Mahendradewa Suminto
Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

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FILM ANIMASI 2 DIMENSI, “JACK THE CHICKEN!” Ari Bakkas Pratama; Mahendradewa Suminto; Andri Nur Patrio
Journal of Animation and Games Studies Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/jags.v5i2.2994


Animated movie “Jack The Chicken” tells story about a chicken named Jack that bored and ungrateful with anything that are given by his master. This animation tells the audiences about being grateful for everything they’ve got. This animation video has three minutes duration with simple character design. This animated movie setting and scenes are largely supported by its background and backsound because it has no dialogues. This movie was made with 2D technique where most of the creation processes were done digitally. These digital processes were done to make the works easier and shorten the duration of the works. Manual work progress also had been done especially on early stages of creation e.g. idea developing and character design.
Penciptaan Film Animasi “Chase!” Dengan Teknik “Digital Drawing” Febri Faizin Alfatra; Mahendradewa Suminto; Pandan Pareanom Purwacandra
Journal of Animation and Games Studies Vol 5, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/jags.v5i1.2799


A short animation that combines several personal experiences and surroundings into a simple yet entertaining story. Although the story is presented simply, visualization is made unique and flexible with digital two-dimensional animation techniques. This animated film is titled “CHASE!” Which means chasing, taken from the core of the film which tells the story of a young man who chases a mysterious woman who turns out to be a transvestite.The animated film “CHASE!” Lenght 3 minutes 45 seconds, make the story made shorter and directly to the point at the core of what will be delivered. The number of shots reached 45 shots with a total of 5400 frames of HDTV 1920 x 1080 px 24 fps (frames per second). In the process of making this film also applied 12 principles of animation. Making an animated film “CHASE!” uses a digital process in it. For animating, 2D drawing frame by frame technique are used digitally by using computers, background images are also digitally created without leaving the artistic value of traditional drawing techniques using hands.Keywords: Film, 2D Animation, Personal Experience, Digital
“Gadget Freak (Smartphone)” Animasi Motion Graphic Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Kristyannanda Aprilia Putra; Mahendradewa Suminto; Pandan Pareanom Purwacandra
Journal of Animation and Games Studies Vol 4, No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/jags.v4i1.2127


Melihat banyaknya pengguna smartphone dan menjadikan generasi anak muda sekarang menjadi generasi individualis, menjadikan ide pada film animasi ‘Smartphone Addiction’ yang menggugah keinginan untuk merubah prilaku anak muda sekarang untuk lebih bersikap bijak terhadap perkembangan teknologi lewat animasi motion graphic, yang berisi gambaran-gambara perilaku kita sekarang ini yang terlalu menjadi pecandu smartphone.Teknikanimasimotion graphic digunakandalampenciptaankaryaanimasi, ‘Remaja dan Smartphone’denganalasaninginmemberikan penyajian yang sederhana dan mudah dipahami lewat style gambar flat designdan teknik animasi motionyang di padukan dengan narasi untuk memperjelah isi dan pesan pada film animasi ‘Remaja dan Smartphone’.Film animasi‘Remaja dan Smartphone’ sebuah film infografis yang di dalamnya berisi kebiasaan-kebiasaan anak muda sekarang yang terlalu menjadi pecandu smartphoneyang mengakibatkan masa muda mereka menjadi generasi individualis, kehidupan yang membosankan dan mereka hanya hidup di ruang lingkup dunia maya saja, di dunia nyata hanya menjadi manusia asing, sehingga mulai dari sekarang generasi anakmuda yang cerdas harus lebih bias bersikap bijak terhadap perkembangan teknologi. Kata kunci: Smartphone, Perkembangan Teknologi, Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Abstract Seeing the number of smartphone users and making the generation of young people now become an individualist generation, making the idea of an animated film 'Smartphone Addiction' that arouses the desire to change the behavior of young people now to be more wise about technological developments through animated motion graphics, which contain images of behavior we are now too much of a smartphone addict.Motion graphic animation techniques are used in the creation of animated works, 'Teenagers and Smartphones' with the reason that they want to provide a simple and easy-to-understand presentation through flat design drawing styles and motion animation techniques that are combined with narration to fill the contents and messages in the animated film' Teenagers and Smartphone '.Animated film “Remaja dan Smartphones' an infographic film that contains the habits of young people who are now too addicted to smartphones which results in their youth becoming an individualist generation, a boring life and they only live in the scope of cyberspace, in the world the real thing is only being a foreign human, so that from now on the generation of smart youngsters must be more biased to be wise about technological developments. Keywords: Smartphone, Technology Development, Public Service Advertising
“ROCKET TO ROCKET”: SEBUAH KISAH TENTANG CITA-CITA DAN HARAPAN Yholanda Kunthi Anggriva; Mahendradewa Suminto; Agnes Karina Pritha Atmani
Journal of Animation and Games Studies Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/jags.v5i2.3045


Rockets are spacecraft, missiles, or flying vehicles that get a boost through rocket reactions to fluid materials. In this film the rocket represents dreams and hopes. The process of launching a rocket is the process of reaching someone's dream. The process of launching missiles into space is not easy, but that doesn't mean it can't. This film, invites the audience to be sure of hope and dare to fight for it. The creation of this animated film is presented in the form of 2D animation without using any narration or dialogue. As a support for the atmosphere, music is created that can build an atmosphere. Not forget the 12 principles of animation applied in this animated film to strengthen and improve the artistic impression as a support of visualization. The twodimensional animation technique is intentionally used because the visual form of 2D animation has a light but easy to remember impression.
Penciptaan Serial “AKURA-POPO” Episode “SAMPAH” Dengan Teknik Animasi Komputer 2D Abidin Syamsul Arifin; Arif Sulistiyono; Mahendradewa Suminto
Journal of Animation and Games Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/jags.v3i1.1717


 Trash is actually not a new problem on the planet. However, the handling is still less effective in various places around the world. But at least how humans try to reduce the minimum amount of waste. It is the human hand that actually creates the waste itself.The serial animation "Akura-Popo Trash episode" wears the human hand-character design as a picture of the amount of chaos perpetrated by them. 2D computer animation techniques are applied to add artistic value and provide media variations of messengers to the general public Keywords: trash, 2D animation, environmentAbstrak Sampah sebenarnya bukan masalah baru di planet ini. Akan tetapi penanganannya masih kurang efektif di berbagai tempat di seluruh penjuru dunia. Namun setidaknya bagaimana manusia berusaha mengurangi seminimal mungkin jumlah sampah. Ulah tangan manusialah yang sesungguhnya menciptakan sampah itu sendiri.Animasi serial “Akura-Popo episode Sampah” memakai desain karakter tangan manusia sebagai gambaran banyaknya kekacauan yang dilakukan oleh mereka. Teknik animasi komputer 2D diterapkan untuk menambahkan nilai seni dan memberikan variasi media penyampai pesan kepada khalayak umum Kata kunci: sampah, animasi 2D, lingkungan 
“Llop Mougn” Film Animasi 2D Dengan Teknik Rotoscope Oktivani Anggia Rahmalita; Mahendradewa Suminto
Journal of Animation and Games Studies Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/jags.v4i2.2708


Bedwetting habits are things that must have been experienced by everyone, especially young children, and various methods were taken to stop this. The lack of knowledge of some people in the past will be something that believes in myth. The myth of biting the navel by dragonflies is believed to stop the bedwetting habit. This is what then based on personal experience raises the idea of creating animated films because they are interesting and unique. added by using a combination storyline. Unify real events with dreams.The animated short film "Llop Mougn" tells a girl who believes that the myth of a belly button bitten by a dragonfly can stop the bedwetting habit, but when she does, she still wet the bed. The story is presented in the form of an animated 2D short film with an experimental genre, because this animated film has a plot that tends to jump and random plots so that it is not too easy to understand because in this film it does not tell the intent directly.The creation of this work uses the rotoscope process to explore techniques and get the results of a more realistic movement to get a different impression on the film. Keywords: bedwetting, experimental, rotoscope
DIMENSI SPASIAL DALAM FOTOGRAFI EKSPRESI Kristoforus Agung; Mahendradewa Suminto; Arti Wulandari
Specta: Journal of Photography, Arts, and Media Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (902.258 KB) | DOI: 10.24821/specta.v1i2.1905


Fotografi yang pada umumnya berfungsi sebagai alat dokumentasi telah berkembang selaras dengan kemajuan teknologi dan daya kreatif manusia. Fotografi tidak sekadar menciptakan citraan yang begitu akurat, rinci, dan objektif dalam mengapresiasikan realitas (representasi). Namun, fotografi juga memberikan dampak yang sangat luas. Fotografi menghasilkan tata bahasa baru berupa bahasa visual, dan yang paling penting adalah kemampuan membentuk etika cara pandang baru terhadap suatu kenyataan. ‘Dimensi Spasial dalam Fotografi Ekspresi’ adalah sebuah konsep penciptaan karya fotografi seni sebagai ungkapan ekspresi dalam merespon visualisasi jarak-ruang yang dilihat melalui pemanfaatan framing sebagai metafora terhadap keberjarakan terhadap diri sendiri, orang lain dan lingkungan. Pengembangan unsur framing dalam perwujudan karya sebagai visualisasi mengenai dimensi spasial.Kata Kunci: dimensi spasial, fotografi ekspresi, framing
Specta: Journal of Photography, Arts, and Media Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1568.495 KB) | DOI: 10.24821/specta.v1i1.1897


Penciptaan karya fotografi ini bermaksud merekam identitas kebudayaan subsuku Dayak yaitu Dayak Iban, Kayan, Desa, dan Sungkung khususnya pada perempuan-perempuan Dayak yang masih memiliki dan menjalankan tradisi leluhur. Tradisi-tradisi leluhur yang dijalankan para perempuan Dayak yaitu memanjangkan daun telinga, bertato, memakai gelang besi, menenun, membuat kerajinan manik-manik, dan menganyam. Foto potret ini memunculkan masing-masing karakter subsuku Dayak dengan aspek-aspek fotografi potret meliputi penataan pose, ekspresi, porsi subjek, komposisi, cahaya, properti pendukung, latar belakang, lokasi pemotretan, dan kostum yang digunakan. Karya fotografi yang dihasilkan berupa foto potret dalam ranah dokumenter yang dapat menyampaikan realita sosial. Karya foto potret ini, diharapkan menjadi suatu peninggalan yang berharga untuk bangsa yang dapat digunakan untuk kembali mengingat dan melihat awal dari keberadaan sekarang.Kata-kata kunci: potret, Dayak, Iban, Kayan, Desa, Sungkung, fotografi