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Pengaruh Jenis Edukasi Terhadap Performansi Pengemudi dengan Karakter Risk Taker Dian Tiara Rezalti
Forum Teknik Vol 37, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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The Government has made traffic laws and regulations to create a motor vehicle safety and in order to reduce the number of fatal and serious injuries that occur in motor vehicle crashes every year. However, it’s not much effecting to diminish numbers of road accident causing by lack of knowledge, insights, driving experience, and often to take a risk. This study aimed to identify the effective education in safety driving to improve the driver’s performance which has a risk taker characteristic. This study was conducted in a laboratory simulation of ergonomics with the respondent amounted 30 people aged 18-25 years and classified into three groups: 10 respondents are educated by using a module, 10 respondents are educated by watching a video, and 10 respondents directly practice using a simulator. Holt & Laury’s Questionnaire is used to knowing Risk Attitude of respondents. This study showed that video education is the most effective education to reduce a numbers of driving perform interference for those man and woman’s respondents and afterwards followed by module’s education and the last intended by without educationKeywords: risk taker, impaired driving performance, performance time on a task 
Publisher : Teknik Industri Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/iejst.v3i2.6703


PT mitra rekatama independent is a company that manufactures runs in the metal casting producing the spare parts for agricultural equipment based on orders from the customers.Some of the main problems that were visited associated with supplies of raw materials in the company is the raw material limited when the demand for products that are high and the price of raw materials. fluctuatesAssociated with the problems faced by the company then diperlukanlah a control system metal. supplies of raw materials. Economic order quantity ( EOQ ) is a methods used in control supplies raw materials by means of a request in foreseeing the future would turn up with several a method of divination .To determine a method of divination the best a check the accuracy forecasting use MAD ,MSE and MAPE minitab software with the tools .A method of divination multi decomposition is a method of what is best for the company .EOQ used to determine the quantity of reservations based on the results of forecasting , safety stock and reservations repeated raw materials. From the results of data processing these chareges in the future forming and discussion shows that of the a method of eoq produce the quantity the ticket selling is low as many as 58.585 kg / a message with the interval of a fifth 1 the ticket selling is low the ticket selling is low fed them indiana duckling mousseline order within one month ahead , safety stock 3.127 , and they would have to re the ticket selling is low at the time of reached an unprecedented level of 7.495 per kilogram which is to then made into raw materials .The total cost of a buildup in inventories can then made into raw materials metal as much as IDR 27.486.305,44 Keywords: Supplies, EOQ, Forecasting, Multi Decomposition
Publisher : Teknik Industri Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/iejst.v4i2.9483


Salah satu area kerja yang harus memperhatikan faktor lingkungan kerja adalah ruang produksi. Ruang produksi merupakan tempat seluruh kegiatan produksi berpusat dimana terdapat berbagai macam material, produk jadi, lalu lintas karyawan, pengemasan, dan kegiatan lainnya, seperti halnya terjadi pada ruang produksi wedang uwuh di Kampus Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa (UST). Pada saat proses pembuatan wedang uwuh, pekerja merasa tidak nyaman dan cepat lelah akibat dari kondisi ruang kerja yang pengap dan panas. Hal ini berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas dan efisiensi kerja pekerja. Menurut KEPMENKES RI No.1405/Menkes/SK/XI/2002 tentang Persyaratan Kesehatan Lingkungan Kerja Perkantoran dan Industri, bahwa suhu dan kelembaban yang memenuhi syarat lingkungan kerja industri berada pada suhu antara 18 oC-30oC dan kelembaban 65% - 95%.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengukuran suhu dan kelembaban pada ruang produksi wedang uwuh Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa (UST), menganalisis faktor kondisi lingkungan kerja fisik, dan memberikan solusi alternatifnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan bantuan alat psycrometer untuk mengukur suhu dan kelembaban pada 7 (tujuh) titik pengukuran yang tersebar di dalam ruang produksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 7 (tujuh) titik pengukuran, didapatkan 5 (lima) titik tidak memenuhi syarat suhu dan 7 (tujuh) titik tidak memenuhi syarat kelembaban yang disyaratkan oleh Pemerintah dalam KEPMENKES RI NOMOR 1405/MENKES/SK/XI/2002. Faktor kondisi lingkungan kerja pada ruang produksi wedang uwuh UST yang menyebabkan relatif tingginya suhu ruang serta tingkat kelembaban yang berada di luar standar adalah karena kurangnya ventilasi udara. Solusi alternatif yang dianjurkan diantaranya adalah: memasang ventilasi dan kipas angin pada area yang belum tersedia; memastikan ketersediaan air minum yang cukup bagi pekerja, menanam pohon/tumbuhan di luar lingkungan ruang produksi, dan memasang exhaust fan di ruang produksi. Sedangkan solusi untuk membantu mengembalikan kelembaban agar tetap berada pada batas yang disyaratkan pemerintah adalah dengan menggunakan alat humidifer pada ruang produksi wedang uwuh UST. Kata kunci: suhu dan kelembaban, lingkungan kerja fisik, proses produksi
Analisis Pengaruh Intensitas Pencahayaan terhadap Kelelahan Mata Mahasiswa Menggunakan Metode Regression Statistical Analysis dan Analisis Deskriptif Stefani Galuh Kristanti; Dian Tiara Rezalti
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/iejst.v6i1.12897


Lack of lighting intensity levels can harm students. The most significant impact is the occurrence of eye fatigue. Eye fatigue is a condition in which the eye muscles are overused. They are forced to work hard to see objects for a long time. This study aimed to determine the effect of lighting intensity on student eye fatigue, the level of eye fatigue in students when working on assignments, and the level of student performance when working on assignments at certain lighting levels. The research data was taken at the Integrated Laboratory of the Bachelorwiyata University Tamansiswa on May 24-25, 2022. In processing the data, the method used was Regression Statistical Analysis, a statistical method used to form a model or relationship between one or more independent variables X with a response variable. Y. The results showed that the intensity of lighting affected eye fatigue in students. In session 1 the results were Y=26.62+7.49X, in session 2 the results were Y=23.96+5.47X, and in session 3 the results were Y=26.65+4.17X. Lighting also affects student performance, as indicated by the average score in session 1 is 35.50, in session 2, the average value is 55.33, and session 3 shows an average score of 47.67.
Analisis Pengaruh Intensitas Kebisingan terhadap Kelelahan Kerja dan Kinerja Mahasiswa dengan Metode Regresi Linear dan Uji Korelasi (Studi Kasus di Laboratorium Teknik Industri Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa) Retno Widiastuti; Dian Tiara Rezalti; Dede Yulian
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/iejst.v6i1.13881


Work fatigue is a state of the body that has decreased performance. One of the causes of work fatigue is the condition of a noisy work environment. The high noise factor can cause work fatigue which affects the decrease in the level of concentration when doing work. The research objective was to determine the effect of noise intensity on work fatigue and student performance. The experiment was carried out on 30 students as respondents who were in the Industrial Engineering Laboratory of the Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa. Students are asked to work on Academic Potential Test questions in 3 different noise intensity variables which are divided into 3 sessions. The first session had a noise intensity of 63.3 dB, the second session 84.4 dB and the third session 91.6 dB. The data obtained were analyzed by Simple Linear Regression and Correlation Test. The results of the study stated that the variable effect of noise on work fatigue obtained a significance value of 0.021. The significance value of 0.021 is less than 0.05 which means that there is a significant effect of noise on student work fatigue. Then in the variable effect of noise on student performance, a significance value of 0.012 is obtained. The significance value of 0.012 is less than 0.05 which means that there is a significant effect of noise on student performance. For the correlation test, the Pearson correlation values were 0.999 and -1.000, which means that the strength of the relationship between the two variables has a perfect correlation.
A Review of Strategies for Managing Uncertainty in Crude Oil Prices by Indonesian Oil and Gas Companies and the Government Syamsul Ma'arif; Dyah Ari Susanti; Dian Tiara Rezalti; Aisyah Indah Irmaya; Lia Yunita; Dila Damayanti; Yunita Fitri Wahyuningtyas
Jurnal Offshore: Oil, Production Facilities and Renewable Energy Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Offshore: Oil, Production Facilities and Renewable Energy
Publisher : Proklamasi 45 University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30588/jo.v6i2.1449


The world oil and gas market has experienced uncertainty since 2014 until now. Fluctuating supply and demand, geopolitical tensions, and shifts in energy policies cause this. In addition, at the beginning of 2020, there was a prolonged pandemic, which made oil and gas conditions even more erratic. This uncertainty significantly impacts the Indonesian state, especially the Indonesian government and oil and gas companies operating in Indonesia. Various methods have been taken to mitigate the impact of this uncertainty, both by the government and oil and gas companies. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a literature review regarding the strategies undertaken by the Indonesian government and oil and gas companies in Indonesia to address the uncertainty in world oil prices since 2018. This research was conducted using the literature method. A review of scientific articles that have been published from 2018 to 2022. The selected articles follow the research objectives and comply with the inclusion and exclusion criteria set at the outset. Results of the literature process the review obtained as many as 67 articles that discussed various strategies carried out by the government and oil and gas companies. The discussion results show three strategies carried out by oil and gas companies in Indonesia: cutting costs, implementing digitalization, and diversifying into renewable energy projects. Meanwhile, the strategy undertaken by the Indonesian government includes providing fiscal incentives, investing in infrastructure that supports the oil and gas sector, deregulating the oil and gas sector, and encouraging the use of renewable energy as an alternative energy source. These various strategies aim to increase efficiency, reduce costs, diversify energy sources, and increase competitiveness in Indonesia's oil and gas sector to deal with the uncertainty of world oil prices.
Text Encryption Analysis of Modified Symmetric Keys using Genetic Algorithm on Caesar Cipher and One Time Pad Julia Kurniasih; Dian Tiara Rezalti
IJIE (Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): (IJIE) Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijie.v6i2.71434


The problem of data security is essential because data must be maintained securely and in its integrity, starting with the sending procedure and ending with the intended recipient. One way to maintain data security is to use cryptographic techniques, which use data encryption characteristics to transmit messages in secret (information encoding). Information can be encrypted using the Caesar Cipher and One Time Pad, symmetric key cryptographic algorithms. The key must be changed as a critical component of the cryptographic procedure to enhance the data or text's security. This study aims to analyse text encryption on the Caesar Cipher and One Time Pad (OTP) algorithms using a modified symmetric key by implementing a Genetic Algorithm, an optimisation algorithm. The research phase begins by adjusting the key using two types of Genetic Algorithm crossover operators, one-point crossover and two-point crossover, applied to the Caesar Cipher and OTP algorithms. Then testing and analysis of the ciphertext strength are carried out by comparing the frequency of character repetition with the results of implementing the two modification keys to determine which encoding model provides a better data security strength.