Jamaluddin, Jamaluddin
Faculty Of Education And Teacher Training UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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Reflective Vol 4 (2013)
Publisher : Reflective

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This research was based on the philosophy of Total Quality Management at university using the theory of quality management, and the concept of Service Quality. It was a qualitative inquiry which took two universities in Jambi, namely The Jambi State University and the State Institute for Islamic Studies considering their quality management systems. The study revealed that the quality management of both universities services was not optimum yet, particularly the students’ satisfaction. Those were indicated by these factors. First, planning was not based on the market research and environment scanning. Second, quality assurance department tend to be bureaucratic, low coordination, inconsistency between the blueprints and application, and incompetence human resources. Third, the implementation of academic services was not good yet in all aspects such as service quality, particularly due to delivery, emphaty, and reliability. Meanwhile, the evaluation of service quality management did not emphasize on corrective and preventive actions. I found out some critical inhibitor factors of the service quality management on these two universities; (1)’culture’ including disorganized habits, formalistic, and instant; (2) mindset of the management and academic staff ; (3) inconsistency and materialism mental attitude; (4) instructions rather than communication, (5) and lack of quality control system. The students’ academic satisfaction were inlfluenced by two factors; (1) the students perception on core service; (2) the students-teacher intraction. The implication of the study as follows.(1) Lower management should be involved in formulating strategic planning. (2) The lecturers should be empowered through some training to change their working culture, as well as mindset and mental attitude. (3) The academic content should be up dated based on customers’ need as well as sains and technology. (4) Evaluation and monitoring should be followed by corrective and preventive action.Keywords: quality management, academic services, university, Jambi.
Al-Fikrah: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakutlas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN STS Jambi

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Salah satu fanomena pendidikan di Indonesia dewasa ini adalah kecenderungan lepasnya tanggung jawab masyarakat terhadap pendidikan dan tercerabutknya lembaga pendidikan dari akar sosialnya-kemasyarakatannya. Fenomena lain semakin menjamurnya sekolah-sekolah elit yang melibatkan peran masyarakat dengan model barunya. Indonesia, sejatinya memiliki model pendidikan indegenous yaitu pesantren. Model lembaga pendidikan ini lahir dari, oleh, dan untuk masyarakat. Dalam prosesnya menjadi menjadi lembaga pendidikan yang bermakna dalam proses rekayasa sosial (social enginering), ada tiga dimensi ciri khas yang dimiliki pesantren, yaitu; dimensi kultural, edukatif, dan sosial. Ketiga dimensi ini menjadikan pesantren sebagai tipikal pendidikan berbasis masyarakat yang memiliki kekhasan dan membedakannya dari model lembaga pendidikan lainnya.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, masyarakat, pesantren.
Al-Fikrah: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakutlas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN STS Jambi

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Perlindungan personil (personnel security) merupakan salah satu fungsi dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia yang bertujuan melindungi karyawan dari tindakan sepihak yang dapat menurunkan produktifitas. Perlindungan yang diberikan kepada personil dapat berupa jabatan, jaminan keuangan masa pensiun, perlindungan dari perlakuan yang sewenang-wenang, serta perlindungan dari kebebasan akademik. Sistem sekolah dapat mengembangkan tujuan-tujuan, rencana-rencana, kontrol-kontrol untuk memprakarsai, memepertahankan, mengembangkan proses jaminan personil Kata Kunci: Perlindungan personil, produktifitas, sistem sekolah.
Al-Fikrah: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol 3 (2012)
Publisher : Fakutlas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN STS Jambi

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Tradisi keilmuan Islam pernah mencapai mencapai masa keemasan selama tujuh abad, namun tradisi tersebut hingga hari ini belum juga hadir kembali dalam khazanah keilmuan Islam, khususnya di Indonesia sebagai pemeluk Islam terbesar. Problem fundamentalnya diantaranya adalah disorientasi makna filosofi Iqra, symptom dikotomi, menipisnya semangat meneliti, orientasi pragamatis, dan mindset pembelajaran (orientasi hafalan). Mengembalikan kejayaan Islam guna menuju peradaban baru memerlukan pembenahan yang bersifat mendasar, mulai dari mentradisikan kembali filosofi iqra, menumbuhkan semangat rihlah ilmiah dan semangat meneliti, integrasi ilmu, dan pembenahan mindset metode pengajaran. Vitalisasi khazanah tersebut adalah pilihan sejarah bagi masyarakat Islam, khususnya di Indonesia guna mewujudkan Indonesia sebagai pusat kebangkitan Islam. Kata Kunci: Islam, Tradisi Keilmuan, Peradaban Baru.
Journal of Research in English Language Teaching Vol 5 (2014)
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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Abstract Recently, many people able to use more than one language in communication with people around them. Code switching is one of the embodiment of this fact. An English teacher is expected to be able use English when he teach in classroom, but some An English teacher recognized that they sometimes use Indonesian in classroom with some benefits of it. The purpose of this study is to find out types and function of code switching, to identify factors influencing code switching, and to know how the using of code switching spoken by English teacher of Modern Islamic Boarding School Al-Hidayah Jambi. The researcher used descriptive qualitative approach as method for analyzing the data. The researcher collected the data by recording, interview and observation. The types of code switching were observed by researcher only focus on the grammatical aspects. As the result, researcher found that teacher used three types of code switching in classroom. Next, functions of code switching that found by researcher were ten functions Then, teacher recognized that there were some factors influencing code switching. Key words : Code switching, English teacher, Islamis Boarding School
The directive speech acts used in english speaking class Muhammad Khatib Bayanuddin; Jamaluddin Jamaluddin; Hilma Suryani
IJER (Indonesian Journal of Educational Research) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.266 KB) | DOI: 10.30631/ijer.v1i2.16


This research discusses about an analysis of the directive speech acts used in english speaking class at the third semester of english speaking class of english study program of IAIN STS Jambi. The aims of this research are to describe the types of directive speech acts and politeness strategies that found in English speaking class. This research used descriptive qualitative method. This method used to describe clearly about the types and politeness strategies of directive speech acts based on the data in English speaking class. The result showed that in English speaking class that there are some types and politeness strategies of directive speech acts, such as: requestives, questions, requirements, prohibitives, permissives, and advisores as types, as well as on-record indirect strategies (prediction statement, strong obligation statement, possibility statement, weaker obligation statement, volitional statement), direct strategies (imperative, performative), and nonsentential strategies as politeness strategies. The achievement of this research are hoped can be additional knowledge about linguistics study, especially in directive speech acts and can be developed for future researches. Key words: directive speech acts, types, politeness strategies.
The Male and Female Students' Language Performance In Ritelling Story Suryani Safitri; Jamaluddin Jamaluddin; Tartila Tartila
IJER (Indonesian Journal of Educational Research) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2017): Volume 2 No 1 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (979.265 KB) | DOI: 10.30631/ijer.v2i1.30


Abstract This research discusses about an analysis of male and female students’ English performance in retelling story at eleventh grade at Islamic boarding school An-Nur Jambi. The aim of this research is to describe the English performance shown by the eleventh grade students (male and female) as a reference for the English teachers to enhance the students’ English story telling ability for both male and female students. This research used descriptive qualitative method. This method was used to describe the problem under discussion thoroughly. The students language performance in this research was assessd based on speaking proficiency description checklist modified from Adam and Frith. The result showed that in all aspects of speaking performance in story telling such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension towards the story, female students had higher score than male students. Keywords: Language performance, retelling story, Islamic Boarding School
Desain Sekolah Model: Studi Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Jamaluddin Jamaluddin; Sopiah Sopiah
IJER (Indonesian Journal of Educational Research) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (77.265 KB) | DOI: 10.30631/ijer.v2i2.47


Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses implementasi penjaminan mutu dengan program sekolah model serta faktor-faktor dominan yang menyertainya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan desain penelitian studi kasus. Latar penelitian ini adalah Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan (LPMP) Provinsi Jambi. Peneliti menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam, pengamatan peran serta, dan studi dokumen guna menggali informasi dari informan kunci dan informan lainnya, serta kondisi ril lapangan. Data yang terkumpul selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknis analisis data mengalir. Sementara itu untuk meningkatkan keabsahan data dilakukan trianggulasi sumber dan metode, perpanjangan keikutsertaan, pemeriksaan sejawat, dan member cek. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa proses pelaksanaan pelatihan Program Pengembangan Sekolah Model meliputi tahapan sosialisasi dan koordinasi, pengusulan calon sekolah model dan sekolah imbas, penetapan sekolah model dan sekolah imbas, penyiapan dan seleksi Fasilitator Daerah (FASDA). Sedangkan tahapan pelaksanan meliputi pelatihan, implementasi, pendampingan, pengimbasan, monitoring dan evaluasi, dan diseminasi. Kendala yang dialami pada pelaksanaan program pengembangan sekolah model yaitu faktor penghambat berupa dukungan dari pemeritah daerah berupa anggaran dan kinerja pengawas. Kata Kunci: Sekolah Model, Penjaminan Mutu, Kebijakan Pendidikan Abstract [The Design of Model Schools: a Study of Quality Assurance In Education]. This study aims at describing the process of implementation of quality assurance system with model school program and its dominant factors. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach by meant of case study research design. The social setting of this research is the Quality Assurance Institution (LPMP) of Jambi Province. The informant consists of the Head of the Institution (key informant), the stuff, and the head of the School. To collect data researcher employed in-depth interview, participant observation, and study document techniques. The data collected then analyzed by employing flow model analysis. Meanwhile, to improve the validity of the data, the researcher used triangulation of resources and methods, an extension of participation, peer checks, and member checks. The results of the study found that the process of preparing for development of school model consists of socialization and coordination, nomination, selection of school, and selection of district facilitator. The implementation of the program covered the following steps, they are training, assistance, scanning, monitoring and evaluation, and dissemination. The constraints of the Program include local government support and supervisory performance. Key words: Model school program, quality assurance, educational policy