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Jurnal Akademika Kajian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora Dan Agama Vol 4 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Akademika: Kajian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Agama
Publisher : Wahdatul Ulum Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.3122/jak.v4i3.93


This research aims to describe the implementation of online-based thematic learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 OKU Selatan. As a media to support online learning, using several online platforms such as Google Classroom as a medium for interaction in web-based virtual classes, and WhatsApp groups to support more concise interactions in online classes based on chat platforms. Researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods so that the use of the two digital platforms could be studied in more depth, starting from the weaknesses to the strengths of each. The research results show that online learning has been implemented well, and utilizes various learning media so that thematic learning is more varied and makes students less bored and understands the material presented more quickly. The obstacles faced are that some students do not have cellphones, the signal cannot be accessed and there is a lack of coordination between students and teachers. Keywords: Tematik, Learning, Online, Min 2 Oku
Ceramah Radikal dan Moderat: Analisis Terhadap Wacana Dakwah Ustadz Abdul Somad di Youtube Ustadz Abdul Somad Official Arinil Haq
Al-Jamahiria : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Dakwah Islam Vol 1, No 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30983/al-jamahiria.v1i1.6425


Perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat, membuat dakwah yang dilakukan secara konvensional kini beralih menjadi digital, salah satu tokoh yang berperan melakukan dakwah digital ialah Ustadz Abdul Somad. Hanya saja dalam perjalanan dakwahnya tak jarang ia tersandung isu-isu kontroversial seperti diduga sebagai ustadz yang radikal. Berdasarkan realitas yang demikian, peneliti tertarik melakukan kajian mendalam mengenai bagaimana wacana dakwah Ustadz Abdul Somad pada channel youtube Ustadz Abdul Somad Official ditinjau dari aspek radikal dan moderat? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis wacana model van Dijk untuk melihat wacana yang terdapat dalam delapan video ceramah ustadz Abdul Somad pada channel youtube official. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari delapan video yang dianalisis diketahui mengandung wacana yang mengarah kepada moderat, seperti: (1) Pernyataan “NKRI harga mati, Pancasila dasar negara, finish” (2) Ajakan kepada umat untuk mengedepankan toleransi (3) Pernyataan mengenai adab terbaik untuk menegur pemimpin dengan mengikuti peraturan yang ada di negara demokrasi, yakni melalui parlemen dan unjuk rasa damai bukan dengan anarkis. (4) Pernyataan kearifan budaya lokal yang dimiliki Indonesia bukan merupakan sesuatu yang bid’ah, karena tidak merusak aqidah. Berdasarkan analisis wacana yang muncul tersebut, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa dalam video ceramah di youtube officialnya, UAS memiliki pandangan yang mengarah pada moderat atau tidak radikal. The rapid development of technology has made conventional da'wah now switch to digital, one of the figures who plays a role in digital da'wah is Ustadz Abdul Somad. It's just that in the course of his preaching, he often stumbles over controversial issues such as being suspected of being a radical preacher. Based on this reality, researchers are interested in conducting an in-depth study of how Ustadz Abdul Somad's preaching discourse on the Ustadz Abdul Somad Official YouTube channel is viewed from radical and moderate aspects? This study uses the van Dijk model discourse analysis method to see the discourse contained in eight videos of Ustadz Abdul Somad's lectures on the official YouTube channel. The results showed that of the eight videos analysed, it is known to contain discourse that leads to moderation, such as: (1) The statement "NKRI harga mati, Pancasila the basis of the state, finish" (2) The invitation to the people to promote tolerance (3) The statement regarding the best manners to reprimand the leader by following the existing regulations in a democratic country, namely through parliament and peaceful demonstrations not with anarchy. (4) The statement that Indonesia's local cultural wisdom is not something heretical, because it does not damage the aqidah. Based on the analysis of the discourse that emerged, the author concludes that in the video lectures on his official youtube, UAS has a view that leads to moderate or not radical.