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Journal of Innovation Research and Knowledge Vol. 3 No. 2: Juli 2023
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53625/jirk.v3i2.6289


Small and medium micro enterprises or commonly called SMEs is wrong one supporter of the economy that must be developed. Recently economic growth is directed at developing industrial sectors, and small and medium-sized micro enterprises (SMEs) really contribute substantially to economic growth. In the development of SMEs in the form of cooperative institutions that serve the community in general, such as sharia financial services cooperative, this cooperative in serving the community to meet various obstacles that are still faced and the main obstacle is the cost / capital for small businesses. In reality there are some possible sources of funding for small businesses, but are delayed by lack of information and again small industries (SMEs) do not have adequate administrative facilities which is one of the requirements to obtain credit. To solve the problem, then comes BMT. BMT is a financial institution in charge of distributing financing / credit for micro, small and medium enterprises with credit procedures that are faster, safer, efficient and easy. The purpose of the cooperative form such as BMT is to prevent loan sharks and the practice of bonds. In providing financing BMT cooperatives require certain guarantees as a condition of members in obtaining loans, which reduces the risk of credit loss. In providing BMT cooperative financing more selective to its members. Capital established the cooperative BMT from the board and permanent members BMT who provide basic fee as the initial capital of the cooperative, and then other permanent members who join in the business in the Cooperative BMT, which is also operated there are daily administrators and regulatory bodies.
The Influence of Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy on Student Satisfaction at SMP IT Rahmaniyah in Cibinong – Bogor Regency Agus Purwo Wicaksono; Abdul Rosyid
Jurnal Ekonomi Teknologi dan Bisnis (JETBIS) Vol. 2 No. 6 (2023): JETBIS : Journal Of Economics, Technology and Business
Publisher : Al-Makki Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57185/jetbis.v2i6.62


Through customer relationships, companies can provide added value to customers, create customer satisfaction by understanding their wants and needs, and make efforts to get to know customers better. By providing maximum service to customers, in this case the parties who directly relate and interact with customers will create a close relationship between the company and customers. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy on the satisfaction of the parents of SMP IT Rahmaniyah. The customer relationship marketing strategy is one of the company's efforts to deal with changes that occur in the business environment. Increasingly fierce competition, technological advances and changes in market needs and wants. In essence, relationship marketing reflects a paradigm shift in marketing, which was originally focused on customer transactions/acquisition to become customer relations/retention. The hypothesis in this study is that it is suspected that there is a positive and significant influence from the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy on Satisfaction. This research was conducted at SMP IT Rahmaniyah which is located at Jalan. Kostrad Division No.25 Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java. The population is 430 people, with a random sampling technique of 20%, a total of 86 people. Data analysis techniques in the form of descriptive analysis, simple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, and t test. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the influence of the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy on the Satisfaction of Guardians of SMP IT Rahmaniyah with a correlation value of (R) 0.696 or 69% and the influence between the two variables the coefficient of determination is (Rsquare) of 0.484 or 48 %. With a tcount value of 8.875, it is significant at 0.000 and a confidence level of 0.05.
defense cooperation policy, benefits, implications, military preparedness Policy Effectiveness: Indonesia-China Defense Cooperation Study Agus Purwo Wicaksono
Journal Of Social Science (JoSS) Vol 1 No 3 (2022): JOSS : Journal of Social Science
Publisher : Al-Makki Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57185/joss.v1i3.38


Each country carries out defense cooperation with different levels of commitment. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence KPIT in increasing the readiness of the Indonesian military. As a follow-up, the Indonesian government, in this case the Ministry of Defense, has implemented regulatory and allocative actions. Several rules have been published, socialized, controlled and supervised. The appointment of officials has been carried out and supported by existing resources, so that all activities according to the agreement of the two countries have been carried out. Defense cooperation is hypothesized to be useful and has implications for military preparedness even though it is influenced by the strategic environment. Primary data was collected through a survey of 95 people who had participated in KPIT activities, interviews and focus group discussions with competent parties. Secondary data obtained from various documents. The collected data were analyzed using a qualitative approach supported by quantitative data. The results of the analysis show that KPIT activities have very little impact on military preparedness in Indonesia. However, these activities are very beneficial for the actors and have huge implications for individual alertness. This study also found that KPIT activities contributed to increasing Indonesia's national strength through military preparedness. Exchange of information and the defense industry can improve the quality of organization, doctrine, policies, military education curricula, transfer of defense equipment technology, including the possibility of joint production. Joint military exercises can improve anti-terror capabilities, military self-defence, hostage release, and others.