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Mindfull Eating To Increase Self Compassion Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II Ana Fitria Nusantara; Ainul Yaqin Salam
Jurnal Pengabdian Ilmu Kesehatan Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): November: Jurnal Pengabdian Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jpikes.v3i3.2776


Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that is currently growing rapidly in society. The main target of diabetes management is to prevent complications and maintain a good quality of life. To achieve this target, sufferers need sufficient knowledge about DM management so that they are motivated and do it in the right way. Diet management plays an important role in stabilizing blood glucose. Mindful eating is a diet method that involves enjoying food without coercion so that sufferers can appreciate themselves more and the impact can improve the quality of life. This community service are carried out to increase the knowledge and ability of diabetes sufferers in carrying out diet management at home. The activities ini community services are providing education and skills training on how to carry out diet management using the mainstream eating method. The results of community service activities, show that participants have good understanding and abilities, high enthusiasm, interest in participating with great focus, and a strong commitment to implementing them in everyday life.
Pengaruh Edukasi Emo-Demo Terhadap Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pasien Hipertensi Pada Peserta Prolanis Ita Rifa’atul Mahmuda; Roisah Roisah; Ainul Yaqin Salam
Jurnal Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Juli: Jurnal Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jrik.v3i2.1949


The problem of medication adherence in individuals with hypertension remains a challenge, even in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Emo demo education on adherence to taking medication in hypertensive patients enrolled in the Prolanis program at Puskesmas Sumbersari Lumajang. This study was conducted at Sumbersari Health Center in March 2023. This study used a quasi-experimental research design with a one group pre-post test design. The purposive sampling technique was chosen to select a sample of 50 respondents. This study used the MMAS-8-4 (Morisky Medication Adherence Scale) questionnaire as a measuring tool for medication adherence. Statistical tests using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. Before the emo-demo, most of the 22 (44%) respondents were at a low level of compliance. After emo-demo education, most of the respondents were in moderate compliance 33 (66%) and high compliance 14 (28%).  The results of bivariate analysis show that Emo demo education has a significant effect on drug compliance in hypertensive patients participating in Prolanis, with a p-value of 0.000 which is smaller than the predetermined level of significance of 0.05. The provision of Emo Demo in health education with a focus on the target group is expected to be facilitated by the puskesmas. Effective medication adherence among hypertensive patients can improve control of blood pressure and prevent complications of the disease.
Hubungan Efek Samping Obat Anti Tuberkulosis Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien TB Di Puskesmas Banyuglugur Situbondo Iwan Efendi; Alwin Widhiyanto; Ainul Yaqin Salam
DIAGNOSA: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan dan Keperawatan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): November : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan dan Keperawatan
Publisher : Lembaga Pengembangan Kinerja Dosen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/diagnosa-widyakarya.v1i4.1333


Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that is ranked 10th with the highest number of deaths. Side effects caused by Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) are often experienced by TB patients and result in physical disorders that reduce the quality of life of TB patients. This study aims to analyze the relationship between OAT side effects and the quality of life of TB patients at the Banyuglugur Community Health Center The research design in the study used a cross sectional approach. The population of this study was all TB patients in the Banyuglugur health center working area who underwent treatment for <6 months according to the inclusion criteria in January 2022 - May 2023, totaling 40 people using the Total Sampling sampling technique. Data were collected using a questionnaire on OAT side effects and quality of life. The analytical test used was the Spearman Rank test. The results of this study showed that the side effects of OAT in 27 TB patients (67.5%) were severe and the quality of life of 31 TB patients (77.5%) was poor. The results of the analysis show a p value of .001 (smaller than 0.05), so there is a significant linear relationship between the OAT side effect variable and the quality of life of TB patients at the Banyuglugur Community Health Center. This research shows that the side effects experienced by TB sufferers, both mild and severe, greatly affect the quality of life of TB patients. Health workers must always carry out routine monitoring of OAT side effects experienced by TB sufferers and treat them as soon as possible so that they do not affect the quality of life of TB patients in terms of physical, nutritional or psychological aspects in order to prevent them from dropping out of treatment.
Pengaruh Preoperatif Teaching Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Sectio Caesarea di RSUD Haryoto Lumajang Muhammad Hadi Suparto; Ainul Yaqin Salam; Roisah
Jurnal Berita Kesehatan Vol 16 No 1 (2023): JUNI 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Gunung Sari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58294/jbk.v16i1.114


Operasi sectio caesaria (SC) merupakan tindakan pembedahan yang akan menimbulkan kecemasan. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi kecemasa pasien yang akan dilakukan sectio caesarea adalah dengan pemberian preoperatif teaching secara lengkap dan benar sehingga pasien mendapatkan gambaran yang akan dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh Preoperatif teaching dengan tingkat kecemasan pasien SC di RSUD Haryoto Lumajang. Desain penelitian menggunakan pre eksperimental dengan rancangan penelitian one group pre-post test design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien yang akan dilakukan operasi sectio caesaria di RSUD Dr. Haryoto Lumajang. Teknik sampling menggunakan accidental sampling dan didapatkan sebanyak 30 responden. Tindakan Preoperatif teaching dilaukan dengan metode ceramah dan dilakukan sebanyak satu kali satu jam sebelum operasi SC. Kecemasan diukur menggunakan Hamilton Rating Scale For Anxiety (HRS - A). Pre-test dilakukan 1 jam sebelum operasi dan post-test diukur 30 menit setelah tindakan preoperatif teaching. Uji analisi yang digunakan menggunakan wilcoxon rank test. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa sebelum tindakan Preoperatif teaching tingkat kecemasan sedang sebanyak 16 (53,3%) responden dan kecemasan berat 13 (43,3%). Setelah tindakan Preoperatif teaching tingkat kecemasan sedang sebanyak 14 responden (46,7%) dan kecemasan berat 4 (13,3%). Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai (P<0,05) yaitu (p=0,000) yang berarti bahwa ada pengaruh preoperatif teaching dengan tingkat kecemasan pasien SC di RSUD Haryoto Lumajang. Preoperatif teaching efektif dalam mengurangi tingkat kecemasan pasien sebelum menjalani prosedur operasi sectio caesarea. Mengurangi tingkat kecemasan pasien sebelum operasi dapat memiliki manfaat yang signifikan, termasuk memperbaiki kepuasan pasien, mengurangi komplikasi perioperatif, dan mempercepat pemulihan pasien secara keseluruhan Kata kunci : Preoperative teaching, kecemasan, secto caesaria, ceramah.
MEDICAL JURNAL OF AL-QODIRI Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Edisi Maret
Publisher : Program Studi Keperawatan dan Kesehatan, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKES) Bhakti Al-Qodiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52264/jurnal_stikesalqodiri.v8i1.228


Pendahuluan: Anemia merupakan kondisi individu yang jumlah eritrosit atau kadar hemoglobinnya rendah sehingga tidak memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh sebaliknya Perilaku makan Ialah suatu aksi yang sanggup membangun hubungan individu serta makanan semacam kebiasaan makan serta perasaan yang muncul saat sedang makan, Aspek perilaku makan meliputi Emotional Eating, External Eating dan Restrained eating apa apabila seorang tidak sanggup melaksanakan control yang baik makan perihal ini bisa merangsang Anemia. riset ini bertujuan buat mengenali Jalinan Perilaku Makan Dengan peristiwa Anemia pada ibu hamil di Desa Kregegnan Kraksaan Probolinggo. Metode: Penelitian ini berjenis analitik korelasi dengan Sistemrancangan penelitian Crooss Sectional, Metode pengambilan sample adalah dengan menggunakan Acidental Sampling, sampel yang di ambil sebanyak 35 responden yaitu pasien ibu hamil yang pernah mengalami Anemia di desa kregenan Kraksaan Probolinggo, data diambil dengan menggunakan Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ). Hasil dan pembahasan: Hasil penelitian Menunjukan bahwa Hubungan Perilaku Makan di dapatkan data bahwa Perilaku makan Kurang sejumlah 17 responden (48,6%) sedangkan Kejadian Anemia pada ibu hamil di dapatkan data Anemia Ringan sejumlah 31 responden (88,6%) berdasarkan hasil penghitungan uji statistik Spearman Rank pada taraf signifikan p = 0,109 > α = 0,05. Sehingga bisa di simpulkan kalau tidak ada korelasi Perilaku makan dengan peristiwa Anemia pada Penderita di Desa Kregenan Kraksaan Probolinggo. Kesimpulan: Melihat hasil penenlitian tersebut makan perlu kiranya Tenaga kesehatan terus memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya perilaku makan yang baik dan di imbangi dengan pemenuhan gizi yang di perlukan oleh tubuh.
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Self Regulation Pada Remaja di MA Navi Mayyoulanda; Sunanto; Ainul Yaqin Salam
MEDICAL JURNAL OF AL-QODIRI Vol 8 No 2 (2023): Edisi Oktober
Publisher : Program Studi Keperawatan dan Kesehatan, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKES) Bhakti Al-Qodiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52264/jurnal_stikesalqodiri.v8i2.300


Masa remaja sering kali dikaitkan dengan periode kehidupan yang dipenuhi oleh kebahagiaan, kesenangan, kebebasan, dan seringkali diwarnai dengan eksperimen dalam mencoba hal-hal baru. Hal ini merupakan bukti dari lemahnya moral dan regulasi diri di kehidupan remaja yang semakin melemah. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan self regulation pada remaja di MA Miratul Ulum Desa Liprak Kulon Kecamatan Banyuanyar Kabupaten Probolinggo. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian analitik korelasional dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Penelitian ini di lakukan di Sekolah MA Mirqatul Ulum Desa Liprak Kulon Kecamatan Banyuanyar Kabupaten Probolinggo. Populasi penelitian sejumlah 56 responden. Teknik sampel yang di gunakan adalah Purposive Sampling dengan sampel sejumlah 49 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner dukungan keluarga dan kuesioner SRQ (Self Regulation Questionnaire). Analisa data yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan uji spearman rank. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan data dukungan keluarga sebagian besar adalah dukungan keluarga sedang yaitu 27 responden (55,1%). Dan self regulation sebagian besar adalah self regulation sedang yaitu 31 responden (63,3%). Hasil uji spearman rank dii dapatkan nilai p = 0,000< α=0,05. Hal ini menunjukkan ada Hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan self regulation pada remaja di harapkan responden meningkatkan dukungan yang baik dengan keluarga untuk meminimalisir terjadinya kenakanalan remaja.
Hubungan Antara Koping Stres Dengan Psychological Well-Being Pada Tahanan Pria Di Polres Probolinggo Riske Yunis Cloudia; Ainul Yaqin Salam; Nafolion Nur Rahmat
MEDICAL JURNAL OF AL-QODIRI Vol 9 No 1 (2024): Maret
Publisher : Program Studi Keperawatan dan Kesehatan, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKES) Bhakti Al-Qodiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52264/jurnal_stikesalqodiri.v9i1.335


Kehidupan didalam penjara membuat para tahanan dihadapkan dengan berbagai macam masalah psikologis yang menyebabkan stres. Masalah ini harus ditangani karena akan berpengaruh bagi kehidupan tahanan setelah keluar dari penjara. Studi ini memiliki tujuan guna mengkaji hubungan antara koping stres dengan psychological well being tahanan pria di Polres Probolinggo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode analitik koleratif melalui pendekatan cross sectional, dengan tujuannya guna mengungkapkan hubungan korelatif antar variabel. Data di analisis menggunakan SPSS for Windows dengan uji Spearman Rank. Tingkat psychological well being tahanan pria di Polres Probolinggo sedang sebanyak 2 orang (10%), dan tingkat psychological well-being rendah sebanyak 18 orang (90%). Tingkat stres tahanan pria di Polres Probolinggo sedang sebanyak 3 orang (15%) dan koping stres rendah sebanyak 17 orang (85%). Koping stress cenderung kearah emotion focused coping. Hasil studi ini menunjukan ada korelasi signifikan antara koping stres dengan psychological well being tahanan pria di Polres Probolinggo yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai rxy sebesar 0,225 dan nilai sig 0,017 < 0,05. Dari penelitian ini diharapkan responden penelitian mampu belajar menggunakan strategi koping guna mengoptimalkan psychological well being.
Analisis Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Tingkat Kadar Asam Urat Dian Faqih; Ainul Yaqin Salam; Grido Handoko Sriyono
JURNAL RISET RUMPUN ILMU KESEHATAN Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Oktober: Jurnal Riset Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Pusat riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jurrikes.v2i2.1749


There are a number of factors that can impact the value of uric acid levels, which can result in increased blood uric acid levels.This study aims to determine variables influencing uric acid levels. This research method used correlational analytic with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used total sampling of gout respondents with a total sample of 51 responents. The results of this study found that there was a relationship between all the factors stuied, both from diet, age, physical activity and BMI with p value ≥ 0.05, while the dominant factor releted to the level of uric acid levels is the dietary factor with p value = 0.000, a ≥ 0.05 and OR value = 30.664. It can be concluded that diet, age, physical activity and BMI can affect uric acid levels but the most dominan factor in creasing uric acid levels is diet, so that future researchers are expected to provide can examine dietary variables in gout patients and increase the number of samples so that the results of the study are maximized .
Pengaruh Discharge Planning Berbasis Keluarga Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Pasien Stroke : Literatur Review Eka Wati; Ainul Yaqin Salam; Grido Handoko Sriyono
JURNAL RISET RUMPUN ILMU KESEHATAN Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Oktober: Jurnal Riset Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Pusat riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jurrikes.v2i2.1750


Implementing family-based discharge planning, which relies on the participation of family members, can help stroke victims feel better. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of family-based discharge planning on the quality of life of stroke patients based on journal literature reviews. Methode uses systematic literature reviews of journals taken from research in 15 journals, which were discovered through screening results of a number of journals from Google Scholar, Cochrane, Science Direct, Pubmed, and Wile using the keywords "Discharge Planning" AND "Family" AND "Quality Of Life" AND "Stroke OR Post Stroke". Writing research journals from the 2017-2021 time frame and those that complied with inclusion and exclusion standards, in PICOTS format, both national and international journals. Results from 15 design journals used quasy experimental (33.5%), Systematic Review (13.4%), Randomized controlled (13.4%), Cross sectional survey (6.7%), Longitudinal Survey (6.7%), True Experimental (6.7%), Parallel group (13.4%), Retrospective Study (6.7%). Conclusion Discharge planning provides family caregiver education about stroke. The support of family members is very important in improving the patient's health by contributing to quality care and creating a pleasant atmosphere.
Efektifitas Knee Pain Exercise Dan Kompres Hangat Terhadap Nyeri Osteoarthritis Lutut Di Desa Mojolegi Kecamatan Gading Kabupaten Probolingg0 Era Sasmita; Ainul Yaqin Salam; Grido Handoko Sriyono
JURNAL RISET RUMPUN ILMU KESEHATAN Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Oktober: Jurnal Riset Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Pusat riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jurrikes.v2i2.1751


Osteoarthritis of the knee in the elderly can cause pain due to the degradation of joint cartilage in which the joint cartilage is damaged which is characterized by changes in the joint capsule and damage to the cartilage located at the bone joints. Knee Pain Exercise and warm compresses are two methods that can be used to manage knee osteoarthritis pain.. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of knee pain exercise and warm compresses on reducing knee osteoarthritis pain in the elderly. Using a purposive sampling technique, a sample of 40 respondents was drawn from the population of up to 125 people. A cross-over group design technique and a quasi-experimental approach were used in the research design. The instrument used was a Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) observation sheet. The normality of the data was tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The hypotheses were tested and analyzed using paired samples T test with p-value 0.000 on each variable which means that there is an effect of knee pain exercise and warm compresses on knee osteoarthritis pain. The effectiveness test used independent samples test and it was found that warm compresses had the smallest mean value (2.55), which means that warm compresses were more effective in reducing knee osteoarthritis pain than knee pain exercise. It is expected that the elderly who experience knee osteoarthritis pain do regular exercise which is a physical exercise to reduce knee osteoarthritis pain.