Berkala Arkeologi
Vol. 43 No. 1 (2023)

Menakar Keberadaan Tokoh Syekh Jamaluddin Al-Akbar Al-Husain di Tosora Wajo: Menelaah jejak keberadaan tokoh Syekh Jamaluddin Al-Akbar Al-Husain di Tosora-Wajo

Makmur Makmur (Pusat Riset Arkeologi Prasejarah dan Sejarah, BRIN)
Muhlis Hadrawi (Universitas Hasanuddin)
Nurul Adliyah Purnamasari (Pusat Riset Arkeologi Prasejarah dan Sejarah, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional)
Muhammad Ramli (Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia Komda Sulampapua)
nfn. Hasanuddin (Pusat Riset Arkeologi Prasejarah dan Sejarah, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional)
nfn. Nasihin (Universitas Hasanuddin)

Article Info

Publish Date
24 Dec 2023


This study aims to examine the traces of presence of Syekh Jamaluddin al-Akbar al-Husain in Tosora Wajo as an Islamic religious propagator figure in the 13th and 14th centuries CE. Qualitative method with an interdisciplinary approach uses to obtain archaeological, philological, and anthropological data. Archaeological data is in the form of tombs, mosques, ceramics, pottery, coins, and various other artifacts. Philological data is in the form of Lontara Akkarungeng ri Wajo and Lontara Suqkuna Wajo manuscripts, as well as other important lontara manuscripts in South Sulawesi. Anthropological data in the form of collective memory and ethnography of people and the caretaker in the old mosque of Tosora-Wajo. The results of examination and interpretation of archaeological, philological, and anthropological data do not show any coherency with the traces of existence of Sheikh Jamaluddin al-Akbar al-Husain in Tosora-Wajo.

Copyrights © 2023

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Social Sciences


We are a journal on archaeology published by the National Research and Innovation Agency every May and November each year. This journal seek to promote and shares research results and ideas on archaeology to the public. We covers original research results, ideas, theories, or other scientific works ...