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All Journal BUAH HATI
T. Zulfikar
UIN Ar-Raniry

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Jurnal Buah Hati Vol. 10 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46244/buahhati.v10i2.2202


Kemampuan guru PAUD dalam melafalkan dan melakukan praktek fiqih ibadah dengan tepat adalah sebuah keniscayaan karena mereka akan menerapkannya dalam mengajarkan anak usia dini kelak. Hal ini sangat penting bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak usia dini, karena tata peribadahan dikenalkan sejak dini agar kelak mereka tumbuh menjadi manusia yang taat, bertakwa, melaksanakan perintah Allah dan menjauhi larangannya. Maka, integrasi metode drill pada mata kuliah fiqih AUD harus dipakai dalam setiap pembelajaran karena sangat bermanfaat besar dalam mengasah keterampilan mahasiswa PG-PAUD baik dalam pelafalan doa-doa dan praktek ibadah meliputi tata cara wudhu, tata cara shalat, tata cara zakat, tata cara puasa dan tata cara haji sebagai calon guru PAUD. Metode penelitian melalui pendekatan mixed method, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, tes dan observasi serta teknik analisis data menggunakan triangulasi, deskriptif dan statistic sederhana dalam bentuk persentase. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas mahasiswa berasal dari lulusan SMA dan mayoritas mendapatkan pengetahuan agama dari sekolah. Sedangkan pengetahuan dasar dari fiqih ibadah mereka dimana mayoritas dapat melafalkan makhraj dan praktek ibadah seperti wudhu dan shalat, kecuali praktek ibadah haji & umrah. Sedangkan integrasi metode drill dalam mata kuliah fiqih Anak Usia Dini meliputi: 1) penjelasan pengantar materi fiqih Anak Usia Dini; 2) penjelasan dan demonstrasi materi fiqih ibadah; 3) setiap kelompok latihan dalam mempraktekkan fiqih ibadah sesuai dengan materinya masing-masing, sementara yang lain memperhatikan; 4) seluruh mahasiswa latihan bersama-sama dalam mempraktekkan fiqih ibadah dan latihan individu sebagai tugas yang akan dievaluasi hasilnya.AbstractThe ability of PAUD teachers to pronounce and practice religious jurisprudence correctly is a necessity because they will apply it in teaching early childhood children in the future. This is very important for the growth and development of young children, because the rules of worship are introduced from an early age so that in the future they will grow up to be obedient, pious people, carrying out God's commands and avoiding his prohibitions. So, the integration of the drill method in AUD fiqh courses must be used in every lesson because it is very beneficial in honing PG-PAUD students' skills both in reciting prayers and worship practices including ablution procedures, prayer procedures, zakat procedures, fasting and Hajj procedures as a prospective PAUD teacher. The research method uses mixed method, with data collection techniques using questionnaires, test and observations as well as data analysis techniques using triangulation, descriptive and simple statistics in the form of percentages. The research results from the questionnaire showed that the majority of students came from high school graduates and the majority gained religious knowledge from school. Meanwhile, their basic knowledge of religious jurisprudence means that the majority can recite makhraj and worship practices such as ablution and prayer, except for the practice of Hajj & Umrah. Meanwhile, the integration of the drill method in the Early Childhood Education fiqh course includes: 1) an introductory explanation of the Early Childhood Education fiqh material; 2) explanation and demonstration of religious fiqh material; 3) each group exercises in practicing religious jurisprudence according to their respective material, while the others pay attention; 4) all students practice together in practicing religious jurisprudence and individual practice as a task whose results will be evaluated.