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Bonum Commune dalam Filsafat Barat Widyawan, Aloysius
Arete Vol 7, No 1 (2018)

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Apa itu baik? Apa itu kebaikan bersama? Inilah pertanyaan dasar yang ingin dijawab dalam seluruh isi buku Bonum Commune dalam Filsafat Barat. Buku ini pada dasarnya adalah kumpulan dari tulisan beberapa pengarang yang bersama-sama merefleksikan apa itu kebaikan bersama. Frame yang mereka gunakan adalah filsafat Barat dengan alur yang berurutan sesuai dengan pembabagan yang umumdigunakan dalam filsafat Barat, yaitu mulai dari masa Yunani Kuno hingga massa kontemporer
Arete Vol 2, No 1 (2013)

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Solidarity is not only about someone's personal sympathy with his neighbor. It is rooted in his personal and human values. Even it is not based on any similarity of common views, purpose or goals of life, or even primordialism. It is about values, humanity, and person. In the experience of each human life, self-consciousness allows each self to be conscious also of the other self that is the same and equal to himself. The other self is certainly enmeshed in my life and my-self is enmeshed in his life. This enmeshing or participation embraces all the dimensions of the human being as a person. It does not involve only some dimensions of human life. This enmeshment or participation is also not merely discourse or consciousness but rather manifests itself in concrete action because, in principle, it is only in action that we can acquire a complete knowledge of who man is as a person. Within the scope of social life, participation is the key to solidarity between self and the other self so that together they head towards the common good or bonum commune. Thus, there is no true solidarity if it is not geared towards the bonum commune
Kaderisasi Mahasiswa Keuskupan Surabaya dalam Terang Seruan Apostolik Christus Vivit Widyawan Louis, Aloysius
Lux et Sal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Kristus dalam Hidup Orang Beriman
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v4i1.94


The Surabaya Diocese Students Cadreization Program (Program Kaderisasi Mahasiswa Keuskupan Surabaya) is a response to the Church's solicitude for the condition of Catholic students who need to apprehend and face the challenges of the times in the light of their creed. In a particular way, this program focuses on cultivating the Church cadres who are discerning, reflective, perceptive, and in solidarity with all the problems of life around them, both on their campus and in their community, based on the spirituality and values of the Catholic Social Teachings. During the evaluation and reflection process of the program, which has been ongoing for five years (2019-2023), the team of facilitators came across Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation entitled “Christus Vivit” which was promulgated on March 25, 2019. In this document, the Pope listens to young Catholics throughout the world, draws inspiration from sources of faith, and sets the basic guidance for the integral formation of the Catholic youth that should always be contextual to the current times. This article provides a clear reflection on The Surabaya Diocese Students Cadreization Program (Program Kaderisasi Mahasiswa Keuskupan Surabaya) in light of the spirit and values called for by Pope Francis in "Christus Vivit." As such, this document should be considered as an important reference for developing the program because it is truly able to clarify, strengthen, emphasize several important accentuations, and provide inspiration for the program.
PeKA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Bisnis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33508/peka.v6i2.5200


ABSTRAKPengembangan komunitas umat katolik dari stasi menuju kuasi paroki atau paroki perlu dipersiapkan secara serius, baik dari sisi internal Gereja maupun eksternal. Langkah pertama yang harus diambil adalah pemetaan aspek-aspek esensial komunitas umat yang kemudian menjadi bahan dasar bagi analisis-analisis lanjutan. Salah satu bentuk pemetaan itu adalah penyusunan profil umum umat di wilayah tersebut. Penyusunan profil ini hendaknya meliputi beberapa unsur penting, antara lain: historisitas, kondisi geografis, kondisi demografis umat, dan rekam kegiatan atau aktivitas gerejani yang sedang berlangsung. Paper ini adalah suatu paparan proses Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Abdimas) Fakultas Filsafat UKWMS terhadap Pusat Pastoral Keuskupan Surabaya yang memiliki wewenang dan tanggungjawab pada proses persiapan Wilayah A Paroki St. Yusuf Blitar menjadi Kuasi Paroki Ngeni yang telah dirancang dalam pertemuan-pertemuan Dewan Imam sejak tahun 2021. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis atas data-data dokumental yang sudah ada di Puspas dan observasi lapangan melalui wawancara yang mendalam terhadap pastor paroki, pengurus Gereja, tokoh umat, dan umat dari berbagai jenjang usia. Dari temuan-temuan yang didapat, Tim Abdimas kemudian menyusun beberapa rekomendasi untuk proses persiapan dan analisis berkelanjutan.  ABSTRACTThe development of the Catholic community from “stasi” to “kuasi-paroki” or “paroki” needs to be prepared seriously, both from the internal and external side of the Church. The first step that must be taken is mapping the essential aspects of the community which will then become the basic material for further analyses. One of various forms of mapping process is making a general-decriptive profile of the community in that area. That profile should show descriptively some important elements, including historicity, geographical conditions, demographic conditions of the people, and records of ongoing ecclesiastical activities or events. This paper is a kind of explanation of the Community Service process (Abdimas) of the Faculty of Philosophy of Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University towards the Pastoral Center of the Surabaya Diocese (Puspas) which has the authority and responsibility for the preparation process for “Wilayah A” of St. Yoseph Parish, Blitar to become “Kuasi Paroki Ngeni” which has been designed in some meetings of “Dewan Imam” since 2021. The method used is an analysis of existing documentary data in Puspas and field observations through in-depth interviews with parish priests, church administrators, community leaders, and people of various age levels. From the findings obtained, the Abdimas Team then prepared several recommendations for a continuous preparation and analysis process.ABSTRAKPengembangan komunitas umat katolik dari stasi menuju kuasi paroki atau paroki perlu dipersiapkan secara serius, baik dari sisi internal Gereja maupun eksternal. Langkah pertama yang harus diambil adalah pemetaan aspek-aspek esensial komunitas umat yang kemudian menjadi bahan dasar bagi analisis-analisis lanjutan. Salah satu bentuk pemetaan itu adalah penyusunan profil umum umat di wilayah tersebut. Penyusunan profil ini hendaknya meliputi beberapa unsur penting, antara lain: historisitas, kondisi geografis, kondisi demografis umat, dan rekam kegiatan atau aktivitas gerejani yang sedang berlangsung. Paper ini adalah suatu paparan proses Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Abdimas) Fakultas Filsafat UKWMS terhadap Pusat Pastoral Keuskupan Surabaya yang memiliki wewenang dan tanggungjawab pada proses persiapan Wilayah A Paroki St. Yusuf Blitar menjadi Kuasi Paroki Ngeni yang telah dirancang dalam pertemuan-pertemuan Dewan Imam sejak tahun 2021. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis atas data-data dokumental yang sudah ada di Puspas dan observasi lapangan melalui wawancara yang mendalam terhadap pastor paroki, pengurus Gereja, tokoh umat, dan umat dari berbagai jenjang usia. Dari temuan-temuan yang didapat, Tim Abdimas kemudian menyusun beberapa rekomendasi untuk proses persiapan dan analisis berkelanjutan.  ABSTRACTThe development of the Catholic community from “stasi” to “kuasi-paroki” or “paroki” needs to be prepared seriously, both from the internal and external side of the Church. The first step that must be taken is mapping the essential aspects of the community which will then become the basic material for further analyses. One of various forms of mapping process is making a general-decriptive profile of the community in that area. That profile should show descriptively some important elements, including historicity, geographical conditions, demographic conditions of the people, and records of ongoing ecclesiastical activities or events. This paper is a kind of explanation of the Community Service process (Abdimas) of the Faculty of Philosophy of Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University towards the Pastoral Center of the Surabaya Diocese (Puspas) which has the authority and responsibility for the preparation process for “Wilayah A” of St. Yoseph Parish, Blitar to become “Kuasi Paroki Ngeni” which has been designed in some meetings of “Dewan Imam” since 2021. The method used is an analysis of existing documentary data in Puspas and field observations through in-depth interviews with parish priests, church administrators, community leaders, and people of various age levels. From the findings obtained, the Abdimas Team then prepared several recommendations for a continuous preparation and analysis process.
Arete: Jurnal Filsafat Vol 12, No 1 (2023)

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Abstrak Manusia kini hidup dalam era disrupsi yang mengguncang seluruh sendi kehidupannya. Kemajuan teknologi informasi menjadi salah satu faktor penentu disrupsi. Di satu sisi, guncangan itu menantang manusia untuk beradaptasi secara cepat dengan segala perubahan yang ada. Di sisi lain, disrupsi ini menggerus, meninggalkan, menyingkirkan, dan mengabaikan manusia-manusia yang dianggap tak mumpuni mengikuti arus perubahan zaman. Disrupsi ini bisa menjadi locus philosophicus untuk memperdalam makna hakiki kemanusiaan. Pokok-pokok pemikiran personalistik Karol Wojtyla (1920-2005), seorang filsuf, teolog, dan paus dari Polandia, dapat dijadikan pisau analisis untuk membedah dan menjawab tantangan disrupsi. Beranjak dari analisis atas tindakan, Wojtyla melihat bahwa teknologi beserta dampaknya yang luas bagi kehidupan manusia tak pernah boleh diabaikan, disingkirkan atau diperalat. Manusia sebagai persona adalah subjek dari tindakan. Melalui tindakannya, ia mengejawantahkan ke-persona-annya sebagai pribadi dan bagian dari komunitas manusia yang berdinamika mencapai tujuan-tujuan hidup pribadi dan bersama. Dalam refleksinya itu, ia mengungkapkan bahwa partisipasi adalah kunci bagi persona mewujudkan komunitas yang manusiawi, bebas dari berbagai bentuk alienasi, bahkan alienasi yang menjauhkan manusia dari dirinya sendiri, dari komunitasnya, dan dari berbagai arus perubahan zaman. Kata kunci: Personalisme, Praxis, Partisipasi, Alienasi, Solidaritas, Komunitas  Abstract Humans nowadays live in an era of disruption that shakes all aspects of their lives. Advances in information technology is one of the determining factors for disruption. On the one hand, these shocks challenge humans to adapt quickly and unconditionally to all the changes that exist. On the other hand, this disruption erodes, leaves, removes, and ignores human beings who are considered incapable of keeping up with the changing times. This disruption can become a locus philosophicus to deepen the true meaning of humanity. The personalistic principles of Karol Wojtyla (1920-2005), a philosopher, theologian, and pope from Poland, can be used as an analytical method to dissect and answer the challenges of disruption. Moving on from an analysis of actions, Wojtyla sees that technology and its broad impact on human life must never be ignored, pushed aside, or used. Man as a person is the subject of action. Through his actions, he manifests his personality as a person and part of a dynamic human community to achieve personal and collective life goals. In his reflections, he revealed that participation is the key for the person to create a humane community, free from various forms of alienation, even alienation that distances humans from themselves, from their community, and from various currents of changing times. Keywords: Personalism, Praxis, Participation, Alienation, Solidarity, Community