Farmasyanti, Cendrawasih Andusyana
Faculty Of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Pertimbangan penggunaan plat ekspansi pada perawatan ortodontik cekat kasus borderline Endhira Lentik Rousstia; Cendrawasih Andusyana Farmasyanti; Kuswahyuning Kuswahyuning
MKGK (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Klinik) (Clinical Dental Journal) UGM Vol 2, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (750.745 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mkgk.31982


Kasus gigi berjejal di regio anterior kadang membuat keraguan dalam merencanakan perawatan bagi operator dalam melakukan pencabutan, atau disebut sebagai kasus borderline. Tujuan dari pemaparan studi kasus ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pemilihan pemecahan masalah ruang dengan ekspansi pada kasus borderline. Seorang pasien perempuan usia 22 tahun datang ke klinik ortodonti RSGM Prof. Soedomo dengan keluhan gigi depan atas bawah yang berjejal dan terdapat gigi depan kiri atas yang tumbuh lebih ke belakang. Pasien memiliki maloklusi Angle Klas I dengan hubungan skeletal Klas I bimaksiler retrusif malrelasi deepbite pada gigi 12 11 22 dengan 32 41 42, crossbite 21 dan 31, overjet 1,4 mm, overbite 4 mm serta malposisi gigi individual, berdasarkan diagnosis dan perancangan ketersediaan ruang diputuskan kasus ini termasuk kasus borderline. Pertimbangan perhitungan pont, bukal koridor yang sempit, profil wajah pasien yang baik maka dipilih perawatan ekspansi untuk kebutuhan ruang. Pasien dirawat dengan alat ortodontik cekat teknik straightwire kombinasi alat ekspansi lepasan yang dimulai Desember 2014. Kontrol dilakukan 3 minggu sekali untuk alat ortodontik cekat dan seminggu sekali untuk alat ekspansi, setelah 25x putaran (2x1/4 putaran) alat ekspansi lepasan dilepas dan dilanjutkan hanya dengan alat ortodontik cekat. Setelah sekitar 6 – 7 bulan perawatan ortodontik cekat ini mendapatkan kontak interdigitasi yang baik, overjet overbite normal, dan profil muka cembung normal. Kesimpulan dari studi kasus ini bahwa penggunaan plat ekspansi pada perawatan ortodontik cekat kasus borderline mempunyai hasil yang memuaskan.  ABSTRACT: Considerations of the use of expansion plate on fixed orthodontic appliance in borderline case. Cases of anterior crowding often makes a hesitation to make a treatment plan for the operator to preform extraction or referred to as a borderline case. The purpose of this case study is to evaluate the selection of this problem solving the case of perimeter arch in borderline case is expansion. A 22 years old patient came to the RSGM Prof. Soedomo orthodontic clinic complained anterior crowding of the upper and lower teeth and left upper front teeth is in a crossbite position. Patient had Angle Class I malocclusion with Class I skeletal relationship bimaxiller retrusive malrelation, deepbite 12 11 22 to 32 41 42, crossbite 21 and 31, overjet of 1.4 mm, overbite 4 mm and malposition of individual teeth. based on diagnosis and upon space availability decided this case including borderline cases. Consideration of the Pont calculation, narrow buccal corridors, good facial profile then selected that expansion for space requirements. Patient was treated with straightwire fixed orthodontic appliance combination removable expansion from December 2014. Control carried out every 3 weeks for fixed orthodontic appliance and once a week to expansion plate, after 25 time activation (2x1/4 turns) removable expansion plate was removed and continued by fixed orthodontic appliance. After 6 – 7 months fixed orthodontic appliance treatment has a good interdigitation contact, normal overbite overjet, and normal convex face profil. Conclusion for this case study is that the use of plate expansion on fixed orthodontic treatment in borderline cases presents a satisfactory result.
Penatalaksanaan interdisipliner kasus impaksi gigi incisivus sentral maksila akibat obstruksi odontoma kompleks Lidya Noviana Arfiadi; Cendrawasih Andusyana Farmasyanti; Kuswayuning Kuswayuning
MKGK (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Klinik) (Clinical Dental Journal) UGM Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.62 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mkgk.32000


Odontoma adalah tumor jinak odontogenik yang terdiri dari jaringan keras gigi. Pada perawatan ortodontik cekat, odontoma sering menjadi salah satu penyebab obstruksi jalannya erupsi gigi incisivus sentral maksila. Penatalaksanaan kasus impaksi gigi incisivus sentral membutuhkan pendekatan interdisipliner yang melibatkan tindakan bedah dan perawatan ortodontik. Tujuan studi kasus ini untuk mengamati proses perawatan ortodontik cekat pada kasus impaksi gigi incisivus sentral setelah dilakukan pengambilan odontoma secara bedah dengan closed method exposure. Seorang pasien perempuan berusia 23 tahun mengeluhkan gigi seri kiri rahang atas tidak tumbuh sejak gigi desidui sebelumnya tanggal sehingga gigi seri sebelahnya bergeser ke tengah. Pemeriksaan objektif menunjukkan regio 21 edentulous dan terjadi pergeseran gigi 11 dan 22 sehingga area edentulous 21 menyempit. Pemeriksaan radiografi menunjukkan adanya gambaran radiopak berbentuk seperti gigi-gigi kecil yang didiagnosis sebagai odontoma kompleks pada jalur erupsi gigi 21 sehingga menyebabkan gigi 21 impaksi. Setelah satu tahun perawatan ortodontik cekat gigi 21 berhasil erupsi dengan baik, malposisi gigi individual terkoreksi, dan perawatan sampai sekarang masih berlanjut. Perawatan ortodontik pada koreksi gigi impaksi gigi incisivus sentral akibat adanya obstruksi jalur erupsi yaitu odontoma bila ditangani secara interdisipliner dengan tindakan bedah dan ortodontik memiliki prognosis yang baik.ABSTRACT: Interdisciplinary Approach of an Impacted Central Maxillary Incisor Due to Complex Odontoma Obstruction. Odontome is a benign odontogenic tumor which consists of tooth hard tissues. Odontome is said to be one of the most frequent cause of obstruction in the eruption path of central incisor, which may cause a problem in an orthodontic treatment. Management of impacted central incisor requires an interdisciplinary approach which involves oral surgery and orthodontic treatment. This case report is aimed to observe the orthodontic treatment of an impacted central incisor after removal of the odontome through surgery and a closed method exposure of the impacted incisor. A 23-year-old woman presented to the dental hospital with a chief complaint of a missing permanent maxillary left central incisor which caused shifting of adjacent incisors. Objective examination showed an edentulous area in 21 regio and shifting of 11 and 22 to the edentulous area. Radiograph examination demonstrated a radiopaque tooth-like representation which is diagnosed as a complex odontome in the eruption path of the maxillary left central incisor which caused 21 to be impacted. After one year of fixed orthodontic treatment, 21 successfully erupted in the occlusal plane, individual tooth malpositions are resolved, and the treatment is still currently in progress. Treatment to correct impacted permanent maxillary central incisor caused by odontome obstruction managed in an interdisciplinary approach through oral surgery and orthodontic treatment displays a good prognosis.
Perawatan ortodontik pada kasus periodontitis kronis dengan kerusakan tulang infraboni secara menyeluruh Stephanie Adelia Susanto; Cendrawasih Andusyana Farmasyanti; Kuswayuning Kuswayuning
MKGK (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Klinik) (Clinical Dental Journal) UGM Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (567.405 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mkgk.32005


Penyakit periodontal merupakan penyakit inflamasi yang mempengaruhi jaringan periodontal dan menyebabkan hilangnya perlekatan jaringan ikat dengan tulang alveolar. Peningkatan kedalaman probing dengan kombinasi faktor usia pasien, onset dan kecepatan perkembangan penyakit, dan kondisi psikologis akan mempengaruhi rencana dan prognosis perawatan. Pergerakan gigi secara ortodontik pada individu dewasa dengan kondisi periodontal perlu disertai dengan kontrol akumulasi plak secara berkala dan penyesuaian mekanika alat ortodonsi selama perawatan berlangsung. Laporan kasus ini bertujuan untuk mengamati perawatan interdisipliner antara bidang ortodonsi dan periodonsi pada pasien dewasa dengan kondisi periodontitis kronis menyeluruh. Pasien perempuan usia 36 tahun datang ke klinik periodonsi mengeluhkan gigi goyah. Pasien didiagnosa dengan kondisi periodontitis kronis disertai kerusakan tulang infraboni dan keterlibatan bifurkasi, serta disarankan untuk menjalani perawatan ortodontik untuk mengkoreksi traumatik oklusi yang menjadi salah satu faktor predisposisi. Pemeriksaan objektif menunjukkan adanya crowding gigi atas dan bawah, edge to edge bite dan crossbite pada gigi anterior. Kondisi periodontal mencakup resesi menyeluruh, poket periodontal 18, 17, 16, 12, 11, 22, 23, 26, 27, 38, 37, 36, 33, 32, 31, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, keterlibatan bifurkasi 36, 46, fistula pada bukal gingiva 32, serta kegoyahan gigi derajat 1 pada 17, 16, 12, 11, 22, 26, 36, 31, 41, 46 dan derajat 2 pada gigi 32. Crowding, crossbite anterior dan edge to edge bite telah terkoreksi dengan perawatan ortodontik cekat yang masih berlangsung saat ini. Tidak terdapat perubahan kondisi periodontal selama perawatan.ABSTRACT: Orthodontic treatment in chronic periodontitis case with generalized infrabony damage. Periodontal disease refers to an inflammatory condition of the periodontal tissue causing attachment loss between the connective tissue and alveolar bone. Increased probe depth with combination of various factors, such as patient’s age, onset and progression rate of the disease, as well psychologycal state, determine the treatment plan and prognosis. Orthodontic tooth movement in periodontally compromised adult should be performed with scheduled plaque accumulation control and adjustment of orthodontic appliance mechanics during the treatment. This case report aims to observe interdisciplinary treatment between orthodontics and periodontics in adult patient with generalized chronic periodontitis. A 36 year old woman visited periodontic department with a chief complaint of generalized loose teeth. Patient was diagnosed as generalized chronic periodontitis with infrabony bone damage and bifurcation involvement. The patient was referred to orthodontist to correct the traumatic occlusion which is one of the predisposing factors. Objective examination shows upper and lower arch crowding teeth, edge to edge bite and anterior crossbite. Periodontal findings show generalized recession, periodontal pocket 18, 17, 16, 12, 11, 22, 23, 26, 27, 38, 37, 36, 33, 32, 31, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, bifurcation involvement of 36 and 46, 32 buccal gingiva fistule, first degree luxation of 17, 16, 12, 11, 22, 26, 36, 31, 41, 46 and second degree of 32. Teeth crowding, anterior crosbite and edge to edge bite has been resolved using fixed orthodontic appliance and the treatment is still currently in progress. There are no significant changes on the periodontal status during orthodontic treatment.
Standar Normatif Analisis Sefalograf Postero-Anterior Sub Ras Jawa Indonesia Cendrawasih Andusyana Farmasyanti; Darmawan Sutantyo; Sari Karuniawati
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 19, No 2 (2012): December
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4207.05 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/majkedgiind.12698


Latar Belakang. Pasien dengan kelainan asimetri wajah termasuk diantarnya adalah pasien dengan celah bibir dan lelangit memerlukan analisis cefalometri postero-anterior. Tujuan Penelitian. Penelitian pendahuluan ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh standar normal analisis dimensi transversal wajah pada sefalograf postero-anterior orang Jawa serta mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan intra dan inter gender. Cara Penelitian. Sampel terdiri dari 30 orang terdiri dari 24 perempuan dan 6 laki-laki yang beretnis Jawa. Subyek adalah individu dengan estesis dan oklusi wajah yang baik, usia 18-30. Hubungan molar klas I dalam variasinya. Setiap subyek di ambil sefalograf postero anterior untuk diukur lebar dimensi transversal landmark dari Broadbent. Penelitian telah mendapatkan ethical approval. Hasil Penelitian. Setelah dilakukan pengujian statistic Wilcoxon, hanya Bi-Zygomatic(Bi-Zyg) yang berbeda bermakna (p<0,05), kanan 66,33 dan kiri 65,28 pada wanita dan Bi-Maxillary(Bi-Mx) kiri 36,31, kanan 34,27 pada laki-laki. Lebar rata-rata pada satu sisi wajah, berturut-turut laki-laki dan perempuan dalam mm adalah Bi-Latero orbitale (Bi-Lo): 45,99 dan 49,51; Bi-Maxillary (Bi-Mx): 33,04 dan 35,29; Bi-Lateronasal (Bi-Ln): 16,6 dan 18,07; Bi-Condylar (Bi-Cond): 50,66 dan 56,08; dan Bi-Gonial (Bi-Go): 44,27 dan 47,59. Uji beda antar gender, Mann Whitney U, dijumpai laki-laki lebih besar bermakna daripada perempuan kecuali lebar Bi-Zyg (p<0,05). Kesimpulan. Lebar Bi-Zyg perempuan dan Bi-M laki-laki pada sisi kiri lebih besar bermakna (p<0,05) daripada sisi kanan. Lebar semua variabel kecuali Bi-Zyg lebih besar bermakna dibandingkan perempuan (p<0,05). Background. Patient with skeletal disorders such as cleft lip and palate patients need a normal standard anteroposterior cephalometric analysis. Aim. The preliminary research was conducted to obtain a normal standard dimensional analysis of Javanese postero-anterior transverse facial cephalography and determined whether there were differences in intra-and inter-gender. Method. The sample consisted of 30 Javanese people, consisting of 24 females and 6 males. Subjects are individuals with good facial aesthetics and occlusion, aged 18-30. The molar relationship were in Class I and its variation. Each subject was taken their postero anterior sefalograph to measure the width of the transverse dimension base on the Broadbent landmarks and has esthically approved. Result. The width of the left side tend to be larger than the right (mm) but only Bi-zygomatic (Bi-Zyg) were significantly different (p<0.05), 66.33 and 65.28 for female and Bi-maxillary (Bi-Mx) 36.31 and 34.27 for males after Wilcoxon statistical test. Average width of the left side of the face, males and females in mm respectively are Bi-Latero orbitale (Bi-Lo): 45.99 and 49.51; Bi-maxillary (Bi-Mx): 33.04 and 35.29; Bi-Lateronasal (Bi-Ln): 16.6 dan 18.07; Bi-Condylar (Bi-Cond): 50.66 and 56.08; and Bi-Gonial (Bi-Go): 44.27 and 47.59. Mann-Whitney U, found that males are significantly greater than females except the width of the Bi-Zyg (p<0.05). Conclusion. Bi Zyg- Bi-Mx width in woman and men on the left side are significantly greater (p<0.05) than the rght side. The width of all variables except Bi-Zyg are significantly larger than females (p<0.05).
Hubungan antara Lebar dan Panjang Lengkung Gigi terhadap Tinggi Palatum pada Suku Jawa dengan Metode-Pont dan Korkhaus Gusti Ayu Made Dwita Hayu Paramesthi; Cendrawasih Andusyana Farmasyanti; Dyah Karunia
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 18, No 1 (2011): August
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5440.795 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/majkedgiind.16447


Latar Belakang. Setiap ras memiliki ciri-ciri khusus untuk suatu ras tertentu sehingga tidak dapat digunakan sebagai standar untuk ras yang lainnya. Pont dan Korkhaus menggunakan indeks yang didapatkan dari ras Kaukasoid sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian pada suku Jawa yang tergolong dalam ras Mongoloid. Sering dijumpai pasien dengan palatum tinggi mempunyai lengkung gigi yang panjang dan sempit. Hal itu menandakan adanya hubungan antara tulang kepala, maksila, dan palatum. Tujuan Penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai indeks lebar lengkung gigi, panjang lengkung gigi, dan tinggi palatum berdasarkan analisis Pont dan Korkhaus dan hubungan lebar dan panjang lengkung gigi terhadap tinggi palatum pada suku Jawa. Metode Penelitian. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif dan analitik. Sebanyak 31 subjek (8 laki-Iaki dan 23 perempuan) diambil dari mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada angkatan tahun 2006-2009 dengan metode selectedsampling. Data diperoleh dari pengukuran pada model studi rahang atas meliputi lebar mesiodistal keempat insisivus, lebar interpremolar, lebar intermolar, panjang lengkung gigi, dan tinggi palatum sesuai dengan parameter yang digunakan oleh Pont dan Korkhaus. Analisis statistik deskriptif, uji t tidak berpasangan, dan uji regresi digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh. Hasil Penelltian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suku Jawa mempunyai indeks premolar Pont 82,62 ± 4,41; indeks molar Pont 65,96 ± 4,42; indeks panjang lengkung gigi Korkhaus 163,49 ± 8,02; dan indeks tinggi palatum Korkhaus 36,29 ± 4,42. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada korelasi antara lebar dan panjang lengkung gigi terhadap tinggi palatum (p>O,05). Kesimpulan. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara lebar dan panjang lengkung gigi terhadap tinggi palatum berdasarkan metode Pont dan Korkhaus pada suku Jawa.
The difference between Begg and Straightwire appliances on molar position, occlusal plane angle, and anterior and posterior facial height changes Dewi Sartika Santoso; C. Christnawati; Cendrawasih Andusyana Farmasyanti
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 53 No. 4 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v53.i4.p223-228


Background: Bimaxillary and bidental protrusion Class I Angle malocclusions have a characteristic convex facial profile and protrusion lips due to the labial inclination of the anterior teeth. Extraction of the first four premolars is the most common choice for orthodontic treatment of these cases when all the permanent teeth are complete and in good condition. Orthodontic treatment can be performed using the Begg or Straightwire techniques. Purpose: This study aims to investigate the difference in the effect of orthodontic treatment with Begg and Straightwire appliances on molar position, occlusal plane, and anterior and posterior facial height. Methods: Sixty pairs of lateral cephalograms before and after the treatment of patients with bimaxillary and bidental protrusive Angle malocclusion Class I, aged 18–35 years old, who underwent orthodontic treatment using the Begg and Straightwire techniques with the extraction of all first premolars that met the inclusion criteria. Data analysis was performed using two-way repeated analysis of variance (p<0.05) and Pearson correlation (p<0.05). Results: Molar position, occlusal plane angle, and anterior and posterior facial heights increased significantly after the Begg technique treatment and decreased significantly after the Straightwire technique treatment (p<0.05), but there were no significant differences between the four variables in the two techniques (p>0.05). Medium correlation was found between variables in both the Begg and Straightwire techniques. Conclusion: Molars were extruded and mesialized and the occlusal plane angle and height of the anterior and posterior faces increased after the Begg appliances treatment. The molars moved mesially and occlusally and there was a decrease in the occlusal plane angle, as well as the height of the anterior and posterior faces, after treatment with the Straightwire appliances. However, there was no difference between the two techniques.
Effects of pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0) as alternative analgesics on orthodontic tooth movement in rats Cendrawasih Andusyana Farmasyanti; Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman; Heni Susilowati; Edy Meiyanto
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 31, No 3 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol31no3.20995


Introduction: Some analgesic drugs may have adverse effects on bone remodelling and, thus, on orthodontic tooth movement rate (OTM). GV-0 is synthesized by reacting vanillin and cyclopentanone catalyzed in acidic condition, and it has been revealed as a selective COX-2 inhibitor. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0), one of the curcumin analogues, on OTM. Methods: This study was conducted on 50 male Wistar rats (350-450 g) which were randomly divided into five groups (n = 10 each): 1) no treatment group (NT), 2) orthodontic treatment only (ORT), 3) ORT plus 0.4% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na-CMC) analgesic carrier, 4) ORT plus 200 mg/kg BW Paracetamol (PCT) as the positive control, and 5) ORT plus PGV-0 (50 mg/kg BW (PGV-0). Results: Drug and day interaction was statistically significant on two-way ANOVA. Post-hoc analyses showed that OTM increased from day 3 to 7 in all orthodontic groups over the same distance (p>0.05). Maximum OTM was found on day 6, which was significantly farther than the distance on day 4. On day 7, OTM was less than on day 6. OTM in all orthodontic groups, including in the PGV-0 group, was higher than in the NT group (p<0.05). No differences was seen in OTM between PGV-0 group and other orthodontic groups (p>0.05). Post-hoc analysis (intra days) revealed that OTM in PGV-0 and other orthodontic treatment groups increased. Conclusion: After a single orthodontic force, PGV-0 does not inhibit tooth movement in rats from day 1 to day 7. Therefore, it is possible to develop PGV-0 as an alternative analgesics during orthodontic therapy.Keywords: Analgesic drug, orthodontics, tooth movement, curcumin.