Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

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Konsep Harta dan Kepemilikan Dalam Islam Maryam Batubara; Hamdani; Raisa Aulia Rahma; Ilham Akbar Lubis
JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Oktober: Jurnal Sains Student Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61722/jssr.v1i1.81


In order for mankind to sustain themselves and effectively worship Allah swt, they must have property. However, the Qur'an cautions that property must be acquired in accordance with Islamic law and utilized in locations where righteousness is mandated by Islamic law. One idea that Islamic law has established to address the issue of property is that, rather of having explicit laws outlined in the Quran and Hadis, broad guidelines are presented here that every anyone attempting to get property must abide by. Islamic law mandates that the following guidelines be followed while purchasing and maintaining property: 1) Acquired and held property does not belong to the category of filthy and hazardous to humans; 2) The means of obtaining the property are humane and include the parties buying and selling the property, blessing each other, and keeping their word when entering into a covenant; 3) Islamic law outlines basic requirements that must be taken into consideration for the party with the authority to handle property, including a minimum age of 18 years and the possession of a ruysd (smart) characteristic, which is the capacity to handle property in accordance with Islamic law. Property may be appreciated and benefit humans by upholding human bodily and spiritual integrity and by adhering to all previously specified guidelines (mukallaf). The aim of the research carried out is to find out how to actually manage property and ownership properly and in accordance with Islamic law. Apart from that, we also need to better understand how property and ownership is actually distributed or distributed to those who are entitled to receive it.
Filantropi : Jurnal Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Filantropi
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/finalmazawa.v3i2.7070


The current practice of Islamic economics shows significant progress and tends towards positive outcomes. This is evidenced by the increasing number of competent Islamic activists and economists, the establishment of Shariah banking in Indonesia, and the fact that the majority of Indonesia's population is Muslim. Similarly, the current economic developments in several countries also show positive changes in the emergence of Shariah banking, not only in majority Muslim countries but also in minority Muslim countries. In this research case, the development or efforts to advance Islamic economics include the implementation of waqf and zakat as instruments in Islamic economics. These instruments are not only considered as ritual worship but also encompass social aspects, justice, benefits, and the welfare of humanity. YBM Brilian has implemented such measures through the Wakaf Atm Beras program at the Stabat Grand Mosque. Praktik Ekonomi islam saat ini menunjukkan perkembangan yang cukup baik dan cenderung mengarah kepada hal yang positif. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan mulai banyaknya aktivis dan ekonom islam yang handal, berdirinya perbankan syariah di indonesia serta realita penduduk indonesia yang mayoritas muslim. Begitu juga dengan perkembangan ekonomi di beberapa dunia saat ini yang juga menunjukkan perubahan positif pada segi kemunculan perbankan syariah tidak hanya di negara mayoritas muslim tetapi juga di negara minoritas muslim. Dalam kasus penelitian ini pembangunan atau upaya memajukan ekonomi islam salah satunya dengan penerapan wakaf dan zakat sebagai instrumen dalam ekonomi islam yang tidak hanya bersifat sebagai ibadah ritual saja, tetapi juga mencakup dari sisi sosial, keadilan, kemashlahatan dan kesejahteraan umat manusia. Yang mana hal itu telah dilakukan oleh YBM Brilian melalui program Wakaf Atm Beras Di Masjid Raya Stabat.