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PIKSEL : Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Sistem Embedded and Logic Vol 2 No 1 (2014): Maret 2014
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

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ABSTRACT People who are still learning the system manually by using face-to -face private or group class is less effective . With the cost issues for practice learning in the form of expensive physical examples such as learning computer assembly . Moreover, with limited manpower in general , made ​​public no intention to learn . Facilities and teaching to the learning community is expected to be given to the maximum so that people can implement useful learning for education or employment. Method demonstration become a factor in the response to people quickly learn something like recognition and computer assembly . Interactive animation introduction of computer -based three- dimensional and assisted with the demonstration method allows users to learn and better understand themselves as assisted object - the object three- dimensional look that can be seen as the original . The software used for the creation of interactive animations and this is with Unity 3D Blender for 3D modeling. Keyword : Animation, Introduction to Computer Hardware , Method Demonstration , Three Dimensional. ABSTRAK Sistem pembelajaran masyarakat yang masih menggunakan cara manual yaitu dengan bertatap muka dikelas private maupun berkelompok kurang efektif. Dengan masalah biaya untuk praktek pembelajaran yang berupa fisik yang mahal contohnya seperti belajar perakitan komputer. Terlebih lagi dengan tenaga kerja yang terbatas pada umumnya, membuat masyarakat tidak ada niat untuk belajar. Fasilitas dan pengajaran terhadap masyarakat dalam pembelajaran diharapkan dapat diberikan secara maksimal sehingga masyarakat dapat mengimplementasikan pembelajaran yang berguna untuk pendidikan ataupun pekerjaan. Metode demonstrasi menjadi salah satu acuan agar masyarakat cepat tanggap dalam mempelajari sesuatu seperti pengenalan dan perakitan komputer. Animasi Interaktif pengenalan komputer yang berbasis tiga dimensi dan dibantu dengan metode demonstrasi memungkinkan pengguna dapat belajar dan lebih paham dengan sendirinya karena dibantu objek – objek tiga dimensi yang dapat dilihat seperti terlihat aslinya. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk pembuatan animasi interaktif ini adalah dengan Unity dan Blender 3D untuk modeling 3D. Kata Kunci : Animasi. Pengenalan Hardware Komputer, Metode Demonstrasi, Tiga Dimensi.
APLIKASI MOBILE LEARNING MATA KULIAH JARINGAN KOMPUTER Yani, Muhammad; Maimunah, Maimunah; Hidayat, Aziz Setyawan
PIKSEL : Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Sistem Embedded and Logic Vol 2 No 2 (2014): September 2014
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

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ABSTRACT Mobile Learning is interaction of mobile computing and e-learning provides resources that can be accessed from anywhere, the ability of the formidable search system, rich interactions, full support to an effective learning and assessment based on performance. Mobile Learning has the characteristic of not depending on location and time. The process of teaching and learning can be done anywhere and anytime. Along with the development of information technology, mobile phone technology is also experiencing rapid improvement. Educational needs require alternative models are also expected to provide on-site knowledge sharing and knowledge visualization so that knowledge becomes more attractive and easy to understand. Keywords: computer networking, android, mobile learning. ABSTRAK Mobile Learning merupakan interaksi dari mobile computing dan e-learning yang menyediakan sumber daya yang dapat diakses dari manapun, kemampuan sistem pencarian yang tangguh, interaksi yang kaya, dukungan yang penuh terhadap pembelajaran yang efektif dan penilaian berdasarkan kinerja.Mobile Learning memiliki karakteristik tidak tergantung lokasi dan waktu. Proses belajar mengajar dapat dilakukan di mana saja dan kapan saja. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi, teknologi ponsel atau telepon genggam juga mengalami peningkatan yang pesat.Pendidikan membutuhkan membutuhkan model alternatif tersebut juga diharapkan mampu menyediakan fasilitas knowledge sharing dan visualisasi pengetahuan sehingga pengetahuan menjadi lebih menarik dan mudah dipahami. Keyword : jaringan komputer, android, mobile learning.
Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Gangguan Hiperaktif Pada Anak Dengan Metode Naive Bayes Berbasis Web Ervinaeni, Yunia; Hidayat, Aziz Setyawan; Riana, Eri
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v3i2.1158


Disorder concentration attention or better known as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is one of the main psychiatric problems that are often found in children. Hyperactive disorders are usually seen in children and as we get older the more difficult to deal with. There were 3 hyperactive disorders taken in this study namely hyperactivity, Impulsivity, Inattetion (Personality Problems). To help diagnose these hyperactive disorders, an expert system application is made to diagnose hyperactive disorders in children that can facilitate the public in diagnosing hyperactive disorders in children. Making this web-based expert system application uses the Naive Bayes method. The Naive Bayes method is a simple opportunity classification based on the application of the Bayes theorem with the assumption that between variables (independent) the presence or absence of a particular event from a group is not related to the presence or absence of other events. The final results are given in the form of a percentage of the diagnosis of hyperactivity in children.