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Fish Buying and Selling Practices in the Perspective of Sharia Law and Business (Case Study at the TPI Market in Sumber Jaya Village) Tia Ica Susanti; Marini Marini; Woolnough Cale
Sharia Oikonomia Law Journal Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/solj.v1i3.197


The title of this research is the practice of buying and selling fish in the perspective of sharia law and business (case study at the TPI market, Sumber Jaya Village). The population in the study took the market head, traders, and buyers. The sample of this research is Bengkulu City TPI market traders. This research is qualitative research, the data analysis method used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis, where researchers in addition to processing and presenting data, also analyze the qualitative data. The practice of buying and selling fish at the TPI market in Sumber Jaya Village is an indicator of the value of awareness between sellers and buyers respecting each other's rights and obligations. The result of this research identifies an opportunity for the implementation of buying and selling in the perspective of sharia law and business in exchange activities or buying and selling in the TPI market, because the majority of respondents think that it is important to implement buying and selling Islamically or in the perspective of sharia law and business. Although in theory they do not understand it, normatively they implement Islamic business ethics.
Experimentation on Greeting Before Entering the Classroom Aisyah Fadilah; Sovani Rizky Handayani; Sulis Putri Hidayat; Imam Tabroni; Scherschligt Osca; Woolnough Cale
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/jete.v1i3.370


Background. Character is a pattern of thought and a pattern of one's actions that are carried out directly. According to Thomas Lickona, character education contains three main elements, namely knowing goodness, loving goodness, and doing goodness, meaning that character refers to a series of knowledge, attitudes, motivation, and behavior. Therefore, this character needs to be considered, especially for students Purpose. A student must have good character in his life from waking up to sleeping again. In this research, we will help develop good character for students, with the aim that it can be applied in their home environment. Method. This research is collaborative by involving students as resource persons and objects of action. Results. , This action is carried out as a form of field practice. Conclusion. From the results of our research it can be concluded that this research can be declared successful and can be applied by schools, but researchers cannot guarantee whether it can last long or not. Hopefully, habituation at school can be developed and practiced in the outside environment such as when at home, in the market, at the playground, and others
Quizizz Paper Media in Improving Understading of Tayamum Hanny Triyuniarti; Nurul Fadila; Imam Tabroni; Morse Kathryn; Woolnough Cale
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/jete.v1i2.379


Background. The rapid development of science and technology today can be felt and affects human life (Kinuthia & Marshall, 2013). In education, technology has a real positive impact on learning. Students can access more and faster information from various sources Purpose. With the utilization of technology, the teaching and learning process becomes more enjoyable and innovative. Method. According to Law number 20 of 2003 article 40 paragraph 2 states that educators and teaching staff are obliged to create a meaningful, fun, creative, dynamic and dialogical educational atmosphere. Creating fun learning can be done by using media in learning (Kusnardi C, 2020). Results. , Judging from the facts in the field, where students have many difficulties in learning fiqh learning, especially about tayamum, starting from the conditions of tayamum, the pillars of tayamum and the implementation of tayamum (Abidin, 2020). Conclusion. This can be evidenced by the lack of focus of students on learning and the lack of students on the material to be taught. In addition, students will be bored with monotonous learning. It is necessary to update the learning media in the form of game-based media and technology used by teachers to be able to attract students optimally
The Application of Discussion Methods to Increase Student Learning Motivation in Fiqh Subjects in Class XI MA Al-Hasan Cikampek Dede Irma Septiana; Imam Tabroni; Woolnough Cale; Mahon Nitin
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/jete.v1i5.501


Background. This study aims to determine the application of the discussion method to student learning motivation in fiqh subjects in class XI at MA AL-HASAN Cikampek. Purpose. the place of this research was carried out at MA AL-Hasan Cikampek. The main data source in this study is the XI class tutor in fiqh subjects, and students in class XI MA DI MA AL-HASAN Cikampek. Method. . This research is motivated by the interest and motivation of students in fiqh subjects that are very low, this can be seen from students who are indifferent during the teaching and learning process and do not pay attention when the teacher explains the subject matter. Results. . This happens because the teacher still uses the conventional method, namely the lecture method, thus causing students to become easily bored, and not focus on the teaching and learning process. To overcome this, it is necessary to apply a more innovative learning model, one of which is the discussion learning model. Conclusion. . The discussion learning model is a learning model that will shape the student's frame of mind through the discovery of ideas, ideas that can be discussed among fellow students, so that it will produce students who are active in thinking about the fiqh material discussed that day, thus student learning motivation will arise