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Perancangan Pembuatan E-Learning Berbasis Website Pada SMK Ad-Da’wah Jakarta Sepitri Daruyani; Irawaty Irawaty; Rr. Artiana Krestianti; Orita Dwi Purbiyanti; Rifky Rahman Hakim
Journal of Information System Research (JOSH) Vol 3 No 3 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.204 KB) | DOI: 10.47065/josh.v3i3.1464


In the world of education, there are many elements that can affect the achievement of learning outcomes, including elements of teachers, students, curriculum and facilities and infrastructure that can support learning. Currently, there are still many students in learning who have not found the answer on their own because they are not given the opportunity to practice by the teacher, thus making students feel bored and more passive. Currently, there are still many schools whose students are only given memorization about concepts and not understanding and mastering concepts in terms of solving a problem plus the support of teachers who are less creative in using media in the learning process which makes it increasingly difficult for students to understand the material. Learning methods that take place effectively and efficiently and can be done anytime, anywhere, using any path and with any access speed can be done with the E-learning method. The E-learning method, apart from being able to provide teaching materials and instruction in learning that can be accessed anytime and anywhere, also does not require a large room like a conventional room. In the teaching and learning process there are several problems that arise, namely the problem of limited learning time at AD-DA'WAH Vocational School, the lack of interaction between teachers and teachers outside school hours, limitations between classrooms and the number of students who are not commensurate, which makes the learning process less efficiency. These problems will be solved by designing a learning application with e-learning, which is proven to be efficient in solving problems such as those that occur in the teaching and learning process. The results showed that the e-learning method succeeded in increasing positive efficiency when applied to solve problems. Making e-learning using PHP, MySql, OOP, jQuery, Ajax, CSS as programming languages.
Rancangan E-Commerce Mochpoint Menerapkan User Centered Design Berbasis Web Farid Mukti; Orita Dwi Purbiyanti; Sepitri Daruyani
Journal of Information System Research (JOSH) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Januari 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1060.563 KB) | DOI: 10.47065/josh.v3i2.1242


E-commerce is one of the strategies of a trading company to increase sales in the current digital era. Online marketing and transactions have become commonplace in the world of buying and selling. Mochpoint is a store that sells clothing that prioritizes the needs of teenagers to adults. Several obstacles were experienced by Mochpoint when they were still using the old or manual system, namely the promotion of goods still using Instagram, transactions that were not automatic resulted in frequent recording errors and on the customer side it was difficult to find out the stock of goods and the absence of long distance sales which made it easier for the company to expand its marketing area. Mochpoint is a store that implements a B2C (Business to customer) business model, but has not yet used a web-based sales system or e-commerce. Through the use of this website's information system, it is hoped that it will be able to increase the need for data and information to potential customers of ochpoint, where potential customers can exchange data and information to transactions about all products available on mochpoint. . The mochpoint store website was created using the PHP programming language and database processing using MySQL with the website address Http:// The website design process uses a navigation structure and UML design. The results of the implementation and testing of this website can run well according to the design based on the test results, namely by testing the website on the browser and testing using the black box method
Game Edukasi Visual Novel Bermain Pantun dan Peribahasa Menggunakan Ren'py Berbasis Python Orita Dwi Purbiyanti; Sepitri Daruyani; Irawaty Irawaty; Adellia N. Adyna Putri Irawan
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i1.2582


In the digital era, technological developments, especially games, are very promising to learn. This can be used as an interactive learning tool for every game fan. Learning media using games can be an alternative for elementary school students to get to know rhymes and proverbs easily and fun. An interactive program that can arouse students' interest in knowing rhymes and proverbs is needed to eliminate boredom when studying them. The researcher uses the SDLC method to create a visual novel game application to play rhymes and proverbs with Python-based Ren'py. Learning to play rhymes and proverbs through visual novels is done by choosing from different problems from the novel's plot. The results obtained in making this game is an interactive novel game by displaying each dialogue which can then be answered by the user and the selected dialogue can determine the flow of the game.
RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PENJUALAN EATEE.CEREAL BERBASIS WEBSITE Sepitri Daruyani; Orita Dwi Purbiyanti; Irawaty Irawaty; Muhammad Rafli Sani
Jurnal Manajamen Informatika Jayakarta Vol 3 No 4 (2023): JMI Jayakarta (September 2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jayakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52362/jmijayakarta.v3i4.1228


Pada umumnya orang Indonesia menjadikan nasi sebagai sumber utama kalori, hal ini diperkirakan memiliki pola makan yang kurang baik yang akan menjadi pertaruhan bagi kesehatan dan ketahanan pangan. Penanganan biji-bijian adalah salah satu langkah penting menuju pemberian makanan untuk membantu program peningkatan makanan. Biji-bijian seperti sorgum, biji-bijian dan beras ketan hitam kemungkinan besar merupakan barang dagangan, sebagai sumber pati serta sumber antioksidan, senyawa bioaktif dan serat yang penting untuk kesehatan. Dampak pengolahan pada item gabah sorgum, gabah dan beras ketan hitam telah melahirkan item yang disukai oleh masyarakat Indonesia seperti cereal yang dapat disantap siap saji. Selain itu diharapkan informasi dan data logis akan diperoleh melihat khasiat biji-bijian sebagai sumber karbohidrat sebagai penguat sel dan imunomodulator.Toko Eatee.Cereal merupakan sebuah toko yang menjual berbagai macam jenis cereal, dengan mengambil tema cereal box toko Eatee.Cereal dapat membuat berbagai variasi dari bermacam-macam merk atau jenis cereal yang dijual pada toko ini. Toko Eatee.Cereal didirikan pada tahun 2019 dimana pada saat itu pemilik memiliki ide dari rice box, Eatee.Cereal mengalami penurunan peminat pada awal tahun 2020 dan mengalami kekurangan pendapatan sehingga toko ditutup sementara waktu, untuk itu dibuatlah sebuah website penjualan ini dengan harapan dapat memperluas jangkauan penjualan dari toko Eatee.Cereal. Website yang telah selesai di hosting dengan alamat dan telah diuji coba menggunakan metode Black Box dengan hasil yang sesuai dengan harapan.