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Jurnal Pelita Nusa Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Juni-Jurnal Pelita Nusa
Publisher : Pelita Nusa Jurnal, published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) of the Pelita Nusa Islamic Religious College West Bandung (STAI PENUS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61612/jpn.v3i1.42


Keputusan pembeli produk kosmetik wardah dapat memengaruhi konsumen dengan mempertimbangkan label halal, kualitas, harga dan produk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada terdapat pengaruh Lebel Halal Terhadap Keputusan Pembeli Produk Kosmetik Wardah pada Mahasiswi STAI Pelita Nusa Bandung Barat. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survei teknik angket. Populasi 246 mahasiswi, teknik Simple Random Sampling 45 mahasiswi STEI LPPM Padalarang. Hasil penelitian bahwa hasil analisis deskriptif label halal (X) berdistribusi secara normal kategori cukup kuat. Hasil analisis deskriptif keputusan pembeli produk kosmetik (Y) berdistribusi secara normal dengan kategori cukup kuat. Hasil uji kolerasi product moment nilair (koefisien) adalah 0,619 kategori kuat. Nilai R Square sebesar 0,383. Sedangkan variabel independen mampu menjelaskan variabel dependen sebesar 38,3%, sedang sisanya 61,7% factor lain, tidak dalam penelitian. Hasil analisis regresi diperoleh koefisien untuk label halal (X) pada keputusan pembeli produk kosmetik (Y) sebesar 0,480 dengan konstanta sebesar 31,469 sehingga model persamaan regresi yang diperoleh Y = 31,469+0,480X. Hasil uji hipotesis variabel X terhadap variabel Y menunjukkan nilai t-hitung 5,170 dan r-tabel value (Sig) sebesar 0,000 yang di bawah alpha 5%. Artinya bahwa ada pengaruh yang positif antara label halal terhadap keputusan pembeli produk kosmetik wardah pada mahasiswadi STEI LPPM Padalarang. Dengan demikian bahwa label halal pada keputusan pembeli produk kosmetik wardah secara positif dipengaruhi salah satu nya oleh label halal menjadi sasaran meningkatnya mahasiswa mengambil keputusan produk kosmetik wardah di STEI LPPM Padalarang.   The decision of the buyer of Wardah cosmetic products can influence consumers by considering the halal label, quality, price and product. This research aims to find out whether there is an influence of the Halal Label on the Buyer's Decision of Wardah Cosmetic Products among STAI Pelita Nusa West Bandung Students. Quantitative research method with a questionnaire survey technique approach. Population 246 female students, Simple Random Sampling technique 45 STEI LPPM Padalarang students. The research results show that the results of the descriptive analysis of the halal label (X) are normally distributed in a fairly strong category. The results of the descriptive analysis of cosmetic product buyers' decisions (Y) are normally distributed with a fairly strong category. The product moment correlation test result (coefficient) is 0.619 in the strong category. The R Square value is 0.383. Meanwhile, the independent variable was able to explain 38.3% of the dependent variable, while the remaining 61.7% were other factors, not in the research. The results of the regression analysis obtained a coefficient for the halal label (X) on the decision of buyers of cosmetic products (Y) of 0.480 with a constant of 31.469 so that the regression equation model obtained was Y = 31.469+0.480X. The results of the hypothesis test for variable This means that there is a positive influence between the halal label on the decision to purchase Wardah cosmetic products among students at STEI LPPM Padalarang. Thus, the halal label on the decision of buyers of Wardah cosmetic products is positively influenced, one of the reasons is that the halal label is the target of increasing students making decisions on Wardah cosmetic products at STEI LPPM Padalarang.