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Studi iAplikasi IMy IQuran Ipada IEra IDigital IDiscruption IdiIThe IWali IStudio Alfina Damar Yanti; Ahmad Kholid Mawardi; Ana Wahdatus Sholikhah; Dewi Safitri; Mualamatul Musawamah; Muhammad Shidqi
Al Kahfi: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Alkahfi: Juli-Desember 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam STAI YAPTIP

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Disruption iis ia ivariety iof ithings ithat irefer ito itechnology iand iis iable ito ihave ia ivery ilarge iinfluence ion ithe iindustry ior imarket. iIn ithe ipast, iwhen iAndroid ihad ia ismall iscreen, ithe iresolution iwas ilow, ithere iwas ian iAl-Quran iapplication, ibut ithe iapplication iwas ionly iin ithe iform iof icapturing iimages ifrom ithe ioriginal iAl-Quran, ithus imaking iThe iWali iStudio ithink iwith ithe iQur'an ithat iit iwas iuncomfortable. iThe iWali iStudio ias ione iof ithe idigital itechnology istartups iin ithis idisruption iera iwants ito iprovide ia isolution, inamely iby imaking ithe iMy iQuran iapplication, iwith ithe ihope ithat iThe iWali iStudio ican iprovide ia idigital iapplication imedia ithat imakes ithe ieyes icomfortable, iwhere ithe iletters ican ibe izoomed iin, ithere iis itajwid. iThere iare ivarious icolors ithat ican ibe ichosen ias idesired, ithere iare itranslations ithat ican ibe iraised iand iremoved iaccording ito ithe iwishes iof ithe iuser, iwith ia icellphone ior ilaptop, ithat's ihow ibig ithe iinfluence iof idigital idisruption iis. iThe imethod iused iin ithis istudy iis ia idescriptive iqualitative iresearch imethod iwith ia icase istudy iapproach imodel. iThis istudy iexamines icases iand iexplores ithe iMy iQuran iapplication istarting ifrom ithe idevelopment ibackground, iapplication ifeatures, ipresentation imodel, ito ithe iadvantages iand idisadvantages iof ithe iMy iQuran iapplication. iThis iresearch ialso ireveals ithat ithe ipresence iof ithe iMy iQuran iapplication ican iprovide isignificant ibenefits ifor ithe iMuslim icommunity iin iIndonesia.
Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Multikultural Perspektif KH. M. Hasyim Asy’ari dan KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Muhammad Shidqi; Muhdhor Muhammad Sodiqin; Muhammad Miftah
Al-Ulum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 5, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Rahmat Islamiyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/al-ulum.v5i1.11436


The racial, cultural, and religious diversity present in Indonesia poses its own challenges to the education system. Instead of being a source of division, these differences should be seen as an asset. This underscores the necessity of multicultural education. KH. Hasyim Asy'ari and KH. Abdurrahaman Wahid are two figures who have made significant contributions to the progress of Indonesia, particularly in the field of multicultural Islamic education. Therefore, it is important to examine the ideas of these two figures using qualitative methods and a literature review approach. The multicultural Islamic education they advocated has proven effective in addressing conflicts and divisions.