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Empirical Antibiotic Therapy Assessment of Patients diagnosed with Sepsis in Intermediate Care Ward of Internal Medicine Department of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital according to Gyssens Method Adiwinoto, Ronald Pratama; Sustini, Florentina; Hardiono, Hardiono; Widodo, Agung Dwi Wahyu; Hidajat, Boerhan; Hadi, Usman
Oceana Biomedicina Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Oceana Biomedicina Journal
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (546.601 KB) | DOI: 10.30649/obj.v1i2.17


Rational empirical antimicrobial therapy is an important component of sepsis patient management. This study aimed to assess the rationality of empirical antimicrobial therapy in patients diagnosed with sepsis admitted in intermediate care ward of internal medicine department (RPI) of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital from January 2016 to July 2017. Medical records of 91 patients diagnosed with sepsis were collected and studied retrospectively in period from July 2017 to November 2017. 91 (85.05%) medical records from 107 sepsis patients were evaluated. Cultures and antimicrobial sensitivity tests were carried out in 21 (23.07%) patients. 14 patients yielded positive culture results, 9 of which were MDRO positive with ESBL as resistant marker. Empirical antibiotic therapies for these patients were reviewed according to Gyssens method.73 (80.2%) of 91 patients were deemed receiving appropriate empirical antibiotic therapies. Ceftriaxone IV injection as monotherapy or combination therapy were the most common empirical antibiotic therapies (82 in 91 patients, 90.1%), despite local microbiologic flora and antibiogram show most pathogens were resistant to ceftriaxone. Mortality rate in this study was high, 92.3% (84 patients died) despite rational empirical antibiotic therapies were high. This study concluded that empirical antibiotic therapies in sepsis patients according to guidelines adopted in Soetomo General Hospital, albeit deemed rational, was no longer appropriate according to local antibiogram issued by microbiological department of Soetomo General Hospital. Keywords: Empirical Antibiotics Therapy, Gyssens criteria, Intermediate Care Ward, Sepsis, Septic Shock
Magnesium deficiency associated with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A meta-analysis Ronald Pratama Adiwinoto; Robert Dwitama Adiwinoto; Jongky Hendro Prajitno
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) Vol 10, No 3: September 2021
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijphs.v10i3.20916


Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the major cause of visual impairment in the working-age population with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Magnesium (Mg) is involved in various metabolic processes and in experimental animal studies; Mg has shown essential roles in physiological eye function. Magnesium deficiency is common in T2DM; therefore we analyzed the association between serum Mg status and the presence of DR in T2DM patients. Systematic literature searching in several databases, from 1988 to September 2020, was performed using search terms: “serum magnesium” or “hypomagnesemia” and “diabetic retinopathy” or “retinopathy”. A total of 3,227 patients from 17 studies were included in this meta-analysis. Hypomagnesemia was associated with increased risk of developing DR (OR 4.52 [2.08, 9.81], p=0.0001) in T2DM patients. Serum Mg levels also lower in patients with DR than those without DR (MD –0.30 mg/dL [–0.44, –0.15], p<0.0001). Additionally, serum Mg levels were lower in patients with proliferative DR (PDR) than those with non-proliferative DR (NPDR) (MD-0.21 mg/dL [–0.34, –0.09], p=0.0009). Leave-one-out sensitivity analysis did not change the overall effect. Hypomagnesemia or low serum Mg levels in T2DM patients increased the risk of developing DR.
Empirical Antibiotic Therapy Assessment of Patients diagnosed with Sepsis in Intermediate Care Ward of Internal Medicine Department of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital according to Gyssens Method Ronald Pratama Adiwinoto
Denta Journal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Oceana Biomedicina Journal Volume 1 Issue (No) 2 July - December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

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Rational empirical antimicrobial therapy is an important component of sepsis patient management. This study aimed to assess the rationality of empirical antimicrobial therapy in patients diagnosed with sepsis admitted in intermediate care ward of internal medicine department (RPI) of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital from January 2016 to July 2017. Medical records of 91 patients diagnosed with sepsis were collected and studied retrospectively in period from July 2017 to November 2017. 91 (85.05%) medical records from 107 sepsis patients were evaluated. Cultures and antimicrobial sensitivity tests were carried out in 21 (23.07%) patients. 14 patients yielded positive culture results, 9 of which were MDRO positive with ESBL as resistant marker. Empirical antibiotic therapies for these patients were reviewed according to Gyssens method.73 (80.2%) of 91 patients were deemed receiving appropriate empirical antibiotic therapies. Ceftriaxone IV injection as monotherapy or combination therapy were the most common empirical antibiotic therapies (82 in 91 patients, 90.1%), despite local microbiologic flora and antibiogram show most pathogens were resistant to ceftriaxone. Mortality rate in this study was high, 92.3% (84 patients died) despite rational empirical antibiotic therapies were high.This study concluded that empirical antibiotic therapies in sepsis patients according to guidelines adopted in Soetomo General Hospital, albeit deemed rational, was no longer appropriate according to local antibiogram issued by microbiological department of Soetomo General Hospital.
Empirical Antibiotic Therapy Assessment of Patients diagnosed with Sepsis in Intermediate Care Ward of Internal Medicine Department of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital according to Gyssens Method Ronald Pratama Adiwinoto
Oceana Biomedicina Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Oceana Biomedicina Journal Volume 1 Issue (No) 2 July - December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/obj.v1i2.17


Rational empirical antimicrobial therapy is an important component of sepsis patient management. This study aimed to assess the rationality of empirical antimicrobial therapy in patients diagnosed with sepsis admitted in intermediate care ward of internal medicine department (RPI) of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital from January 2016 to July 2017. Medical records of 91 patients diagnosed with sepsis were collected and studied retrospectively in period from July 2017 to November 2017. 91 (85.05%) medical records from 107 sepsis patients were evaluated. Cultures and antimicrobial sensitivity tests were carried out in 21 (23.07%) patients. 14 patients yielded positive culture results, 9 of which were MDRO positive with ESBL as resistant marker. Empirical antibiotic therapies for these patients were reviewed according to Gyssens method.73 (80.2%) of 91 patients were deemed receiving appropriate empirical antibiotic therapies. Ceftriaxone IV injection as monotherapy or combination therapy were the most common empirical antibiotic therapies (82 in 91 patients, 90.1%), despite local microbiologic flora and antibiogram show most pathogens were resistant to ceftriaxone. Mortality rate in this study was high, 92.3% (84 patients died) despite rational empirical antibiotic therapies were high.This study concluded that empirical antibiotic therapies in sepsis patients according to guidelines adopted in Soetomo General Hospital, albeit deemed rational, was no longer appropriate according to local antibiogram issued by microbiological department of Soetomo General Hospital.
Hubungan Usia Dengan Kejadian Prolaps Uteri di Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSPAL dr. Ramelan surabaya KETUT EDY SUDIARTA; MOCHAMAD ALVIRIO NEDYA RIZKA; MUHAMMAD RIZAL; NANDA ABIGAIL; RONALD PRATAMA
HANG TUAH MEDICAL JOURNAL Vol 20 No 1 (2022): Hang Tuah Medical Journal
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

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ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Uterine prolapse is the descent of the cervix, uterus, and both adnexa from their normal position into the vagina. In general, the incidence of pelvic organ prolapse is 41-50% in women aged over 40 years and will increase with increasing life expectancy, and uterine prolaps is the second most common after cystourethrocele. The incidence of uterine prolapse patients is not known with certainty. Some studies report the incidence of uterine prolapse in the elderly, but there are also studies that report mostly at the age of 20-35 years. Therefore, we conducted a study to determine the relationship between age and uterine prolapse. METHODS: The study used a cross-sectional approach to determine the relationship between age and uterine prolapse in the Obstetrics-Gynecology ward at the Naval Center Hospital Dr. Ramelan Surabaya for the period 2019 to 2021. The data is presented in the form of tables and statistical tests using Q2-Square. CONCLUSION: In the period 2019-2021, there were 1797 cases of gynecological patients in the gynecology inpatient room and 63 cases (3.5%) of them were uterine prolapse. The highest incidence was in the age group 60-64 years with 27.0% (n=17) with distribution based on the level of uterine prolapse the most were grade 3-4 with n = 69.8% (n=44) and grade 1-2 prolapse with 30.2% (n=19). The youngest age is 35 years old and the oldest is 79 years old. Treatment of 63 cases of uterine prolapse 38 cases (60.3%) underwent surgery and 19 cases (39,7%) 9.7%) Keyword: uterine prolapse, pelvic organ, pelvic surgery, management.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pesisir VOLUME 1 NO 2
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/jpmp.v1i2.82


Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) masih merupakan masalah kesehatan yang menjadi penyebab tingginya angka kesakitan dan kematian di dunia pada umumnya dan di Indonesia pada khususnya. PTM khususnya hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus seringkali berujung pada komplikasi antara lain penyakit jantung, gagal ginjal dan menjadi penyumbang yang signifikan beban pembiayaan kesehatan di Indonesia sehingga merupakan suatu hal yang penting untuk mengendalikan faktor-faktor risiko yang memicu terjangkitnya PTM. Pengetahuan akan faktor risiko penyebab timbulnya PTM, dan kesadaran untuk melakukan upaya-upaya pencegahan PTM dengan mengendalikan faktor-faktor risiko tersebut serta rutin memeriksakan kesehatan secara berkala adalah hal yang penting dalam keberhasilan mengendalikan PTM. Masyarakat di Dusun Tlocor, Desa Kedungpandan, Kecamatan Jabon, Kabupaten Sidoarjo merupakan kelompok masyarakat yang terdampak akibat dari semburan lumpur Lapindo menyebabkan tempat pemukimannya direlokasikan. Fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang relatif jauh dari tempat tinggal, ditambah dengan kurangnya kesadaran dan pengetahuan masyarakat tersebut akan PTM dan upaya pengendaliannya ditunjukkan dengan tingginya kasus hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus sehingga dilaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa deteksi dini faktor risiko dan edukasi kesehatan pencegahan PTM.
The Hygiene Hypothesis And Covid-19: A Look At The Evidence And New Perspectives Peppy Nawangsasi; Ronald Pratama Adiwinoto; Verna Biutifasari; Tamam Jauhar; Wahyu Prasasti Mutiadesi
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/amj.v6i3.15787


The hygiene hypothesis postulates that early-life exposure to infectious agents and microbes has a significant impact on the maturation of the immune system, providing protection against allergies and autoimmune diseases.Recent studies have challenged the hypothesis's universality, suggesting that it might only be relevant in developed countries. New perspectives on the hygiene hypothesis propose a multifaceted theory that considers not only microbial exposure but also factors such as diet, stress, and the environment. The role of specific immune cells in the development of allergies and autoimmune diseases has been emphasized, and innovative therapies based on manipulation of immune cells have been proposed. The importance of reconciling the hygiene hypothesis with recent insights into the human microbiome and the importance of maintaining a balance between hygiene and microbial exposure is also emphasized. Lastly, the article delves into the hygiene hypothesis, investigates the connection between gut microbiota dysbiosis and the development of allergies and autoimmune diseases, and examines the influence of COVID-19 on both gut microbiota and immune function.Keywords: allergies and autoimmune diseases, gut microbiome dysbiosis
Bahasa Indonesia Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Prominentia Medical Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/pmj.v2i2.4124


Berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) adalah berat lahir bayi kurang dari 2500 g, sesuai dengan definisi menurut World Health Organization (WHO). Sekitar 20 juta kelahiran di dunia yang mengalami BBLR, 95% dari total tersebut tercatat di negara berkembang, salah satunya adalah Indonesia. Ibu yang tidak menjaga pola hidup dapat mengalami kekurangan gizi, hal ini berisiko meningkatkan kelahiran bayi BBLR. Kondisi BBLR tidak hanya mempengaruhi kesehatan dan gizi, namun juga menjadi tanda awal tingkat kelangsungan hidup bayi serta perkembangan psikososialnya. Kebiasaan merokok selama kehamilan merupakan salah satu prekursor terjadinya BBLR, kelahiran prematur, pembatasan pertumbuhan intrauterin, dan kematian perinatal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan kebiasaan merokok oleh Ibu selama kehamilan dengan kejadian bayi berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tinjauan sistematis (Systematic review). Artikel berasal dari jurnal internasional maupun nasional yang terindeks dan diterbitkan antara tahun 2015- 2020. Artikel yang tidak dapat diakses secara utuh tidak digunakan dalam penelitian. Berdasarkan tinjauan dari 14 artikel, disimpulkan bahwa kebiasaan merokok yang dilakukan oleh Ibu hamil dapat membawa pengaruh buruk bagi kesehatan janin. Bahaya yang dihasilkan dari merokok itu sendiri juga bervariasi, mulai dari berat badan lahir rendah, kelahiran prematur, bahkan gangguan kesehatan di masa yang akan datang.
Kepatuhan Minum Obat pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2: Profil HbA1c dan Lipid di Klinik Aulia Jombang 2020 Ronald Pratama A.; Cahya Yudha Laksmana Putra; Retno Budiarti; Oki Nugraha Putra; Angelica Kresnamurti; Sulistiawati Sulistiawati
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Sciences JPS Volume 6 Nomor 4 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36490/


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin secretion or work defects. Poor treatment adherence leads to uncontrolled glycemic levels and complications. Therefore, ensuring patient adherence to therapy and reducing HbA1c and lipid profiles is essential. This research employs an observational, cross-sectional design, using non-probability purposive sampling to select 55 respondents via the Slovin formula. The study examines medication adherence as the independent variable, Hba1c levels, and lipid profile as the dependent variables. Data analysis involves SPSS, utilizing univariate and bivariate methods for ordinal and nominal scales. MMAS-8 questionnaire assesses the knowledge, while data comes from questionnaires and medical records of type 2 DM patients at Aulia Jombang Clinic. Study findings showed notable adherence to treatment, with 38 respondents (60.9%) complying and 17 (30.1%) not. Chi-square tests yielded significance, p values: HbA1c 0.012, LDL 0.035, total cholesterol 0.008, triacylglycerides 0.011, and HDL 0.002, based on MMAS-8 questionnaire data. In conclusion, the results indicate statistical significance (p-value < 0,05), so there is a positive correlation coefficient, indicating that higher levels of treatment adherence are associated with more optimal HbA1c control and lipid profiles.
Cognitive Resilience Amongst the Elderly in Socah Village's Fishing and Non-Fishing Communities Ronald Pratama Adiwinoto; Ida Ayu Govinda Lazenobia De Sanjaya Putri; Sadya Wendra; Liliawanti Liliawanti; Mita Herdiyantini; Oki Nugraha Putra; I Made Dwi Mertha Adnyana
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 6 No 3 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v6i3.3122


Alzheimer's Indonesia (ALZI) reports a significant and growing prevalence of Orang Dengan Demensia Dementia (ODD), which is projected to reach 2 to 4 million individuals by 2050. Dementia is often attributed to cognitive deficits, prompting this study to investigate and compare the Community Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores among elderly professionals, specifically fishermen and non-fishermen, residing in Socah Village, Bangkalan, East Java. Objective: This research aims to elucidate the extent of cognitive impairment in this demographic. Method: An analytical observational study employed a purposive sampling approach, with a total sample size of 96 individuals. The age categories ranged from 45 to 89 years, adhering to the Badan Pusat Statistik 2015 guidelines. Data collection took place during August to September 2022. Results: The results of the Mann-Whitney's test indicate a significant difference in Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores between elderly fishermen and non-fishermen in Socah Village, with a p-value of 0.001 (p < α, α = 0.05). Conclusion: This finding leads to the conclusion that there is a notable disparity in MMSE scores among elderly professionals, highlighting the substantial impact of physical activity on cognitive function.