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Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Internasional (Analisis Kasus Pertamina vs Karaha Bodas Company (KBC) dan PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara) Didi Jubaidi
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52447/gij.v8i2.7057


Penyelesaian sengketa internasional merupakan hal yang kompleks dan menantang dalam dunia bisnis global. Arbitrasi internasional telah menjadi alternatif yang populer untuk menyelesaikan sengketa antara perusahaan multinasional dan negara-negara. Penelitian ini menganalisis penggunaan arbitrase internasional sebagai mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa internasional dengan fokus pada dua kasus yang menarik, yaitu Pertamina vs Karaha Bodas Company (KBC) dan PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara. Kasus Pertamina vs Karaha Bodas Company melibatkan konflik dalam perjanjian produksi gas di Indonesia. Sementara itu, kasus PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara melibatkan sengketa antara perusahaan tambang asal Amerika Serikat dengan pemerintah Indonesia terkait perjanjian investasi. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini menggali proses arbitrase internasional dalam menyelesaikan dua kasus tersebut. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa arbitrase internasional memberikan keuntungan dalam penyelesaian sengketa internasional, seperti netralitas, kepercayaan, dan efisiensi. Namun, juga terdapat tantangan seperti biaya yang tinggi dan kekurangan transparansi. Perkembangan hukum internasional dan praktek arbitrase internasional yang terus berkembang menjadi kunci bagi keberhasilan mekanisme ini. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan tentang pentingnya arbitrase internasional sebagai alternatif penyelesaian sengketa internasional. Implikasi temuan ini dapat digunakan oleh perusahaan multinasional dan pemerintah dalam merancang perjanjian dan mengelola sengketa internasional dengan lebih efektif. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memberikan kontribusi untuk pemahaman lebih lanjut tentang penggunaan arbitrase internasional dalam konteks kasus-kasus tertentu di Indonesia.
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol. 25, No. 3, December 2023: Law and Justice in Various Context in Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/kanun.v25i3.33822


Corruption has become increasingly pervasive in society, necessitating solutions to combat it. One such solution involves the collaboration of witnesses, known as Justice Collaborators. This study aims to determine the criminal liability of Justice Collaborators involved in corruption crimes. This study adopts a normative juridical method, which involves examining library materials comprising primary, secondary, and tertiary legal sources. The data for this study is derived from literature, existing research, as well as relevant laws and regulations. The findings indicate that Justice Collaborators can be held criminally liable by applying the concept of strict liability, as they fulfill the elements of a criminal offense, namely actus reus and mens rea. However, it is important to note that even though a Justice Collaborator may be convicted, they are still entitled to their rights and may be granted leniency.
Pengaruh Politik terhadap Hukum: Interaksi antara Keputusan Politik dan Keadilan Hukum Didi Jubaidi
Lex Aeterna Law Journal Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Lex Aeterna Law Journal
Publisher : Lex Aeterna Research & Training Center

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Artikel ini membahas pengaruh politik hukum terhadap pembentukan hokum di Indonesia dan relasi antara keputusan politik dan keadilan hokum. Pengaruh politik dalam penerapan hukum menjadi dampak buruk dari intervensi politik dalam domain hukum yang mampu menciptakan ketidakadilan serta ketidakterseimbangan dalam sistem peradilan. Untuk menangani dampak buruk politik dalam penerapan hukum, penting bagi negara untuk menjamin kemandirian lembaga hukum, menghindari politisasi dalam pelaksanaan hukum, serta meningkatkan akuntabilitas dalam sistem peradilan. Tindakan-tindakan tersebut diharapkan dapat membentuk masyarakat yang adil, aman, dan berkeadilan. Ini juga akan memperkuat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap sistem hukum serta pemerintahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana politik hukum dapat mempengaruhi pembentukan hukum di Indonesia? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa politik Hukum memiliki  peran  yang  besar  pengaruhnya didalam  pembentukan hukum di Indonesia,  seringkali dalam melakukan pembentukan hukum, peran politik tidak diterapkan dengan sebagaimana mestinya, dimana para penegak hukum justru mengutamakan, kepentingan-kepentingan dari para elit politik.
Legal Implications and Urgency Of Changing Ordinary Delicates Into Complaint Delicates In Copyright Law Number 28 Year 2014 Didi Jubaidi; Khoirunnisa Khoirunnisa
Legalis : Journal of Law Review Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61978/legalis.v2i2.206


The change of the ordinary offense to a complaint offense in Copyright Law Number 28 of 2014 has significant legal implications and emphasizes the importance of adjusting the law to protect copyright. This change reflects the need to adapt the law to current realities and demonstrates a commitment to international standards and the interests of copyright holders. However, effective enforcement of these changes faces challenges in identifying and dealing with copyright infringement, which requires collaborative efforts and continuous legal updates. This research aims to analyze the legal implications and urgency of the change from ordinary offense to complaint offense related to Copyright Law (UUHC) Number 28 of 2014.  The results show that treating copyright infringement as a complaint offense (klach delict) can lead to difficulties in law enforcement and an increase in copyright infringement in Indonesia. This is because the authorities cannot take direct action unless there is a complaint first from the injured party, as a result it can have a negative impact on the creative industry and make creators less motivated. This can have a negative impact on the creative industry and make creators less motivated to create original works. In addition, the consequence could be a decrease in tax revenue received by the government.
Indonesia's Digital Security Strategy: Countering the Threats of Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism Khoirunnisa Khoirunnisa; Didi Jubaidi
Politeia : Journal of Public Administration and Political Science and International Relations Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61978/politeia.v2i2.211


Cybercrime is becoming a very serious threat to Indonesia's national security. The pervasive nature of cyberattacks raises questions about the effectiveness of current regulatory measures. This research aims to analyze how the government addresses security challenges in cyberspace in a sustainable manner. A descriptive qualitative method was used to evaluate the impact of cybercrime in Indonesia and its relationship with highly interrelated regulations. The results show that the threat of cybercrime and cyber-terrorism, in both physical and digital forms, has increased alarmingly in recent years. The impact of universal access to all relevant information has several consequences, including the spread of false information and the development of cybercrime networks. Significant measures are needed to disrupt the cyber terrorism industry to create a safe environment in Indonesia. The success of regulatory measures in Indonesia relies on a holistic approach involving the active participation of the government, society, and the private sector.
Jurnal Humaniora dan Sosial Sains Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Pojok Publisher

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The trend of working from home is gaining popularity around the world. In Indonesia, the internet has contributed to the development of the work-from-home trend, due to its easy accessibility. However, various existing regulatory provisions tend to only regulate matters related to office work, while the rights and obligations of employers in work-from-home schemes have never been specifically regulated.  The purpose of this study is to analyze the suitability of work agreements with the fulfillment of the rights of workers who work remotely from home from the perspective of laws and regulations and the principles of labor development. The method of approach in this research is a sociological legal approach.  The findings of this study indicate that the fulfillment of workers' rights, both as stated in the contract and in its realization, is an important factor in the fulfillment of workers' rights that are not yet fully in accordance with the principles that support employment development.