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Perbandingan Sensor TEV Dan Detektor RC Untuk Pengukuran Partial Discharge Pada Peralatan Tegangan Tinggi Dedi Tri Laksono; Deni Tri Laksono; Monika Faswia Fahmi; Ummul Khair; Umar Khayam
Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Industri, Elektro dan Informatika Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Maret : JURNAL TEKNIK MESIN, INDUSTRI, ELEKTRO DAN INFORMATIKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jtmei.v2i1.2432


Electrical equipment often faces various issues, with insulation problems being a major cause of failure. This article investigates the comparative effectiveness of two Partial Discharge (PD) detection methods: using Transient Earth Voltage (TEV) sensors and Resistor-Capacitor (RC) detectors. The study was conducted on a metal box with a voltage level of 6 kV. Data collected included Background Noise (BGN) and Partial Discharge Inception Voltage (PDIV), processed using Microsoft Excel and OriginPro 9. Results indicate a correlation between higher BGN values on TEV sensors and earlier PDIV occurrence on those sensors. Background noise significantly impacts the PDIV threshold, influencing sensitivity and insulation risk potential. While PDIV provides a threshold guideline, correlation with BGN helps illustrate the background conditions' influence on PD measurement outcomes. The study offers insights into the importance of considering noise in PD measurements and formulates recommendations for practitioners to choose appropriate detection methods based on specific environmental conditions and electrical equipment.
Simulasi Hybrid Relay Protocol Pada Sistem Komunikasi Kooperatif Dengan Maximum Ratio Combining Ummul Khair; Dedi Tri Laksono
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses dan Industri Terapan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei : Jurnal Rekayasa Proses dan Industri Terapan ( REPIT )
Publisher : Politeknik Kampar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The cooperative communication system functions to eliminate the effect of fading on the wireless channel. In a cooperative communication system, there are a number of relay nodes assigned to help the source transmit information to the destination. Hybrid Relay Protocol (HRP) is a combination of cooperative communication system protocols, namely AF and DF where the relay will choose one of the protocols using hybrid relay selection (HRS). Selection of the type of relay protocol used is based on the largest SNR. In this study, a performance simulation of the HRS cooperative communication system was carried out using the AF and DF relay protocol using the Maximum Ratio Combining (MRCC) technique. The parameter taken as a performance reference is the bit error rate (BER). Based on the simulation results when the SNR is 7 dB, the BER value for the DF protocol is 0, while for the AF protocol the BER value when the SNR is the same is 0.0355. Whereas the BER for the MRC technique at the destantion node has obtained a value of 0 when the SNR is 8 dB for the SC technique the BER value when with the same SNR is 0.0119.
Partial Discharge Measurement Using Transient Earth Voltage Sensors with Different Dimensions in Metal Shrouded Equipment Dedi Tri Laksono; Deni Tri Laksono; Monika Faswia Fahmi; Umar Umar Khayam
International Journal of Science, Engineering, and Information Technology Vol 7, No 02 (2023): IJSEIT Volume 07 Issue 02 29 July 2023
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/ijseit.v7i02.20537


Partial discharge (PD) generally occurs in electrical equipment that is encased in metal. The metal box is a form of high voltage equipment such as Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), power switchgear. Indications of high-voltage electrical insulation failure can be detected by the appearance of partial discharge. One of the sensors to detect partial discharge is the Transient Earth Voltage (TEV) sensor. This study is to find the difference in detecting partial discharges in 3x3 cm handmade TEV sensors and 4x4 cm handmade TEV. The TEV sensor is positioned at the midpoint of the bushing area. A bushing is an area on high-voltage equipment where there is a small gap. The TEV sensor was placed at a distance of 15 cm, 30 cm, and 45 cm from the bushing. Some partial discharge measurements are in the form of partial discharge waveforms, partial discharge Inception Voltage, and phase patterns. Then the calculation is carried out on the frequency range of the TEV sensor. The source of partial discharge in the air insulation medium is a needle plate electrode. Based on the measurement results, both handmade TEV sensors can detect partial discharge in the ultrawide band frequency range. The result is that the 4x4 cm TEV sensor is better than the 3x3 cm TEV. This can be seen from the acquisition of PDIV, partial discharge waves, or capacitance values. Although the range of values is not large.
PENGATURAN WATER PUMP DAN DETEKSI KOIN PADA VENDING MACHINE JAMU TRADISIONAL MADURA Deni Tri Laksono; Muhammad Arya Rangga Waskita Wicaksono; Monika Faswia Fahmi; Dedi Tri Laksono
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknik Elektro Terapan Vol 12, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jitet.v12i1.3863


Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara yang kaya akan keanekaragaman hayati, termasuk berbagai tanaman herbal yang tumbuh subur di sana. Tanaman ini, khususnya di Madura, sering digunakan sebagai bahan jamu tradisional yang memiliki potensi sebagai pengobatan herbal. Namun, industri jamu tradisional Madura menghadapi tantangan karena menurunnya minat masyarakat terhadap jamu dan minimnya penjual jamu. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan inovasi untuk melestarikan dan memperkenalkan kembali jamu tradisional, seperti penggunaan mesin penjual otomatis atau vending machine. Vending machine jamu tradisional Madura diuji dengan hasil positif, menunjukkan respons optimal dari semua komponen. Pengaturan water pump dengan delay 15865 ms mencapai takaran air yang diinginkan dengan toleransi ± 3 mL. Untuk deteksi koin, presentase keberhasilan sebesar 86% dapat ditingkatkan dengan penyesuaian delay pada program. Dengan inovasi ini, diharapkan dapat membangkitkan minat masyarakat dan melestarikan kekayaan warisan jamu tradisional Madura