Nurul Adliyah Purnamasari
Pusat Riset Arkeologi Prasejarah dan Sejarah, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Penggunaan Nisan Arca: Wujud Pengaruh Budaya Pra-Islam pada Kompleks Makam Islam di Wilayah Etnis Bugis, Sulawesi Selatan Nurul Adliyah Purnamasari; Hasrianti; Sritimuryati; Tini Suryaningsi
AMERTA Vol. 42 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55981/amt.2024.3835


Abstract. The Use of Tombstone Statues: Pre-Islamic Cultural Influence in Islamic Cemetery Complexes in The Bugis Ethnic Region, South Sulawesi. Unlike several previous studies that focused on the discovery and distribution of tombstone statues in the Makassar ethnic region, this research specifically examines the  influence  of  pre-Islamic  culture  on  the  use  of  tombstone statues  in  the  Bugis  ethnic  area,  including  Barru,  Bone,  Pinrang,  Sidrap,  Enrekang,  and  East  Luwu Regencies. The study was conducted with the desk study method, reviewing various literature sources that  document  the  presence  of  tombstone  statues  in  the  Bugis  ethnic  region,  including  the  research reports  of  Archaeological  Center  (Balai  Arkeologi),  scientific  articles,  books,  theses,  dissertations, technical  study  reports,  conservation,  and  zoning  report  from  the  Cultural  Heritage  Preservation Office  (Balai  Pelestarian  Cagar  Budaya),  as well as other online reference sources. This research reveals that the use of these tombstones was suspected to be the influence of pre-Islamic culture, which had developed strongly in the previous period. This is evidenced by the discovery of megalithic statues in  several  areas  in  South  Sulawesi  and  its  neighboring  province  in  Central  Sulawesi,  which functioned as ceremonial media and representations of ancestral spirits. Keywords: Tombstone Statues, Bugis Ethnic, Islamic Cemetery, Pre-Islam   Abstrak. Berbeda dengan beberapa penelitian sebelumnya yang fokus terhadap penemuan dan sebaran nisan arca di wilayah Etnis Makassar, penelitian ini secara khusus mengkaji pengaruh budaya pra-Islam terhadap temuan nisan arca pada kompleks makam Islam di wilayah Etnis Bugis, meliputi Kabupaten Barru, Bone, Pinrang, Sidrap, Enrekang dan Luwu Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode desk study, dengan melakukan penelahaan berbagai sumber pustaka yang memuat kehadiran nisan arca di wilayah Etnis Bugis, baik itu pada laporan penelitian Balai Arkeologi, artikel ilmiah, buku, skripsi, tesis maupun disertasi, laporan studi teknis, penyelamatan, dan zonasi Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya, serta sumber referensi lainnya yang tersedia secara daring. Penelitian ini menghasilkan informasi bahwa penggunaan nisan arca di wilayah Etnis Bugis diduga sebagai pengaruh dari budaya pra-Islam yang telah berkembang kuat pada periode sebelumnya. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan melalui penemuan arca megalitik di beberapa wilayah di Sulawesi Selatan dan provinsi terdekatnya di Sulawesi Tengah yang berfungsi sebagai media upacara dan representasi roh nenek moyang. Kata kunci: Nisan Arca, Etnis Bugis, Makam Islam, Pra-Islam
Menakar Keberadaan Tokoh Syekh Jamaluddin Al-Akbar Al-Husain di Tosora Wajo: Menelaah jejak keberadaan tokoh Syekh Jamaluddin Al-Akbar Al-Husain di Tosora-Wajo Makmur Makmur; Muhlis Hadrawi; Nurul Adliyah Purnamasari; Muhammad Ramli; nfn. Hasanuddin; nfn. Nasihin
Berkala Arkeologi Vol. 43 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : BRIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55981/ba.2023.334


This study aims to examine the traces of presence of Syekh Jamaluddin al-Akbar al-Husain in Tosora Wajo as an Islamic religious propagator figure in the 13th and 14th centuries CE. Qualitative method with an interdisciplinary approach uses to obtain archaeological, philological, and anthropological data. Archaeological data is in the form of tombs, mosques, ceramics, pottery, coins, and various other artifacts. Philological data is in the form of Lontara Akkarungeng ri Wajo and Lontara Suqkuna Wajo manuscripts, as well as other important lontara manuscripts in South Sulawesi. Anthropological data in the form of collective memory and ethnography of people and the caretaker in the old mosque of Tosora-Wajo. The results of examination and interpretation of archaeological, philological, and anthropological data do not show any coherency with the traces of existence of Sheikh Jamaluddin al-Akbar al-Husain in Tosora-Wajo.