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Standarisasi Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirsak (Annona muricata Linn.) Asal Daerah Gowa dan Takalar Amin, Asni; Rasyid, Faradiba Abdul; Syarif, Rezki Amriati; A.M, Sinta Faradilla; Saputri, Dicka; Sukmawati, Sukmawati
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacy (JECP) Vol 4, No 1 (2024): February 2024
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52365/jecp.v4i1.972


Tumbuhan sirsak (Annona muricata Linn.) memiliki aktivitas sebagai antikanker dan antiinflamasi. Bahan baku ekstrak daun sirsak yang akan dikembangkan menjadi obat modern Indonesia asli harus terstandardisasi untuk menjaga mutu ekstrak yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh tempat tumbuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan standarisasi ekstrak daun sirsak asal daerah Gowa dan Takalar. Masing-masing ekstrak daun sirsak dilakukan standarisasi dengan parameter spesifik dan non spesifik. Hasil penelitian diperoleh data untuk pengujian parameter spesifik berupa uji organoleptik ekstrak yaitu bentuk kental, warna coklat kehitaman, dan berbau khas. Kadar senyawa larut air dan etanol  sebesar 7, 560% dan 13,94%untuk Gowa, sedangkan Takalar sebesar 6,64% dan 10,1%. Hasil uji parameter non spesifik untuk daerah Gowa dan Takalar sebagai berikut, susut pengeringan 0,289% dan 0,293%, bobot jenis 0,814 g/mL dan 0,818 g/mL, kadar air 4,488% dan 7,436%, kadar abu total 4,467% dan 6,560%, kadar abu tidak larut asam 0,499% dan 0,248%, cemaran mikroba < 1,0 x 101 koloni/g, cemaran logam berat cadmium < 0,0001 µg/g,  cemaran logam timbal sebesar 0,0390 µg/g dan < 0,0471 μg/g, residu pestisida < 0,001 mg/kg. Penelitian ini menunjukkan ekstrak daun sirsak asal daerah Gowa dapat digunakan menjadi sumber bahan baku daun sirsak.Annona muricata Linn. has anticancer and anti-inflammatory activity. The raw material for soursop leaf extract, which will be developed into authentic modern Indonesian medicine, must be standardized to maintain the quality of the extract, which can be influenced by the place of growth. This research aims to standardize soursop leaf extract from the Gowa and Takalar areas. Each soursop leaf extract was standardized with specific and non-specific parameters. The results of the research obtained data for testing specific parameters in the form of an organoleptic test of the extract, namely thick form, blackish brown color, and distinctive smell. The levels of water-soluble compounds and ethanol were 7,560% and 13.94% for Gowa, while for Takalar they were 6.64% and 10.1%. The results of non-specific parameter tests for the Gowa and Takalar areas are as follows: drying loss 0.289% and 0.293%, specific gravity 0.814 g/mL and 0.818 g/mL, water content 4.488% and 7.436%, total ash content 4.467% and 6.560%, acid insoluble ash content 0.499% and 0.248%, microbial contamination < 1.0 x 101 colonies/g, heavy metal cadmium contamination < 0.0001 µg/g, lead metal contamination 0.0390 µg/g and < 0.0471 μg/g, pesticide residue < 0.001 mg/kg. This research shows that soursop leaf extract from the Gowa area can be used as a source of raw material for soursop leaves.