is night sports (aerobics) and the dependent variable is the level of stress. The data analysis used the Wilcoxon statistical test. The results showed significant results (p = 0.001 and mean rank 11.50), which means that there was a decrease in the stress level of housewives after exercising. It is hoped that housewives will have free time to exercise to avoid stress due to prolonged and monotonous household chores.
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The total of hypertention sufferer is very increasing every time. The factors cause is life style eating food with greasy, eigerrate, coffee are the factors causing the hypertention happen. The purpose of the research is to know the correlation of life style wityh the hypertention to the old in Kedungwilut village, Bandung subistric, Tulungagung regency. The kind of research was correlation and based the time of research was crossectional. The variable of the research ws life style as the independent variable. The hypertention as the independent variable. The population was all of the old in posyandu in Kedungwilut village, Bandung subdistric, Tulungagung Regency. The total respondents share are 262 persons. The experiment use spearmen rho. The results showed that there is a relationship between life and the incidence of hypertension in the elderly in Kedungwilut Village, Bandung District, Tulungagung Regency (Spearman value = 0.000 <0.01 then Ho is rejected). The correlation coefficient of 0.881 indicates positive with very strong strength. In this study, a positive value means that the better the lifestyle, the more normal blood pressure in the elderly in Kedungwilut Village, Bandung District, Tulungagung Regency. The total of hypertention sufferer is very increasing every time. The factors cause is life style eating food with greasy, eigerrate, coffee are the factors causing the hypertention happen. The purpose of the research is to know the correlation of life style wityh the hypertention to the old in Kedungwilut village, Bandung subistric, Tulungagung regency. The kind of research was correlation and based the time of research was crossectional. The variable of the research ws life style as the independent variable. The hypertention as the independent variable. The population was all of the old in posyandu in Kedungwilut village, Bandung subdistric, Tulungagung Regency. The total respondents share are 262 persons. The experiment use spearmen rho. The results showed that there is a relationship between life and the incidence of hypertension in the elderly in Kedungwilut Village, Bandung District, Tulungagung Regency (Spearman value = 0.000 <0.01 then Ho is rejected). The correlation coefficient of 0.881 indicates positive with very strong strength. In this study, a positive value means that the better the lifestyle, the more normal blood pressure in the elderly in Kedungwilut Village, Bandung District, Tulungagung Regency.