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Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

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Pemenuhan Hak Pesangon Pekerja Akibat Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja dalam Kepailitan Perusahaan Perspektif Pancasila Wike Nopianti; Imam Budi Santoso; Muhamad Abas
Jurnal Hukum Mimbar Justitia Vol 10, No 1 (2024): Published Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Suryakancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35194/jhmj.v10i1.4061


AbstrakHubungan Industrial Pancasila mengacu pada konsep hukum ketenagakerjaan Indonesia yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai Pancasila. Redundansi berarti PHK antara pegawai atau karyawan dengan perusahaan atau kontraktor. Uraian singkat kasus yang penulis lakukan yaitu pemecatan karyawan Garden Palace Hotel Surabaya karena perusahaan dinyatakan pailit oleh Pengadilan Niaga Surabaya, karena buruknya keadaan keuangan perusahaan sehingga tercapai efisiensi. Karyawan yang terkena PHK berhak mendapatkan uang pesangon secara mencicil. Disepakati pada 29 Maret 2021. Namun hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan kesepakatan berdasarkan asas Pancasila bahwa pelaksanaan hak-hak agregat diatur dengan undang-undang. peraturan pemerintah dan kontrak kerja. Dalam putusan tersebut, penulis berkesimpulan bahwa dalam hal ini majelis hakim telah mematuhi Pasal 165 UU No 13/2003 , dimana hak pemberhentian pegawai apabila perusahaan bangkrut adalah: 2x PHK + 1x panjang. biaya layanan + hak pesangon.AbstractPancasila Industrial Relations refers to the concept of Indonesian labor law which is full of Pancasila values. Redundancy means termination of employment between an employee or employees and the company or contractor. A brief description of the case that the author did, namely the dismissal of Garden Palace Hotel Surabaya employees because the company was declared bankrupt by the Surabaya Commercial Court, due to the poor financial condition of the company so that efficiency was achieved. Employees who are dismissed are entitled to severance pay in installments. It was agreed on March 29, 2021. However, the result is not in accordance with the agreement based on the principle of Pancasila that the implementation of aggregate rights is regulated by law. government regulations and employment contracts. In this decision, the author concludes that in this case the panel of judges has complied with Article 165 of Law Number 13 Year 2003, where the right to dismiss employees if the company goes bankrupt is: 2x layoff + 1x long. service fee + severance pay rights.