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Journal Innovation of Civil Engineering (JICE) Vol 4 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jice.v4i2.20587


Spatial planning analysis is a way to identify the location and area of a site based on spatial structure and spatial patterns. The research aims to discuss Spatial Analysis of Site Conservation in Banten Province: Case Study of Situ Kadupayung, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. The research method uses survey methods and uses Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis, as well as site area and contour analysis methods. The research results show that the area based on the KIB in Situ Kadupayung is 40,000 m². From the results of GPS RTK measurefments, it is known that the area of Situ Kadupayung is 34,462 m2 / 3.44 Ha. The difference between the measurement results and the goods inventory card (KIB) data at Situ Kadupayung is -5.538 m² / -0.55 Ha. There are 2 (two) factors that can cause large differences between Goods Inventory Card (KIB) data, namely 1) Internal Factors: Measurement techniques used (methods and tools); Errors in inputting measurement results data; 2) External Factors: Natural Factors, namely sedimentation, and Non-Natural Factors (Society). Keywords: Spatial Analysis; Conservation Situ; Banten Province
Analisis Perencanaan Tebal Lapis Perkerasan Kaku (Rigid Pavement) (Studi Kasus: Jalan Tanjakan Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor) Darmayuda, Trisna; Rulhendri, Rulhendri; Alimuddin, Alimuddin; Lutfi, Muhamad; Sudrajat, Endang
Jurnal Komposit: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Teknik Sipil Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/komposit.v8i1.8051


Tanjakan Dramaga road section is a means of land transportation that is devoted to access Pesantren, Tamansari, and Gunung Salak Tourism, which is currently experiencing damage at several points including damage to potholes due to overflow of water from drainage channels that are not functioning properly, asphalt that is damaged and peeling, and the loads of passing vehicles. To Improving the effectiveness and it is necessary to have an appropriate treatment that can overcome the damage to the road segment and so that the road can last a long time, this study Analyze of road stiffness using the standard AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) method, and geometric calculations of road conditions using the AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) standard and 2002 Bina Marga. The results of the analysis obtained thickness according to the conditions of nine tables AASHTO 1993 is 26 cm with longitudinal reinforcement D12-300 mm, transverse reinforcement D31-840 mm, Dowel or Tie bar used with a diameter of 12 mm, a length of 650 mm, and a distance of 300 mm and the geometric results of the road analysis are full circle. Keywords : AASHTO 1993, Rigid Pavement, Geometric Road
Analisis Tikungan Spiral-Spiral pada Tikungan Tapal Kuda Cianjur dengan Metode Jarak Pandang Henti Prayudyanto, Muhammad Nanang; Yasid, Viki Handika; Alimuddin, Alimuddin; Taqwa, Fadhila Muhammad Libasut; Sudrajat, Endang
Jurnal Komposit: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Teknik Sipil Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/komposit.v8i1.9824


A large number of bends in Cianjur Regency makes the Cianjur Regency area prone to traffic accidents, especially for heavily loaded vehicles, one of the corners that often occurs in cases of accidents on heavily loaded vehicles is the Tapal Kuda Cianjur bend. The problem with bend Tapal Kuda Cianjur is that the bend has a small radius so it makes the curve very sharp in uphill road conditions so it is very difficult for heavily loaded vehicles to pass corners and resulting in accidents on heavily loaded vehicles. The method used is a geometric analysis method to provide an overview of field conditions and stop visibility distance analysis which aims to determine the stopping visibility on the corner so that it is expected to meet the standards set by Bina Marga so that the view of the road users when passing a corner is not blocked. The results of the geometric analysis show that the bend is still feasible to accommodate traffic loads, the bend has a spiral-spiral shape with a value of Rc=30 m, Ts= 40,599 m, Es=9,152 m with a stop visibility value at the existing condition =17,300 m and does not comply with the provisions in the minimum stop visibility distance table. So it is necessary to improve the shape of the bend using a planned speed of 60 km / h, improvement of the shape of the bend is planned using the form of SCS and FC with values of Rc= 120 m and Rc=500 m and total arc SCS=196,878 m, FC=611,982 m with the value of the repair bend stop visibility distance repair bend both spiral-circle-spiral and full circle shapes of 82,117 m and in accordance with the provisions set by Bina Marga.
Pengaruh Pembangunan Kawasan Transit Oriented Development (TOD) di Stasiun Bogor Ditinjau dari Aspek Lalu Lintas Afif, Mochammad Tharikh; Murtejo, Tedy; Alimuddin, Alimuddin; Sudrajat, Endang
Jurnal Komposit: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Teknik Sipil Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024):
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/komposit.v8i2.15473


Kecamatan Bogor Tengah Merupakan salah satu kecamatan di Kota Bogor dengan luas Wilayah 8,39 km2 dengan 11 desa di dalamnya, dan dilintasi jalan utama Antar Provinsi yang menghubungkan Kota Bogor,dengan Kab. Bogor dan menjadi salah satu akses utama yang di lewati dari arah Jakarta maupun Cianjur dan Sukabumi, maka peningkatan pergerakan yang keluar masuk kawasan ini mempengaruhi kinerja ruas jalan hingga menimbulkan permasalahan.Dengan Adanya Wacana Pembangunan Kawasan Terpadu Transit atau TOD (Transit Oriented Development) di kawasan sekitar Stasiun Bogor dan kawasan penting di sekitarnya yang dimana arus lalu lintas ini harus di perhatikan dikarenakan potensi akan pergerakan dan mobilitas baik kendaraan pribadi,Umum,dan Pejalan kaki ini di perkirakan akan meningkat karena dibangunnya pusat pusat keramaian baru di kawasan ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar jumlah pergerakan serta bangkitan dan tarikan yang ditimbulkan Kawasan Stasiun Bogor Khususnya Kecamatan Bogor tengah yang menjadi basis penelitian ini dan diharapkan hasil dari penelitian ini dapat diaplikasikan dalam rencana arus lalu lintas yang akan diaplikasikan saat Proses Pembangunan Kawasan TOD dan sesudah proses pembangunan kawasan TOD ini berlangsung, studi seperti pusat pendidikan, perkantoran, rumah sakit, kawasan wisata dan pusat perbelanjaan/perdagangan. Survey traffic counting dilakukan di ruas-ruas jalan utama akses keluar dan masuknya kendaraan dari dan menuju stasiun Bogor yang kemudian diolah berdasarkan metode MKJI 2017. Selanjutnya menggunakan Trip Generation Manual dan menggambarkan besaran bangkitan dan tarikan dalam MAT, kemudian dimodelkan dalam Software SATURN sehingga didapat hasil penelitian yaitu Jumlah bangkitan pada kawasan pendidikan, kesehatan, penginapan, perkantoran, pusat perbelanjaan di Jalan sekitar Kawasan Stasiun Bogor yakni sebesar 36.441 trip/jam sedangkan untuk bangkitan di stasiun Bogor dan Paledang sendiri yakni sebesar 16.764 trip/jam. Sedangkan Jumlah Tarikan dari 15 Jalan di sekitar wilayah Stasiun Bogor & Stasiun Paledang pada saat Hari Kerja adalah 17.199 smp/jam dan saat Hari Libur 15.309 smp/jam. Kata kunci: Bangkitan dan tarikan, MAT, transportasi, TOD (Transit Oriented Development).