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Ice Breaking Creating Fun Learning Perspectives on Learning Psychology and Neuroscience at MI Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo Katni; Rois, Adib Khusnul; R, Vivanda Ariani; Arifin, Ja’far
Halaqa: Islamic Education Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/halaqa.v6i2.1620


This article discusses ice breaking in creating a fun learning perspective on neuroscience and learning psychology. This research is a field research on empirical experiences at the basic education level. The habit of using ice breaking at MI Muhamadiyah 1 Ponorogo has been going on for a long time, it has been held in all classes and at all levels, the results have a significant impact on improving the learning process and results. This article explains the various types of ice breaking that are used, that from a neuroscience perspective, ice breaking makes students' brains fresh, so that the brain will concentrate and will easily absorb information in the learning process. While in the perspective of learning psychology, ice breaking in the learning process will make students not feel bored in learning, can increase learning motivation and make students active and creative in the learning process. A conducive and pleasant climate makes everything that students learn easier and more fun for students.
Pendampingan Pembentukan Karakter Peduli Lingkungan bagi Pelajar Melalui Pengelolaan Sampah Rido, Rido Kurnianto; Nurul, Nurul Iman; Katni
Ngabekti: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Ngabekti: Edisi Juni 2024
Publisher : STAI Ma'had Aly Al-Hikam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32478/cdasp425


Abstract The indifferent attitude of elementary school age children towards the surrounding environment due to their tendency to play gadgets and online games requires efforts to cultivate environmentally caring characters by utilizing waste management programs from an economic and educational perspective. This program aims to overcome the problems of target partners, namely: diverting non-productive activities into positive and productive activities by honing children's sensitivity to the surrounding environment; as well as increasing the work ethic and enthusiasm for learning of 30 children who are members of the waste soldiers. The method used in this program is empowering the target community through intensive assistance in the form of work ethic development and tutoring through study houses and literacy corners. Work ethic development is carried out through instilling the values ​​of discipline and a culture of hard work through class explanations and socialization. Meanwhile, increasing the target partner's enthusiasm for learning is carried out through guidance and additional lessons at home. Coaching and learning activities are guided by coaching and learning modules that have been previously designed by the service team. Keywords: Character, Environment, Garbage, Early Age. Abstrak Sikap acuh anak usia sekolah dasar terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya yang disebabkan kecenderungan bermain gadget dan game online memerlukan usaha dalam penanaman karakter peduli lingkungan dengan memanfaatkan program pengelolaan sampah perspektif ekonomi dan edukasi. Program ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi permasalahan mitra sasaran, yakni: mengalihkan kegiatan non produktif menjadi kegiatan positif dan produktif dengan mengasah sensitifitas anak terhadap lingkungan sekitar; serta meningkatkan etos kerja dan semangat belajar 30 anak yang tergabung dalam prajurit sampah. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam program ini adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat sasaran melalui pendampingan intensif dalam bentuk pembinaan etos kerja dan bimbingan belajar melalui rumah belajar serta pojok literasi. Pembinaan etos kerja dilakukan melalui penanaman nilai-nilai disiplin dan budaya kerja keras melalui penjelasan dan sosialisasi kelas. Sedangkan peningkatan semangat belajar mitra sasaran dilakukan melalui bimbingan dan tambahan pelajaran di rumah belajar yang dikondisikan. Kegiatan pembinaan dan pembelajaran dipandu dengan modul pembinaan dan pembelajaran yang telah didesain sebelumnya oleh tim pengabdian. Kata Kunci: Karakter, Lingkungan, Sampah, Usia dini.
JBI : Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Juni
Publisher : CV. Kalimasada Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/jbi.v2i1.1036


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis aspek struktural dan psikologi cerpen Kompas “Dua Wajah Ibu” Karya Guntur Alam tahun 2012, juga pendidikan akhlak. Konsep dalam psikologi menggunakan teori sastra yaitu psikoanalisis Sigmun Freud. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah library research. Objek kajian berupa teks cerpen Kompas yang berjudul “Dua Wajah Ibu” karya Guntur Alam tahun 2012. Temuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) aspek struktural meliputi a) penokohan yang menggunakan teknik analitik dan dramatik, b) alur yang digunakan adalah konvensional, c) latarnya meliputi latar tempat yaitu Tanah Abang, rumah kontrakan, sumur pompa air, rumah berdinding batu setengah triplek, kontrakan Kurti dan terminal Bus Kampung Rambutan, sedangkan latar waktu pada petang, subuh, siang dan malam serta hari-hari setelahnya, d) sudut pandang yang digunakan adalah sudut pandang orang ketiga “perempuan tua”.2) Aspek psikologi struktur kepribadian dalam cerpen tersebut terdiri dari tiga unsur yaitu id, ego dan super ego. Ketiga unsur ini sangat memengaruhi akhlak manusia.. 3) Cerpen tersebut menyajikan Pelakonan  dan Peniruan yang sarat dengan nilai akhlak  yang diperlukan dalam pendidikan akhlak manusia sehingga cerpen atau karya sastra dapat dijadikan media efektif dalam pendidikan akhlak untuk semua usia.
Pengaruh Kemampuan Menghafal al-Qur’anTerhadap Konsentrasi Belajar Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 6 Ponorogo Choirunnisa, Rizky; Katni; Laksana, Sigit Dwi
Jurnal Pendidikan Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan Nusantara (January-April)
Publisher : Tahta Media Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55080/jpn.v1i1.4


Education is important for human existence because it broadens intellectual and spiritual perspectives. Education is very important not only for physical growth and development or human body, but also for spiritual growth and development. Education must start from a young age, because it can be used as a way of life until one reaches old age. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the students' ability to memorize the Qur'an at MI Muhammadiyah 6 Ponorogo on students' learning concentration. The research method used is quantitative, with a population of 96 students and a sample of 30 students who apply the memorization of the Qur'an. Data collection is done by using the technique of distributing questionnaires and documentation. The data were then analyzed using Descriptive Statistics and Prerequisite Analysis. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence between the ability to memorize the Qur'an and the learning concentration of grade IV, V and VI students at MI Muhammadiyah 6 Ponorogo. This can be seen from the constant value of 16.987 and the regression coefficient value of the memorization ability of 0.755. With the regression equation, namely Y = 16.987 + 0.755X, it is known that the coefficient of determination of 34.6% is determined by the ability to memorize the Qur'an.